
Believer in the power of open-source & community-driven innovation.

Former AS20621 NetOp that loves FreeBSD & illumos. Currently mostly in DevOps & developing (Python, Rust). Contributes to & . Evaluating and production usage of hardware/software.

* - A free VM hosting service to provide some value back to the community.
* - A static blog generator in manpage design.
* QualvoSec - A security patch management tool.

Harshad Sharma »

Whoa, didn't expect 2.5 admins would be talking about noise pollution, but thanks to cryptocurrency, here we are!

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Hey Harshad,
haven't seen you for a while! Trust, everything is fine so far?


Harshad Sharma »

@gyptazy hey! Yes, my instance was down and I've been caught up with farm work, sorry!

Robert Sander »

Heute scheint mir ein guter Tag zu sein, um Werbung für meinen -Vortrag auf der zu machen.

d4gli boosted

Robert Sander »

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Hey Robert, das klingt interessant - ich werde mal rumkommen und mich dazusetzen :)
Vielleicht auch dabei interessant ( -, um ebenfalls ein wenig Werbung zu machen ;)


Robert Sander »

@gyptazy Ich werd's mir mal anschauen und ggfs in den Vortrag einbauen.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » cool - das wäre mega, falls du fragen hast, meld dich einfach :)

Robert Sander »

@gyptazy Berücksichtigt ProxLB HA-Gruppen, bei denen VMs nicht auf allen Hosts laufen dürfen?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » du kannst solche Konstellationen mit ProxLB auf Basis der Tags entsprechen erstellen, siehe auch:

Das gleiche gilt auch für das Gegenteil, sodass du auch Gruppen erstellen kannst, wo VMs zusammen auf einen Hypervisor gelegt werden sollen, oder eben auch gänzlich ignoriert werden sollen.


Robert Sander »

@gyptazy Jetzt hat aber Proxmox schon für Hochverfügbarkeit die Gruppen für VMs. Wenn jetzt ProxLB daherkommt und VMs aus diesen Gruppen auf Hosts verschiebt, wo sie gar nicht laufen sollen, wird der Proxmox-HA-Dienst sie wieder zurückschieben.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » Das ist soweit korrekt, die sollten idealerweise aligned werden.

Allerdings hat Proxmox eigenes HA eben nur sehr rudimentäre Möglichkeiten, als auch das es sich nicht für jedes Setup eignet oder gar nutzbar wäre. Das fängt mit Bugs an, die nicht in ältere Versionen gebackported werden an, aber auch dass man ggf. gar nicht für jede VM HA feature nutzen möchte, aber dennoch die Nodes vernünftig ausbalancieren möchte.

Aber das ist vermutlich eine gute Idee als ein Feature die Gruppen zu alignen.

11 ★ 11 ↺

gyptazy »

gyptazy boosted

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.

Past releases:

No description
gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »


Doerk »

@stefano Seems quite tricky after a first glance. Would be great if these things would work out of the box, but that’s wishful thinking….


Stefano Marinelli »

@doerk Not tricky. Just follow a basic installation and change one word in a source file.
It used to work out the box before Playwright got into this. It can't work out of the box because Playwright (by Microsoft) doesn't support FreeBSD.


Doerk »

@stefano I got it. I meant with „tricky“ that it simply is not a straightforward installation. It’s not BSDs fault and I am quite sure that MS will not support FreeBSD in the near future.

Paul Wilde »

@stefano interesting. I don't even know what Playright is... some sort of testing library? Possibly not required for runtime.
But maybe - have you had any experiences of lost functionality yet? (Maybe too early)


Stefano Marinelli »

@paul I've been using this "hack" for more than one year, and didn't experience any lost functionality. I think it's more related to web page testing (testing components of a webpage, etc), and I don't do that.

Juan Camós »

@stefano yep... That was also the way I did and it sure worked.... I like tricking kuma 😋

Lars Engels »

There's also a Bastille template for uptime kuma:
Easy to use, but with your Blog entry it also very straight forward.


Stefano Marinelli »

@lme is it still working with the recent playwright change?


Lars Engels »

I tried it maybe 6 weeks ago and it worked for me. I don't know if anything has changed since then.

Stefano Marinelli »

Relaxing weekend with minimal computer and smartphone use.
This recharge gives me the energy and enthusiasm to start a great week ahead.

