
Believer in the power of open-source & community-driven innovation.

Former AS20621 NetOp that loves FreeBSD & illumos. Currently mostly in DevOps & developing (Python, Rust). Contributes to & . Evaluating and production usage of hardware/software.

* - A free VM hosting service to provide some value back to the community.
* - A static blog generator in manpage design.
* QualvoSec - A security patch management tool.
gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

gyptazy boosted

JP Mens »

6 ★ 2 ↺

gyptazy »

Thank you! Very happy to hear and it is running on my which is of course and can found here:

malevolent dictator for life »

guy unsure what button to press. there is listed:


radhitya 🇵🇸🇮🇩 »

I just bought from Indonesia VPS Provider with the following specs:

  • 1 GB of RAM
  • 1 vcpu
  • 10 GB NVMe SSD

If you have similar VPS, how can you tune performance and harden the server?

3 ★ 1 ↺
d4gli boosted

gyptazy » I'd use UFS instead of ZFS unless you really have a reason for using ZFS (like snapshotting or send/receive functions). Next to it, for additional security you may set the following in the sysctl.conf:


Beside this, running services in jails and keeping software up to update. All of this is already a pretty good way. You may also want to check pf (firewall) since your system is probably directly reachable from the internet. So, scrubbing the traffic and firewalling may also be an improvement.


parvXtl »

@gyptazy @al1r4d
In case of UFS …
- make sure to be familiar with “rescue” & what to do when, say due to sudden shutdown, the file system corrupts;

- (& also of ZFS) could have -backed whole-disk —whatever that means in case of a VPS — encryption.

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » fair enough, guess encryption is an important part - especially on a VM.

radhitya 🇵🇸🇮🇩 »

@parvXtl @gyptazy I try to understand, thank you 🫡

15 ★ 12 ↺

gyptazy »

A small How To! How to monitor SSL certificates for their expiration date in with and the exporter. It's easy to do in , and .


Fabian »

@gyptazy The second config file is also called blackbox.yaml? 🤔 Typo?

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » thanks, will fix it later :)

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » Hoi Fabian,
nu is tip top - merssi!

Shawn Webb »

This is precisely why my own cadence has drastically slowed when working on . Things take time. Can be really hard to juggle.

No description
1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »
Only a few hours per week to start with but approaching a full
time (unpaid!) job at the end.

It’s excactly this


Shawn Webb »

@gyptazy For me, funding is part of the problem. My dog's walking schedule doesn't really care about funding. I still have a conflict of needing to be in multiple places at once, regardless of funding.

10 ★ 3 ↺
d4gli boosted

gyptazy »

I finally ditched and shifted everything to . Also including SSL certificate checks etc. Only a single system to maintain anymore…


juzam »

@gyptazy are the certificate checks done via blackbox exporter? Do you have by chance the json of this dashboard somewhere? :)

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » yes, right! It’s via Blackbox exporter. You can find the dashboard here:


juzam »

@gyptazy thank you!

4 ★ 2 ↺
juzam boosted

gyptazy »


d4gli »

@gyptazy @juzam Thanks for sharing this!

juzam »

@gyptazy Thank you, I already had the blackbox part in place but I was looking for a better dashboard :)

gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends of and the ,

The second presentation from , hosted by @gyptazy, is now available on our BSD Cafe YouTube channel.

Join me as I delve into the infrastructure of BSD Cafe and share techniques on managing its backups. This talk was part of the BSD Pub Meeting held on 23/05/2024.

Watch the presentation here:

🔗 Learn more about setting up and backing up the BSD Cafe:
🔗 Discover more about the BSD Pub Weekly Meetings:
🔗 More about the BSD Cafe:

Stay tuned for more insightful talks and presentations!


