is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #linux

Adam »

Saying Goodbye To Neofetch and Giving Thanks

Gain the latest news as to what happened to the Neofetch project and giving thanks to the lead developer Dylan Araps and contributors.

The sun illuminates a yellow and orange colour across the sky as the sunsets behind a shadow of trees. On the tree shadow a title stands, 'Saying Goodbye To Neofetch' with the Neofetch logo.

Adam »

Image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Create OCI-compliant, bootc container images with image mode for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

ClaudioM boosted

Fedora Project (F40 is OUT) »

Folks are enjoying the Fedora and @centos booth at Red Hat Summit this week. Come check out the ThinkPad X1 Carbon and Slimbook Fedora 1 if you're here!

Thanks to Lenovo and Slimbook for these awesome devices that come with Fedora preinstalled!

Fedora and CentOS booth at Red Hat Summit with a Lenovo display, ThinkPad X1 Carbon, and Slimbook Fedora 1 from left to right; with a smattering of stickers and swag available
Jadi boosted

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Jon Renaut »

So what the heck do I do when GRUB rescue doesn't recognize any of my partitions

scy »

Trying out bat (the cat(1) alternative) for the first time, and … I dunno, the flushing behavior seems bonkers.

I assume it's because stdout and stderr end up in separate places, and maybe cat isn't innocent here either, but having the output split _inside_ of an escape code (note the "31m") looks like there's something really wrong.

("bar" does not exist; that's on purpose to produce an error message.)

"batcat LICENSE.txt bar | cat" prints an error message "[bat error]: 'bar': No such file or directory (os error 2)", followed by the MIT license contained in LICENSE.txt.

The "[bat error]" in the error message is printed in red.Same command; this time, the error message is printed below the license.Same command. This time, the red "[bat error]" is printed first, followed by (without a line break) the first line of the license, followed by the rest of the license as normal. After the end of the license there's the colon that would normally come after the "[bat error]", followed by the rest of the error message.Same command. This time, the license is printed first. The last line of the license, which normally contains just the word "software", followed by a period, now has an additional empty line before it and is missing the "s". Below it, there's a line containing "31m[bat error]", followed by the rest of the error message.

Joel Carnat 📽️ »

OpenBSD was Right - Linux Kernel Developer Greg Kroah-Hartman

Discussing the state of security on Linux, Greg credited the OpenBSD community for being right about their ideology of security over performance. This is just a clip, watch the full interview here:

Original video:

Jadi »

Have 10mins to deepen your understanding of like systems?

Check the utistd.h page. This is the header file that provides access to the POSIX operating system API. Even a quick browse can show you how your program talks with your OS.

For example whenever your program needs a higher privilege (or to act as another user), it calls `setuid` for that. Or starts with `sudo/doas` to have a higher access but calls `setuid` to become "nobody" in most of its life cycle.

If still have a click to spare, check the setuid.h on man pages:

in most cases OpenBSD man pages are the best references you need to understand the OS.

Mekuso »

Anyone here using connected to a computer? I'm having issues with my Tuxedo OS 3 system, but it works fine on my other Linux Mint machine. When I pause my music, the headphones disconnect after a few seconds, very annoying.

The headphones work with other computers, and the computer works with other headphones, so it's one of those annoying issues where you don't even know where to start digging...

Ric »

@stefano great gesture! I never forgot who helped me in my journey. and they know :)

Paul boosted

Felix Urbasik »

Matrix certrainly has its rough edges, but I find it awesome that pretty much every major Linux community now has their dedicated space. All federated, of course.

Screenshot of Element Web showcasing Matrix Spaces of various Linux communities.

Maxine Hayes »

I started messing with Koji a bit again. I've been having a weird issue I can't seem to track down where if I build coreutils I can't build anything else. For whatever reason Koji couldn't find the package despite it being there. This is the sole reason why I decided to take a break from Oela Box for a while. Koji just stopped working correctly one day without any changes to its setup or Oela Box.