6 ★ 1 ↺

gyptazy » it’s important to have such days and to calm down. The next week will probably already be very stressful again. Enjoy the relaxing time


Amber » There's a reason most tech people have hobbies outside of tech. I know you like photography, any other favorite past times? Sometimes I find myself doing things like cable management at work because physically interacting with the cables takes my mind off of things and lets me relax from the more complex problems. I know some of my friends are into things like knitting, crocheting and other more physical/hands on hobbies.


Tionisla »


@puppygirlhornypost @stefano I guess that's true for most jobs. Though I Love working with kids and teenagers and people in my job, in my spare time I find anything with large numbers of people like fairs, entertainment parks or festivals always a burden.

Stefano Marinelli »

@puppygirlhornypost Yes, I also like hobbies that require some physical stuff. In the past I was more into gardening and cooking. I also like long walks, some mechanical works, playing piano. Having hobbies outside the tech world is a necessity, for me, so I can relax my mind and get back to tech with more energy 🙂

🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣ »

Y a qui en 2024 comme hébergeur décent et sans procédure d'inscription casse-bonbon¹ pour une VM Debian, avec bien accès ssh root ?

Pendant un instant j'ai cru que Zaclys était une option envigeable…

Mais ils considèrent que « c'est une offre pro » du coup ils voient pas le problème a ne pas permettre un prévelement mensuel mais uniquement un gros paiement unique… 🤕

1. Genre lien de confirmation qui ne fonctionne pas que dans sa version HTML,avec juste le FQDN dans la version plaintext…


Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

@devnull "bien" je sais pas mais OVH, ça te va pas? Sinon, j’ai un VPS chez Hetzner ; c’est un OpenBSD mais ça sera équivalent pour une Debian.


🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣ »

@joel J'ai regardé SCaleway, j'ai pas commander de VPS… j'ai une eurreur « quota dépassé »… J'ai pas le temps de chercher, compte supprimé et j'ai testé Hertzner… Mais je ne vois aucune option lors de la création du domaine pour masquer les infos à caractères personnel du whois… Pourtant le .fr est sensé le permettre…

Mes adresses email et postale et mon numéro de tel exposés aux 4 vents, ça va juste pas être possible :/


Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

@devnull euh... mais tu parles de 2 trucs différents là. Je ne vois pas bien le rapport entre un accès root à une VM et les informations whois d'un nom de domaine.

Ceci étant, j'ai aussi un nom de domaine chez Hetzner et les infos personnelles sont cachées par défaut.


🐧DaveNull🐧 ☣️pResident Evil☣ »

@joel Moi non plus je vous le rapport… 🤔

J'ai jamais dit qu'il y avait un rapport avec l'accès root…J'ai nul part parlé root dans le message précédent… Donc je « confond » pas. Je parle de création du NdD sur l'interface konsoleH…

Je m'attendais à ce que ce quoi clairement indiqué que c'est masqué, ou de voir une option… Je lis sur reddit que Hetzner ne le permet pas. Mais c'est pas exclus que la personne qui dit ça se trompe, que ce soit un tld qui le permet ou que l'info n'est pas à jour…

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Not sure if I fully understood the French part right, but maybe might be a look worth. They also offer great and cheap VMs with additional services - from nerds for nerds I would say ;)

Dickenhobelix »

Hot Take: wenn Autoren an den großen Dramen unserer Zeit arbeiten, müssen sie für Inspiration nur mal mit der DB reisen und mitschreiben. Da ist alles dabei. Krieg, Hass, Verzweiflung, Eifersucht, Intrige, und wenn man endlich aussteigen kann auch die positiven Emotionen...

gyptazy boosted

BoxyBSD »

Awesome news! is now an official sponsor of @BoxyBSD

@nerdscavehosting provides you great services like , and dedicated servers but also managed services.

Get 50% off on all vserver & webhosting products:
summer24 is now an official sponsor of the BoxyBSD project.
2 ★ 2 ↺
Tech Cyborg boosted

gyptazy »

I'm happy to see that people sharing the same mindset and like the idea behind . With additional nodes that are being provided by, they're helping the project out to provide more free virtual machines to more people in the community to provide them real systems to learn on, for being educated and for projects. Since I'm unable to scale that large with the needed resources, thanks to Moritz from Nerdscave Hosting for his support!

vermaden boosted

Nerdscave Hosting »

Thank you for the shoutout, we like to support projects that enable people to learn and experiment.
Thank you for offering this service 😀


vermaden »

@nerdscavehosting @BoxyBSD

Great to see that cooperation.

Thanks for hepling such a nice and valuable project such as @BoxyBSD :)

6 ★ 3 ↺

gyptazy »

I think I have completed my schedule.