R. L. Dane »

Anyone got shell accounts to an OpenBSD server I can get an invite to? (Not privileged or anything/teensy quota is fine)

Just wanted to have a shell account I can learn on. I do have an OpenBSD machine at home, but my PineBook is realistically Linux-only. OpenBSD *will* run, but the framebuffer doesn't work (yet?), so I think it's just "hope xenodm works, otherwise debug with a serial cable" ;)

P.S. I think I was looking in the wrong place. There is a list here:

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » I can provide you a whole VM (see also Just DM me in Matrix


R. L. Dane »


Awesome, thank you! I've requested an account on, but I will keep you in mind. <3

Dane Henson »

@RL_Dane oh no. You mean I can just get shell access and other things on these communities for free? This sounds like too much fun. Down the rabbit hole I go…


R. L. Dane »


LOL!!! Yaaay! Here's me, contributing to the delinquent delight of a major awesome dude! lol
-> (this one looks good!)


Dane Henson »

@RL_Dane while also killing any productivity I might have had for the next few days!😂


R. L. Dane »


Oh, just fyi, there's gemini:// for shell accounts. :D

gyptazy boosted

Alfonso Siciliano »

Jay 🚩 boosted

Arosano@hachyderm »

@alfonsosiciliano although my handle is “arosano” I wouldn’t know. Aros is in Denmark. But I use and :)

gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends of and the , some of the presentations at , hosted by @gyptazy are noteworthy and many of you who couldn't attend might be interested in watching them.

We have therefore decided to create a channel for BSD Cafe (currently on YouTube, but I have other ideas more aligned with the OpenSource spirit of the Fediverse) where the most requested and interesting talks will be published.

The first video is the presentation of Freedive, a mobile-first web interface to run FreeBSD as a personal/public server. Developed and presented by Harshad - @harshad - it allows you to manage FreeBSD server or jail services directly from a mobile device—a dream come true for all of us who often find ourselves typing commands on the tiny keyboards of today's smartphones.

I highly recommend everyone to watch Harshad's presentation here:

In the coming days, I will also publish my presentation on the basic infrastructure of BSD Cafe and the management of its backups.

Stay tuned!


Juan Camós »

@stefano @gyptazy @harshad
I'm smiling 🙂 thank you for this!

Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

It’s been an epic yak shave of a day. A crash on macOS 11/x86-64 was reported. OK, I usually use my old MBP 2015 for testing/debugging with that platform.
Got the MBP out for the first time after returning from travel. Uh oh, bottom case felt kind of bulge-y. Unscrewing the cover confirmed my fears: the batteries had expanded.
OK, that MBP is considered obsolete by Apple and service providers, check iFixit: yup, they have a guide and sell you the replacement too.

Open MacBook Pro 13” 2015 laptop lying upside down on a wooden board, showing internal components including bulging batteries, cooling fan, and circuit boards. SSD has been removed, and a few connectors have been disconnected.

Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

First priority is discharging and then safely removing the batteries and disposing of them. Discharging is easy, the Mac still boots.
Batteries are of course glued in (ugh). iFixit recommends acetone (eep) or warming up the batteries to soften the adhesive. They want to sell you their warming pad, but I don’t want to wait, plus I’ve got gel ice packs at home, surely those will work?

An open laptop with an exposed motherboard and a swollen battery, with a blue gel pack on top of half the batteries.An open laptop with a blue gel pack on top of the remaining central two battery packs, the outer batteries already having been pried loose with plastic cards, including an (expired) ÖBB/Austrian Federal Railways discount card which can just be seen peeking out from under a battery.

Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

It did work, sort of. Getting the batteries out this way took me absolute ages, about an hour? Maybe acetone would have been faster. Eventually though - success. The grotty old baking tray was my makeshift fireproof receptacle in case things went wrong. 😅

The removed battery assembly, consisting of six swollen lithium-ion batteries on a scuffed metallic surface.The open MacBook, internal components visible. Most notably, the batteries have been removed entirely, revealing the underside of the trackpad, as well as the bare metal of the palm rests either side.

Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

The MBP still boots without its battery, but it’s very slow even by the standard of 9-year-old Intel laptop CPUs. I guess the power delivery mechanism from mains isn’t designed for wildly fluctuating power draw, so the battery makes up the slack in normal operation. Without the battery, the CPU/GPU is throttled to minimise fluctuation.


Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

Anyway, it’s good enough for me to test and debug that crash, and I’ve now ordered a replacement battery from iFixit as well. Installing that SHOULD be a lot faster than extracting the old ones from their glued-in position.
I’ll take the damaged parts down to the recycling centre later this week, until then they’re on that baking tray, in a fully tiled room in our basement with no fire hazards or flammable materials nearby.


Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

(We actually also have a security camera watching that room as it’s the one where the flood water entered the building when we got flooded last summer. We have installed extra defenses, but it’s hard to know if they’re actually working, hence the early warning system. In any case, I’ll get an instant alarm on my phone if anything moves down there - and that should include spontaneous lithium battery combustion.)

Thomas Perl »

@pmdj Good luck with the replacement one. Bought one (also for a 2015 MBP, 13“ in my case) from iFixIt a few years ago, but it quickly lost capacity, and started bulging a little bit. Not the same as original parts (which unfortunately aren’t available anymore). Let me know if your replacement works well after a few months of use, maybe I just got a dud and should try another one.


Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

@thp Good to know, thanks! My usage pattern (occasional use, rarely on battery) is probably not ideal either, but I guess for the €80 inc vat it still beats buying a used Mac Mini for the same purpose. (Testing/debugging on old HW/OS.)

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » without battery it sends a "PROCHOT" - for whatever reason Apple decided this way. There are patches that will stop it to run as regular


Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

@gyptazy I can live with it for a few days, there are too many other annoyances as well to not have a battery in it long term.

Miguel Arroz »

@pmdj Kind of weird that all cells expand simultaneously. Not sure if I should consider that good (consistency in manufacturing) or bad (they all suck by design and nobody fixed the design).


Phil Dennis-Jordan 😷 »

@arroz This is already the second set of batteries in that laptop. The first set failed in exactly the same way, also after 4 years or so. I got it fixed by an Apple authorised service provider with original parts, so to be honest it seems like that model just fails in that particular way.

DesRoin »

Heh race day tomorrow and I'm nervous as always. 1.5km swim, 40km bike and a 10k run really isn't all that easy 😅✌🏻
Well everything I could do is done, nothing is left to do, so we'll either see each other tomorrow evening or in heaven 🤓🙏🏻


Vic »

@DesRoin good luck :)


DesRoin »

@vic thanks 🙏🏻🤓

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » time for some rest. Sleep well, good luck and much fun tomorrow! Swimming would kill me…

gyptazy boosted

Dashanan »

Fiddling with jails(examples) part-I.

No description

Stefano Marinelli »

@Padukajorat this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing!

gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Key message of the day. A client, a few months back, whom I convinced to try FreeBSD on one of their servers.
They have a new project to launch and just messaged me: "The Dev has been working with Docker. Help him migrate out of Docker and set everything up on FreeBSD jails for production."
Moments of fulfillment.


david_chisnall »

@stefano Any reason why he can't just use Podman to work with OCI container on FreeBSD?

Juan Camós »

@stefano niiiiiceeeeeee 😎😊

oxy »

@stefano the knowledge that there is more than one tool for every job (and often a better tool) is definitely a good thing. Kudos to your client (and to you for spreading the word!)

unruhe »

@stefano jails and bastille are two different things?


Stefano Marinelli »

@unruhe BastilleBSD is a tool to manage jails

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gyptazy » It's exactly this and I also use one of them with Wireguard to have IPs from other countries in my infrastructure.

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gyptazy » may I ask you - for which reason? I still thinking if German IPs are fine or I should switch to Swiss ones, because everything else is also Swiss (domain, phone,…). Probably no o e looks for the origin, but I just encountered in on the last Fediverse stats, that I’m assigned to Germany… 😉

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Do people ( & still care about the country assignment of their & networks used on their servers? Or don’t you mind about it anymore…?

Example: Coming from .de and using a French IP is ok for you?