Maybe we see each other in one of the talks. I'll also share some and stickers, as well as the sheets from Happy to see you all again!

gyptazy boosted

Not Evander Sinque »


JustDude 🍋 »

@FiLiS Maybe @stefano can help out with help of the user base of the BSD cafe?


Stefano Marinelli »

@justdude @FiLiS boosted - let's see the replies

Louis »

@FiLiS there is a Debian user group un Libourne with only me...


Not Evander Sinque »

@louis hehe. Can I interest you in some ? :)


Louis »

@FiLiS No way !

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

@FiLiS have you settled there already?


Not Evander Sinque »

@joel not quite yet. Still waiting for feedback from DSDEN. Getting that next week, I hope.


Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

@FiLiS okay. ‘Crossing fingers too! 🍀

tTh »

@FiLiS : Bordeaux Association of Free Software Users

tuxmain »

@FiLiS I've been told the few Linux or free software groups in Bordeaux (ABUL, Giroll) are not so active anymore. There is a monthly meetup at Aquilenet which is an independent ISP using free software.

Simaj »

@FiLiS @tuxmain
@giroll est toujours là le jeudi soir, mais plutôt Debian, Ubuntu que BSD, par contre il y a de l'utilisateur BSD @Aquilenet je crois.
Il existe aussi Unbee sur Mérignac ( , l'Abul ( et @bureaulibretic à Cénac toujours pour de l'usage GNU/Linux mais pas BSD. Je pense que je n'ai oublié personne :D

Tionisla boosted

qount25 »

Greetings and salutations, folks. You can see my background in my bio here. I've worked as a regular engineer, team-lead and, later, CTO (which meant I had to do everything: from hiring people to devops).

I hated React since before it even became a thing, which is why I've written my own JS framework which plays well with server-side rendering, yet is capable of producing SPA when one needs it (which is almost never, if you're honest with yourself).

Feel free to ask me relevant questions with which you think I'll be able to help you.

I was off social networks for years (I even stayed away from watching YouTube or any videos online for a while), so it might be hard for me to post things often. felt like the right community to at least try, so I hope it'll be a good place to start over.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » hey and welcome :)

Francesco P Lovergine »

@qount25 You should definitively use an appropriate hashtag # introduction for this post, else you're profile will be hidden to the mass. And possibly many others to enlarge your possible base of interested people. I merely saw it because of boost by @stefano

Tara 🌷 »

@qount25 Welcome on board 🤗

Tionisla »


@qount25 Ahoi, welcome aboard!👍

6 ★ 5 ↺
Elias Probst boosted

gyptazy »

As requested on Reddit - for now also supports . You can define:

* vm
* ct
* all

Keep in mind that containers can't be live migrated!

gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

🎊 Happy Birthday, BSD Cafe! 🎂

It's been exactly one year since I decided to announce my idea to the world: the BSD Cafe.

The name was chosen in December 2022, but the project had been in my mind for quite some time. I envisioned a virtual space of serenity, well-being, constructiveness, and inclusivity.
A place where we are all FOR something (the BSDs, exchanging ideas, growth, community, mutual support), not AGAINST something – a sentiment far too common in today's polarized world.

And on 20 July 2023, almost impulsively, I launched the project, migrating my account from my previous private Mastodon instance and announcing it on Mastodon and Twitter.

I never imagined what would happen next.

The reception was incredible – many people joined, numerous registrations, and a lot of encouragement. The BSD Cafe has become a wonderful virtual place. Every time I open Mastodon (I use the PWA on my phone, not an app), or Element, or one of the BSD Cafe tools, I think of something good, constructive, and beautiful.

The BSD community is fantastic – people who are mentally and technologically mature and balanced, eager to exchange ideas and opinions, ready to teach and learn something new every day. Minds thirsty for knowledge.

I believe we have an extraordinary passion and that open source allows us to do everything without significant financial outlays. And this, in my opinion, is truly democratic and revolutionary in this stark world.

My contribution aims to be precisely this: a place where all patrons, BSD users or not, can feel relaxed and fulfilled. There's a table for everyone at the BSD Cafe, and many friends ready to spend quality time together.

After exactly one year, I can draw some conclusions.
Managing the BSD Cafe has not been complex. Users are always ready to advise and test, and their behaviour is generally very good. Occasionally, I receive some reports – some exaggerated, others I try to understand and resolve. In a year, I had to, reluctantly, remove only two users. One in the very early days: they had an exclusively negative attitude – even against me – and we risked being defederated by many instances I care about. Fortunately, the admin friends at gave me an overview, and I understood the situation well. The second user I had to remove was...a bot. So I feel at peace with my conscience.

Throughout this year, many friends have joined, and now the BSD Cafe hosts many people and projects. The Mastodon instance, Matrix, Brew (git), the RSS readers and other services are fully active and used daily by hundreds of users. The BSD Pub Meeting, managed by @gyptazy and now part of the BSD Cafe menu, has also allowed us to talk and see each other in a relaxed context.
Like friends at the Pub.
Like friends in a Cafe.

So, happy birthday, BSD Cafe!

Happy birthday to users, friends, and supporters. I hope the BSD Cafe has brought even a fraction of the joy, well-being, and positivity to you all that it has brought to me in this past year. And all this is thanks to you all because a Cafe without people is a sad and lonely place.

Here is a link to the original project announcement, exactly one year ago:

17 ★ 7 ↺

gyptazy »

Long post [SENSITIVE CONTENT]Happy Birthday, BSD Cafe! 🎂

Seeing your idea flourish into such a vibrant and supportive community is amazing. The positive atmosphere and mutual respect here are remarkable. It’s clear your hard work and vision have paid off.

You got me directly attracted last year on Twitter when I started with social medias and we shared exactly the same mindset - not only about related content but also about how a community around should look like. You got me back more into the community and into community related services and . I took the opportunity to create a service like for the BSD community, which provides free (, , , , for the community to learn, practice or to build their projects. Not everyone can afford own systems to learn in real setups and here we come back to the community mindset - which I honestly took over from you by providing us all your great services!

Getting in touch with all the members of the it was clear that we need something like a meeting - so we got the , where we can meet, discuss and share knowledge. I feel like home here in the BSDCafe and I can only recommend everyone who's interested into BSD to join.

Wishing you many more successful years ahead. Thank you for everything!


Stefano Marinelli »


@gyptazy Thank you! Your help and effort have been fundamental to the BSD Cafe.

fosdembsd »


@gyptazy @stefano 🎂


Stefano Marinelli »


@fosdembsd @gyptazy 🥳

vermaden boosted

Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 »

@stefano @gyptazy it reminds me of the old quote, "Linux is for people who hate Windows; BSD is for people who love Unix."


unruhe »

@ben @stefano @gyptazy never heard before, but I like It! 🙂

EnigmaRotor »

@stefano @gyptazy happy birthday ! 🎉🎂

May I politely ask for an exception to the « not AGAINST » rule, to deal with the « systemd » topic ? [ oh wait… I might already have posted my deepest interest in criticizing this dawn thing, with a specific & creative wording ]. 😄


Stefano Marinelli »

@EnigmaRotor @gyptazy Let's put it this way: we're not against systemd, but many of us aren't in favor of using it 😆


Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 »

@stefano @EnigmaRotor @gyptazy good luck using systemd on BSD 😄


EnigmaRotor »

@ben @stefano @gyptazy who would have such a terrible idea?


Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 »

@EnigmaRotor @stefano @gyptazy maybe Debian GNU/kFreeBSD; Google is telling me that the project was only just officially cancelled last year

EnigmaRotor »

@ben @stefano @gyptazy I’m really in favor of experimental computing but I truly don’t want this beast to become alive. It’s already made of dead parts sewn together with expectation to serve the coffee, cleaning up the dishes and optionally starting some processes. Don’t put any energy in this corpse.

Tim L boosted

Raven »

@stefano @gyptazy Happy birthday, BSD Cafe 😃🥳 And thank you Stefano for creating and hosting it

May the BSD Cafe exists for a long time!

Tim L boosted

Tara 🌷 »

@stefano thanks for creating and for your effort into it.

Thanks for giving us enthusiasts a home and a safe space where we can meet. A place where we don't need to feel like competitors, but instead, somewhere like a Pub or cafe, where we meet like friends. A true sense of community.

Thanks for creating this mastodon instance, that has become a virtual home for some of us.



Doerk »

@stefano @gyptazy congrats! It took some time until I found this special place, but it seems very inviting to me. Thanks for creating this pleasant space

Tim L boosted

Sourcerer »

@stefano Happy birthday! 🎉 🎂

It's hard to express gratitude through internet. Thank You for work, and making space for many people. I want to say Thank You also for everybody who are there, who make this place more alive.

I still remember November and invitation from people here.

I was lucky finding all of You, because i needed place where i could be myself (within reasonable limits).

I hope many more people from FreeBSD community jump here.
BSD Cafe imho have chance to be first "one social space" to exchange information, knowledge, or simply to talk.
Not everyone relax by talking about tech over and over again.