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gyptazy »

It’s excactly this:

In the meantime it's back to HE I'm afraid. I have also had some success with a cheap VPS with a /64 and routing it over Wireguard. But that was because my local HE server were completely overloaded.
I’m still using HE for some corner cases but beside this, I use cheap small VPS to get static v4 and v6 to my home. This also comes with additional benefits:
- you can move your physician instance to everywhere (you connect from it to the vps)
- NAT doesn’t matter
- you can also use multiple networks at the same time (I have different locations from the US, Gemrany and Switzerland terminating at home)

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gyptazy »

So Harshad just wrote me that he wants to remove the tailwind does, so I’m not sure if it’s worth to put any efforts into building it for ARM64 anymore - especially when even you are already saying that it is a totally mess to deal with it. :)

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gyptazy » that looks really cool, hope this will bring some joy especially to beginners :)

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gyptazy »

Haha, that was a joke :) back in the days of the first Pi und arm32 I placed PI everywhere just to have more offsite backups. One at grandma (yep, she had DSL because of the free included VoIP flat at that time), parents, friends… so I had many offsite backups

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gyptazy »

I think I need to give it a try on the weekend. My daily driver is ARM64 and immediately failed to build where I had to switch over to for AMD64 systems to build it. I guess having ARM64 support would be really cool. Thanks for the hint, will give it a try soon and provide a PR


Harshad Sharma »

I love , have used it since early 2000s and see myself relying on its Power to Serve for the next two decades.

However, I've been itching to have a mobile/web GUI to manage my several FreeBSD servers as running servers is no longer my day job.

I also want to showcase and share all the good things, with anyone curious about this OS, that make me choose it over alternatives. Especially beginners who have no prior exposure to the Unix environment and cli.


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gyptazy » WireGuard and backup (the 1000x offsite backup) are always a good approach :)

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gyptazy »

They’re really cool :)

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gyptazy »

I really love this approach! Appreciate this! Thanks for your time and efforts!

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » awesome ❤️ what are you running on it? :)

DesRoin »

14 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Today, one big part of our call was about (made by which is about integrating a gui management interface for beginners for further system management. I also covered the insights, build instructions and a binary pkg in a blog post.

A recording of this part will also be provided soon!

Stefano Marinelli »

Big companies can't go down.
Big company services will never stop.
Big companies have THE CLOUD!

The screenshot displays an image of a sad panda sitting down next to a fallen ice cream cone. The message below the panda reads: "It's not you, it's us. Bing isn't available right now, but everything should be back to normal very soon." Below this message, there are reference codes and a timestamp. The Bing logo is at the bottom of the image.
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gyptazy » or just tunnel everything from the cheapest VPS to home by WireGuard etc.

I use WireGuard to tunnel everything right now

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gyptazy » thanks for sharing this info. It’s like spending a year based budget for nonsense things just to make sure your budget gets granted for the next year again. :(

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » yes, bhyve made a huge step forward in the meantime. I guess, the best is to join the jails & bhyve call that is driven by

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » I'd rather go with NFS filer (therefore at least 25G network, better 40 or 100G).

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gyptazy » hm? Yeah?! That’s what I said - that it fits perfectly for that (cores/memory).

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gyptazy » up to 8TB memory? Insane…
With 1T memory and 25G,40G NICs this could be a real cool hypervisor node

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gyptazy » oh, danke für die Info, ich dachte die wären jetzt alle untereinander kompatibel

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gyptazy » happy to see you all again and to hear about everyone‘s story :)

Stefano Marinelli »

As planned last week, in tomorrow's weekly meetup, we'll delve into backup strategies and showcase some behind-the-scenes of the BSD Cafe setup and its backups. More details on the event's website:

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gyptazy »

Bei Aldi (Süd) gab es zuletzt immer wieder Angebote, die jedenfalls Apple Findmy kompatibel sind (die sollten dann ja nun auch gehen?). Zuletzt gab es ein vierer Pack für 20€. Ob die was taugen - keine Ahnung. Ich habe mich direkt zu Anfang mit den AirTags eingedeckt…


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gyptazy »

You had no other choice than to be happy after I messaged you… 😏

Oke, oke - I know, you just thought “oh noez, not he again” 🤣

I listen to everyone, respect everyone,
but I make my own decisions
and take the responsibility.
That’s excactly the right approach!

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gyptazy » if you’re on the TDOSE or FrosCon conferences by any chance I can provide you BSDCafe & BoxyBSD stickers :)

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gyptazy » Unfortunately, I will only keep one - the others will be shared on the next conferences ( & :)

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gyptazy »

Nothing beats the joy of receiving real mail from far away (Bologna/Italy) and from the community! The community and especially the ( are always special and feel like home!