Forums are great, but forum is not social media. I have account on FreeBSD forum, but very often i just skip login in and simply check few things and move on.

Long live BSD Cafe! Thank You!


मोक्ष »

@stefano @gyptazy let's go, one year of awesomeness

I got much more interested in FreeBSD because of

Thank you @stefano and thank you @gyptazy for boxybsd.


Parke 🌽🐬 »

@stefano @gyptazy congrats on the growth. I just recently discovered y'all browsing through some BSD related searches. Glad to have done so!


Juan Camós »

I just want to say happy birthday and thank you for this amazing community! Short story: I was browsing on twitter (already fed up with the way it was functioning) and I saw someone talking about several things that made me jump off the chair --> BSD community in Mastodon. This was a guy I have never heard about (sorry, but this is true 😅), inviting people to join this alternative place... There was no turn around and I'm happy to be here almost from the beginning

I found a lot of interesting people, a nice non-toxic environment and some really nice things like NO ADS!!! 😂😂😂

@stefano thank you for everything you've done so far, and thank you everyone involved that makes this place like a second home 😉



Stefano Marinelli »

@jcamos thank you!!! Glad that this random guy on Twitter didn't disappoint you 😉


Not Evander Sinque »

@stefano @gyptazy happy birthday and thank you for creating this. May there be many birthdays to come! 🥳🍰


cuddle »

@stefano congratulations! Thank you for your work on bsd cafe! To this date, it's been one year since I joined here as well.

I wish you a pleasant day.


Stefano Marinelli »

@cuddle thank you! And thank you for being here since day one.

Juno »

@stefano Congrats to BSD Cafe and thank you for putting in the work to keep it running! It adds up to provide a lot of value for everyone.


vermaden »

@stefano @gyptazy

Thank You for making (and keeping up alive) such a great BSD oriented initiative!


Tionisla »


@stefano @gyptazy

Happy birthday BSDcafe and a really big thank you to you, Stefano, making it possible.


unruhe »

@stefano @gyptazy great time with all of you BSD people 🙂

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

- Providing free VMs is not always fun. It went well for months but there's always someone abusing it.

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy »

sounds perfect! Thanks! I'll ask you some details regarding the setup later... mostly dedicated nics etc.

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy » So currently, I'm thinking about replacing my stage setup with XCP-NG but it would require me to rewrite all my automation around it.

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy » You're absolutely right and I have no issues the way how it works or is running... For me, it was more that I didn't compile it on my own and just used the ready to use installer from the website on the nodes web interface which is very easy, but also intransparent for the things that are happening under the hood. But I had a look at the sources and I'm fine now :)

0 ★ 0 ↺
in reply to »

gyptazy » sounds interesting and the first tests make me want to switch over with my personal setups. It reminds me much more to esxi setups. But first, I'll give it some more extended tries.

5 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

( or - what do you prefer?

XCP-NG looks more enterprise alike and also works pretty well. Live migrations with shared NFS datastore works without any issues. But setting up feels somehow... Anyone using XCP-NG in production?

0 ★ 0 ↺
in reply to »

gyptazy » Not before, but looks very interesting! A talk about this would be really appreciated!

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

now also offers two modes:

* Used Resources: Rebalances VMs for the optimal resource usage by their currently used resources for efficiency

* Assigned Resources: Rebalances VMs by their max. assigned resources to guarantee the resources (avoid overprovisioning)

0 ★ 0 ↺
in reply to »

gyptazy » oh, sure! That would be awesome - I can send you BoxyBSD and gyptazy ones in exchange :)

12 ★ 5 ↺

gyptazy »

Today, we had a nice user group meeting in person! Time to share stickers :) It was great, thanks for joining! Happy to see you next time again!

jhx »


If you want to see the netmask in decimal, just issue the following command on the desired network interface:

$ ifconfig -f inet:dotted igb0

Lars Engels »

Yesterday we released NomadBSD 141R-20240711 based on FreeBSD 14.1.

Changes since 140R-20240126

- The base system has been changed to FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p2.
- A hard link creation bug concerning unionfs has been fixed.
- A calculation bug which led to an overfull UFS root partition has been fixed.
- The fusefs module has been changed to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) timeout errors on unionfs.
- The NomadBSD tools have been ported from Qt5 to Qt6.
- Several small improvements and bugfixes.

Get it from here:

The download page is not updated, yet. It should list the new release very soon.

The download page now lists the release.

NomadBSD's logo, a faceless, stylized Nomad in front of a sand dune.