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gyptazy »
$> ./update
$> Successfully updated. You might want to cleanup files. Old files are located in backup subfolder in /var/lib/important_app
$> *AI: Going to clean up: Delete /var/lib/important_app
$> rm -rf /var/lib/important_app
Yay :)

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gyptazy » Maybe can provide us more information if the talks are in English or Dutch?

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gyptazy » I hope in English, Dutch is hard to me 🤣 It’s my first time there and the roadmap for 2024 is not yet public but the last year ones look like English - at least the topics. Hopefully the talks also 😏 so, maybe we see each other there :)

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Just a few days left: , the Technical Dutch Open Source Event!

If you’re coming around, feel free to reach out to me! I’ll also share some stickers of and :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » oh, thanks for sharing :) appreciate it 👍

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gyptazy » each system with 100Mbit up/down only but of course still with /64 subnet for each VM. Guess it’ll be 10 VMs only for each server (so only 20 ARM boxes in general).

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gyptazy » It’s running on 2x Mac mini with each having Apple Silicon M1 and only 16GB memory - so this won’t be a product for the mainstream. Don’t know how I’ll make it usable…. Maybe a fixed time of a week or month to give more people the possibility to use it?!

BoxyBSD »

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gyptazy » Thanks, will fix it!

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gyptazy » for me it’s Icinga 2 for classic monitoring of services (availability in general). For performance metrics I run Grafana/Prometheus (, which I also use for to quickly detect service abusing (ntp/dns/mail traffic, overall bandwidth,…).

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

We just released 7.5.30 & 2.2.15 ( & forks keeping the license).

* Plutono: Fix roleAttributionPath
* Plutono: Fix null pointer references
* Plutono: Security - Update crewjam/saml to 0.4.14

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gyptazy » du kommst doch aus dem Pott oder? Du bist nicht zufällig später Haus scheppen in essen?

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » hm, slightly you did by linking the article which also says (quoted) "Code quality is almost self-explanatory: these tools often produce extremely poor quality code.“.

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gyptazy » you can often see bad generated code from a software perspective. Yes, it is functional but often lacks various aspects of modern security and performances approaches. So, I can fully understand this.

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gyptazy » I must admit, that at least I don’t want to have the software name like mastodon or snac in MY url. I like to have just the same as an email, xmpp, matrix and fedi account url. I think especially when having intendedly a short url, this matters for people most. Sure, you can solve it to be still reachable by that address, but often clients will show the real url instead which also gets listed in replies etc.

Switching domains or whole software products is still a mess on the Fediverse - unfortunately

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

That's also how I'd understand this. Just had another look at the docs, where it defines the input power support on page 15 with:
* Power adapter with fixed voltage from 5 V to 20 V on the USB C power port
* Support USB Type C PD 2.0, 9 V/2 A, 12 V/2 A, 15 V/2 A, 20 V/2 A

So (but it's still guessed), it is fixed to the 5V for the fan.


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gyptazy » updated the howto regarding the mentioned things.

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gyptazy » I've updated the howto for the mentioned things. Thanks for reporting.

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gyptazy » proxy_pass depends... If not running on the same host (what I would never do, because there's a dedicated system used for this), you will still need to change if from localhost to anything else. Better would be defining an upstream server with the name snac which gets defined to the according backend system. However, let's not confuse people with such things and assume it's running on the same host.

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gyptazy » honestly, I haven't validated it but according to on page 21, I'd guess it's always max. 5V.

But maybe can tell us more here.

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gyptazy » thanks for pointing out, but this is indeed intended. Not needed for snac, but also not any problem. the snac01 is the hostname of one of my HA snac instances for failover but also used from the monitoring system which obtain the systems from a CMDB. That’s the reason behind it. Will make it more clear and update the doc :) thanks

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gyptazy » thanks for pointing out, I’ll update it to make it more clear.

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gyptazy » As mentioned, which instructions? Did you used the linked one to my one at ? If yes, let me know what didn't work out for you to update the docs.