Stefano Marinelli »

@lme Great! Thank you, NomadBSD is a fantastic project!

Zeki Çatav 🤔 ☕ 🕯️🎶 »

@lme Hello,
I am currently using a 14.0 zfs installed on my laptop. What is the most suitable method for upgrading 14.1?
Thanks for you and for your team.

intro »

Thanks 👍

jhx »

Gotta grab the new image! 😉

Lars Engels boosted

aCiReP »

@lme wow this is impressive. Just tried (ZFS version) on a latest Tuxedo Infinity Book 14 and it all works except the sound. Will dig a bit further but I'm quite impressed with the first 20 minutes.

Was able to scale display, install additional software, encrypt home directory and connect to WiFi. All without any hiccups! ❤️

Big thanks to NomadBSD team, you are amazing!


Lars Engels »

If you don't have an exotic soundcard it should be supported by FreeBSD / NomadBSD.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask us.


aCiReP »

@lme what is this for a black magic??? Multiple monitors detected and configured with couple of clicks, love this!


Lars Engels »

You need to ask @mrclksr, he is the black magician behind of the most things in. NomadBSD. 😜

Stefano Marinelli »

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Ich konnte nicht anders, aber ich hab bei den aktuellen Deals zugeschlagen und für Zuhause ein wenig Homelab Zeugs gekauft. Empfehlungen für einen günstigen 2,5Gbit (mind. 8Port) Switch auf Amazon? 10G kostet mir aktuell zu viel Strom... Ich denke mit 384G Memory im Homelab sollte ich erstmal auskommen....

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy » you mean something like my presentation in the BSDCafe/BSDPub about BoxyBSD or fully related to bhyve only ;)?

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Sounds good to me! I follow them now, so I can pick up FiLis and LME and can come over :)

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gyptazy » are there more information regarding this meetup? Is it close to Venlo / Roermond? Maybe I could join the next time :)?

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gyptazy »

Next big feature of - an own API interface providing you json information about current and upcoming placements and also providing you the best node for new VM placements. This boosts up your automated VM creations with or

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Also new:
* Dry-run (show what actions would be performed for rebalancing - as a table cli output)
* JSON output (in addition to dry-run return a parsable JSON of the rebalance action; can also be used in real run for further parsing or CMDB updates)

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gyptazy »

Including running a full OS…. Not much!

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy »

New features for 1.0.0 (already in head):
* Group VMs together to be relocated as a unit
* Invert grouping (avoid VMs to be relocated on same node)
* Ignore VMs (by tag or wildcard support)
* Container/Docker support
* Balanciness

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gyptazy » Ach, dann ist die turbolenteste Zeit bald geschafft :)

Danke, bei mir ist auch alles gut :)

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gyptazy » nope, but I honestly also wouldn’t run it that way.

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy »

Have you ever seen this Rebalancing option in No? It’s time to have a look at

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy » hehe, ok. Hoffe dir geht’s gut soweit :)

0 ★ 0 ↺
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gyptazy » thanks :) hope it helps. Currently I’m writing on the PR for creating DRS alike groups where VMs can be paired and will only be rebalanced together as a unit

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gyptazy » happy to hear :)

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gyptazy » danke dir :) btw, ewig nichts mehr von dir gehört (leider)

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gyptazy »

Finally added the blog post about . A loadbalancer but different! Rebalance your VM workloads across nodes in your cluster!

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gyptazy » awesome! Thanks :)

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟴 (Valuable News - 2024/07/08) available.

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vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟴 (Valuable News - 2024/07/08) available.

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Stefano Marinelli »

Introducing tory - by @jutty

tori is a configuration management and system replication tool being rewritten with portability and idempotency in mind.

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » definitely depends on your focus…

Storage -> zfs
Net/firewall -> pf
„Container“ -> Jails
Virtualization -> bhyve

For testing on BSD based systems maybe also a look worth: @BoxyBSD (

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gyptazy »

- A loadbalancer for clusters, but different!

(Re)Balance VM workloads across nodes in Proxmox clusters! I wrote this for my project in the past and thought this could be helpful.


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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » Sure, docs are more or less ready, let me create some ready to use packages for deb/rpm.

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gyptazy » not yet, was more a question in general.

Let me write the docs and create pkgs, I’ll push it next week:

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gyptazy »

Are here any interests in a

Wrote one for BoxyBSD that uses the proxmox api of a cluster to rebalance VMs across all nodes within a cluster for a better resource and vm workload distribution.