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gyptazy » unfortunately, I guess we will encounter such things more frequently even here in Europe. We just had the first kind of tornados (luckily still very small ones) but I think it’ll increase and happens more often year by year. Guess, we need to deal with it somehow and learn to prepare for such situations quickly.

BoxyBSD »

is testing the the public shell service where you can get your own unix user login on different systems w/o further limitations.

Closed beta currently:

This could also lead into solutions for but still not sure how useful it might be nowadays in general.

Stefano Marinelli »

Tonight's BSDPub meeting was really interesting, and next week we already have the first major topic: backups and their strategies.
It will be really fascinating.

Thanks to everyone who participated!

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gyptazy » it was perfectly fine! Were there for the tech stuff, not for speaking perfect Oxford English 😉

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gyptazy » no worries and happy to have you in the calls :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » sounds good to me. Unfortunately, I mostly need to leave on time. Today, it got because I was still driving. And handling it that way, we do not need to cut down any discussions.

🗳 0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Today's meeting was very interesting (even I had to vamp while driving on the highway). Next week, we will focus on backup solutions and I’m already very happy to hear about your setups!

Thanks for joining and sharing all your insights! But there's one more thing - should the call keep time boxed of 60 minutes or open end? I think today we would have needed more time but I can clearly understand when the call takes too long in the evening and people start to drop. People can of course stay in the room even after the official meeting.

Time boxed:8
Open end:3


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gyptazy » I guess these things sound very easy to people like us - like for a mechanic telling me in a car forum how easy it is to repair the 8 cylinder by machining of cylinder heads and grinding the cylinders while you just need some simple tools and a lift - assuming everyone has something like that in place.

BoxyBSD »

Would be a free public shell account service based on /#OpenBSD systems interesting for you? If yes, what would you run on it?

Please provide feedback, so @gyptazy can check if it makes sense to provide such a service (this is already available in a limited beta).

What to expect:
A free user login to a FreeBSD or based system where multiple users can access it at the same time. You can do everything in your own home directory, run processes, open sockets, compile stuff etc. System is managed in general for you.

What you cannot do:
Make changes to the system in general, use low ports, install or modify things system wide.

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moksha boosted

gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Remember when everyone was joking about the hardware requirements of is the new . Guess, it's only anymore!

Don't take it too serious :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » I think giving it a try is at least not bad. If it doesn’t fit - it’s also ok. But so far, it looks pretty promising. Maybe you like to share some of your outcomes :)

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gyptazy »

Also pretty cool the command which let's you easily create environments to share

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gyptazy » Have fun :) Maybe you can provide us some insights in the next meeting :)

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gyptazy » I'd more like plain text files like snac does, but sqlite is still okay for me. Better than having a whole pgsql for jail/bhyve meta informations ;)

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gyptazy »

is unfortunately more or less deprecated and not actively maintained anymore. The last release was in 2015. It still works more or less (at least for me and my use cases) but after our last I thought it could not be wrong to have a look at other ones. is not brand new but it got my attention by some posts today here in my Fediverse circle. So far, it looks very promising - you can have an interactive look at it on the projects website ( or just give it a try on a test vm.

pkg install cbsd
service cbsdd start
env workdir="/usr/jails" /usr/local/cbsd/sudoexec/initenv
cbsd jconstruct-tui
cbsd jstart 1

Use the tui to get familiar and afterwards you may use it without (if needed).

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gyptazy »

Puh, after almost 20 years (when version 1.1 got released in 2005) I switched from to . Feels strange because I always refused to use any other jail manager. But I guess it's time to move on... Btw, also like the TUI if .

Have a nice weekend fans (and of course also everyone else).

Dashanan »

Let's start weekend with wallpapers

No descriptionNo descriptionNo description

Stefano Marinelli »

25 years ago today, Google was founded.
On the same day, I wiped Windows 98 off my computer, believing that Debian Linux (which I had been using for a while but still kept Windows on another partition) could do everything I had been doing with Windows until then.

Since that day, many installations of Linux, *BSD, MacOS have graced my computers, but Windows has remained, on a few occasions, only an occasional (unwelcome) guest.

In the spirit of a typical support group phrase, I can joyfully say:
'Hello, I'm Stefano, and I haven't been using Windows as my primary operating system for 25 years.'

Please boost and share your experience!

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gyptazy » sehr cooles Feature, habe ich früher oft genutzt, mittlerweile saugt es mir aber zu sehr am Akku (ohne Dauerstrom)

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gyptazy » I can fully understand this and we have short meeting minutes listed at - e.g. for yesterday So, I'm open for recommendations. Let's discuss it in detail in the next meeting.

Unless this is clarified and discussed with you all, we will not publish any recordings. If the outcome should still be that it should be published, I can still upload them afterwards.

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gyptazy » I think we need to discuss this topic in more detail in the next session. I can fully understand everyone and I currently do not have any clue what is a better choice.

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gyptazy » I can fully understand this and had initially the same thoughts.

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gyptazy » They do. They need an active opt-in which was done by all participants yesterday.

But the question is more if we want to do this on a weekly base at the beginning, or a checkbox where a user must confirm to enter in general. I think, we need to improve this in general.

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gyptazy » fair enough and that were excactly our first initial thoughts when starting the call.

In the meantime it worked out, that it might be more valuable to record these calls because they shifted more into background stories, technical guides and solutions instead of a typical pub chat with ranting and regretting afterwards.

Yesterday, there was a discussion about bhyve and where VMs might get killed by the kernel when initially starting all the VMs after a “hypervisor” reboot due to memory pressure and and talked about approaches by running in and make use of the dependency handling.

I think this is a valuable information to share, like all the other ones.

But I can also fully understand your point of view, because I was on the same page. It was also a choice to take pressure away and make people more comfortable to involve themselves into discussions but no one was against a recording. So, currently it looks like I was wrong and a recording might be worth.

The other thing is how to provide the recording, I can see benefits by placing them on YouTube (to share valuable information to a as many as possible) and to get more awareness for BSD in general. But I can also see the benefits of just keeping it in a non public PeerTube instance. So, this is still open…

I’m happy to get more input regarding recordings in general and also where to publish.

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gyptazy » awesome idea! You might also share your results here or even in one of the next calls if you like. Or if you encounter issues, ask for possible solutions :)

Stefano Marinelli »

The meeting, organized and managed by @gyptazy has concluded and it was definitely interesting.

This meeting was recorded and will be published.

See you next time!

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Thank you, glad to hear that it was valuable and interesting!

We do not want to make any pressure to anyone. As soon as you feel comfortable enough, go ahead :)
No one will judge you, everyone starts at some point :) Happy to see you next week again!

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gyptazy »

Thanks everyone for joining and also for the useful information and insights - I really appreciate it!

If you like join our weekly meeting you can find more information at

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gyptazy »

Definately! Feel free to jump in at any time! :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » sorry, I meant the hardware part. Currently I have my Proxmox cluster running in a DC but think about moving home and tunneling static ips home for auth dns etc.

Currently looking into something like 3x geekhome with ryzon and 64gb ram. But they’re limited at 64G for each device. I’m looking for something that can hold up to 128gb memory

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » Thanks a lot! Fun fact, just needed something like this today. But there may be some black box & minimal systems where parsing the json output requires more parsing with grep, awk etc.

Therefore, I just created a PR ( which will return just the raw IP by requesting the context path /raw. So you can directly use it in shell scripts like:

ipv4=$(curl -4
ipv6=$(curl -6

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gyptazy » was ist noch schlimmer? Eine Gruppe von Männern mit einem dritten Bollerwagen zum Transport de Alkoholleichen.

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gyptazy » happy to see you later :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » bringing back macOS Server with the features of the iCloud as a self host solution would be really awesome.

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gyptazy » what kind of system(s) are you running in general?

BSDCan »

Can't attend in person?

Watching the live streams is the next best thing!

Our A/V team has identified several key components that BSDCons have spent WAY too much money renting over the years.

We invite you to help the team buy these for use at BSDCan, @EuroBSDCon, and !

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gyptazy » I guess that highly depends on the personal circles. Like everywhere (also including Twitter/X). That's the way of social medias but if you force yourself just to focus on your personal circle (I mostly have filtered any boosts), you can quickly scroll through your timeline and only fetch the interesting parts for you.


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