Nodes and VMs can be filtered (e.g. you have special nodes (like NVMe-oF, PCI passthrough, cpu pinning,…) or VMs that make use of this of have some special configurations that should not be moved.

Rebalancing can be done by memory, storage (makes only sense on local storage) or CPU usage.
The rebalancing tries to balance all nodes in a most equal way.

Stefano Marinelli »

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gyptazy »

Yep, there’ll be one asap. You can also DM me and I can already provide your the current hacky state

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gyptazy » unfortunately only little

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » I guess you heard about any of them like open Indiana, tribblix, OmniOS… :)

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gyptazy »

Ok, finally! Here wo go: on via .

Here, we have a basic image running which will be soon shared as a raw image (including instructions how to run it w/o patched and also trying to provide a image.

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gyptazy » if you don’t need notifications:
- Pinafore ()
- Phanpy (

I use the web clients, saves as webapp for easy access

Stefano Marinelli »

Excited to announce the release of NotiMail 1.0!

📧 NotiMail now includes:

* Log rotation based on size or time for efficient log management.
* Thread-safe email processing for seamless multi-account handling.
* Enhanced configuration validation to ensure smooth operations.
* Continued support for multiple push providers including Apprise, NTFY, Gotify, and Pushover.

Upgrade now and experience extended battery life, swift notifications, and reduced data consumption.

Check out the full changelog and installation guide on our GitHub!

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟭 (Valuable News - 2024/07/01) available.

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vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟭 (Valuable News - 2024/07/01) available.

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Stefano Marinelli »

Enhancing FreeBSD Stability With ZFS Pool Checkpoints

Discover how to enhance the stability of your FreeBSD system using ZFS pool checkpoints, providing robust backup and recovery solutions.

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gyptazy »

It’s somehow unbelievable again - we’re just starting into the second half of the year while the first one just ended up that quickly.

Let’s continue to create great projects & code and contribute back to the community! Happy Have fun!

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gyptazy »

is only content encoded or everything?

sed 's/<[^>]*>//g' could help to get rid of the html tags.

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gyptazy » sounds like I should take deeper tests again on illumos next to providing it on BoxyBSD

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gyptazy » thanks, happy to see some up2date states. I saw some papers of Oleg from cbsd/ClonOS which looked pretty good so far. However, nothing for stable right now.

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gyptazy »

1. Yep and it’s every customer's first question when we talk about virtualization solutions and turns directly in a no-go. I’d really like to place FreeBSD based systems more often at customer's environments.

2. That often depends on the customer and his setups. But many of them did the way and also moved directly into the fully containerized world.

3. No, you do not need. You just need to ensure that you use the function set of the oldest system.

4. Sure, but that a special corner cases. We have the same with any other similar things like CPU pinning, SR-IOV…

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gyptazy » yes and no. I made a AWX implementation for orchestration a few month ago. Currently I’m asking is we want to integrate this into his project. So, the underlying code base could be used which gets orchestrated by Freedive.

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » ok, that’s exactly how I do it right now. But I do to want to turn off the machine. Kernel, network states need also be synced

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gyptazy » Thanks. Unfortunately, it represents my current understanding - not really usable/working right now?

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gyptazy »

Does anyone here have some more details regarding live migrations with Your setup (shared storage, local ZFS,…) and how you perform this (tools [e.g. , manually)… just a short high level overview is enough.

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » I think turning your hobby into a well paid job is the best thing you can do! And we know how we open-source guys love doing our job with so much precision!

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gyptazy »

Don’t love, I cut them out and put them to my stamp collection :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

I just got some mail - I mean real mail - with stickers!

I love getting such mails! Thanks a lot for shipping them &!

PS: Just have a look at the stamp ❤️

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gyptazy »
Yeah that was a thing many people were complaining about the “Facebook external hit” crawler - especially it revisits every day and also fully downloads all binary artifacts which consumes a lot of bandwidth and on dynamic websites cpu and mem.

This was especially funny on mirrors and cdn archieves.

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » I can clearly understand what you mean. It also live more slims lightweight solutions, that was also why I created qualvosec and manpageblog. It should just do its designated job - nothing more

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gyptazy »
Awesome! Happy to see it flying :)

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Thomas Adam »

@BoxyBSD @gyptazy

Well, here it is... thanks to use of synchronised-panes, this is gameoftrees -portable compiling on {Free,Net,Open}BSD.

This is going to be very helpful!

A terminal window, black background, running tmux.  The terminal is split into three sections.  White text shows compilation output from compiling gameoftrees.
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gyptazy » Barbaraviertel oder Erftal?

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gyptazy » while I really like it, the resources are a bummer to me. My nodes tend to have 64-128g mem per node. It would be different when having 1,5TB memory. But in business scope this doesn’t matter

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gyptazy »

someone else also mentioned this around that time, but my external monitorings were all happy... pretty interesting.

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gyptazy »

Thanks! So it might be a look worth - the only thing is the needed resources for each node...

Stefano Marinelli »

A modern, minimal, flexible, and easy-to-expand FreeBSD Jail manager built with love by experienced users for both neophytes and experts.

I tested it in the past, and liked it. Testing it again now and I like it. No databases, just the jail's dataset and a single .conf file to migrate or backup a jail.

Thank you, @antranigv

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Written by - thank you very much!

BoxyBSD »

is now sponsoring: Freedive

is a beginner/hobbyist/tinkerer friendly, mobile-first web interface to run FreeBSD as a personal/public server.


vermaden »

New 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗕𝗦𝗗 𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗮 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗜𝗣𝗔/𝗜𝗗𝗠 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵 (FreeBSD Samba Share with FreeIPA/IDM Auth) article on blog.

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vermaden »

New 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗕𝗦𝗗 𝗦𝗮𝗺𝗯𝗮 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗜𝗣𝗔/𝗜𝗗𝗠 𝗔𝘂𝘁𝗵 (FreeBSD Samba Share with FreeIPA/IDM Auth) article on blog.

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gyptazy »

Hey Thomas,

thanks a lot and happy to hear that it helps you and the open-source projects :)

People spending their spare-time and efforts into building and sharing valuable software should not be limited by missing resources. Depending on the needs, even small projects can easily cost too much money for the required hardware and everything behind it - just to keep it running.

Have fun and keep up the great work that you guys are doing! Thank YOU ALL

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Thomas Adam »

@BoxyBSD @stsp @gyptazy My thanks to @gyptazy for going out of his way to help. I can’t stress enough just how friendly and informative he’s been as we’ve been provisioning these machines.

This will really help out, as I plan on having a manual CI system in place to compile changes across the three core BSDs ({Free,Net,Open}BSD).

Currently we’re relying on the infrastructure CirrusCI provides. This is still excellent, but it has been in contention of late with how much we’re able to use those servers. is going to help massively here.

I plan on writing up the process of how I’m going to use these machines.

Thanks again, @gyptazy

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gyptazy »

I created a PR for this including your attached files from the issue and set you as "sponsored by" - hope this is fine for you:

BoxyBSD »

is now sponsoring the open-source project: Game of Trees

(Got) is a version control system which prioritizes ease of use and simplicity over flexibility and mainly targeting users.


CC: @thomasadam @stsp @gyptazy

BoxyBSD »

Dashanan »

Let us do zpool administration on .
This is Part-I and Part-II will be share as soon as possible.

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gyptazy »

Well done! I love your overviews! They’re technical and an eye catcher at the same time and always attracting people! Well done!

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gyptazy » yeah I also saw that and modified some of them in the English version. Maybe redoing them is better.

Longer text is also something what I encountered in the German translation, curios how it will look like rendered :)

Thanks for your work and efforts :)

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gyptazy » oh, that's cool! Awesome! Very appreciated! Thanks!

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gyptazy » wooooohooooo! Congratulations!!! Happy to hear that :)

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gyptazy » yeah that definitely sucks and makes the overall process much more complex

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gyptazy » sounds like we could have something like this in recoded sessions of users who want to speak about it within a dedicated session with reason why people switched.


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Tionisla »


@gyptazy sums it up better than I could have said it😀

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gyptazy »

Yeah, it’s something where I started, lost out of my sight and came back into touch with again when hitting @stefano@mastodon.bsd.came and directly felt home again.

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gyptazy » Arbeitest du im Ratshaus? Das Foto dürfte aus der ersten Etage sein?

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gyptazy » not that easy to share 😏

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gyptazy » It's time to have some more relax- & me-time :)

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gyptazy »

Usually I post about things that follow a minimalistic approach - do only what is needed.

However, currently I'm playing around with some completely different things like - running with , and . I spawned a three node cluster just in minutes and could use live migrations.

Multi tenant solutions are a bit more tricky and the integration is not that easy as expected and took additional 30 minutes. Currently, I like the approach of and also the more modern one which feels more like infrastructure as a code. I'm aware that this might not fit all scenarios and use cases and it's just having a look aside of the typical solutions. But it looks pretty promising and interesting.

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gyptazy » it is definitely worth it :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » thank you :) happy to present it in a call soon

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gyptazy »


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