I decided to start doing some experimenting. I want to slim down EL development tools to make them a little easier to work with and at the same time hopefully make them more powerful.

Right now I'm getting myself familiar with some of Mock's other features. First I'm learning how building from SCM works in Mock. It's a little tricky and works quite differently from how Koji does it, but I find it fairly interesting.

Next I want to see if I can simulate Koji's tagging system by having a local repository that gets checked for package dependencies first.

No description

Ricardo Martín »

How do you manage your ZFS snapshots? 🤔

Custom, of course:14
Other, which one, why?:6

Closes in 1:05:31:02

AN/CRM-114 boosted

nixCraft 🐧 »

Are Ksh scripts still used in production environments? Or has Bash become the dominant scripting choice nowadays?

Tim L boosted

Laurent Cimon »

For an

I'm Laurent, a computer science student on the second year of my bachelor's degree. I come from Quebec City.

I like to program in with C++ and . I'm passionate about operating systems, my favourite being . I also use and my distribution of choice is .

Other than tech I like coffee, beer, books, series and music. I listen mainly to post-punk and jazz. I'm currently reading l'Île Mystérieuse by Jules Verne (almost done with it). I like Nietzsche, Sartre, Camus, Dostoyevsky, Balzac and Aragon.

I like philosophy and politics. I'm a syndicalist and a nihilist (although somewhat optimistic). I think that collectivism is beautiful, but in the world we live in it can only bring pain because bad actors often win. My philosophy is to live my own life and try not to look too far at the bad that happens, because it's overwhelming and it always exists. There will always be bad things happening and focusing on these things makes you miserable. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't fight to prevent bad from happening for someone you hold dearly.

I live in Quebec City and I like my city. It's not too big, not too small, although it's very car centered and I don't like cars. I like my university, l'Université Laval. After my bachelor's, I want a master's degree and if I'm lucky enough I want to go for a doctorate's.

Software is my biggest passion, I prefer it open source. I think permissive licenses are fine and I understand GNU's philosophy but I wouldn't apply it to my software. I don't like holding a gun to someone's head for them to give back, I think most people are good enough to do it themselves.

Well this dragged on. My alts are and @xi, I will be using them all but is my new home. I prefer my community to be BSD oriented but I don't really like glitch soc. It holds the mastodon version back for a few features that no one is using.

Pleased to meet you all!

Jan ☕🎼🎹☁️🏋️‍♂️ »

Has anyone ever seen the effect that a top-level recursive shows no more changes, but then going in the sub directories and doing individual rsyncs does give a lot of diff?

We're trying to figure out why that happens, and coming up empty.

Both FS are xfs, source server has been quieted (and FS even mounted r/o to make sure). Other relevant mount option would be relatime.

Rhel7 to rhel8. Rsync 3.1.2
Please boost.

Unix Weekly » 🤖

vermaden boosted

Tara Stella 🌷 »

This 👇
Installer for Alpine Linux with ZFS as root filesystem and ZFSBootMenu.

thx @stefano

Stefano Marinelli »

Alpinebox: An installer for Alpine Linux with ZFS as root filesystem, and ZFSBootMenu to boot into different environments.

Jill Veldhuis »

Up until the end of the 2.6 era or so, the kernel had relatively few options to set. You could reasonably go through the configurator and set up a fine-tuned build for your machine in half an hour or so. This 2.2.5 kernel from Debian Slink has only 324 options, and the tree takes up a bit over 50 megs of disk space.

Screenshot of the `make menuconfig` configuration editor for the Linux kernel. The heading indicates that this is kernel version 2.2.5.

Darryl Wright »

I had heard good things about so I thought I'd give it a shot. I downloaded it and put it on a USB to boot from and it proceeded to violently fall on its face repeatedly and never actually got as far as booting. Think I'll let that one bake a little longer.

Jason »

Just posted a new tutorial, this one is about NixOS modules, what they and how to make them.

Drew Fustini »

The next Portland Linux kernel meetup will be on Wednesday, May 8th NOTE: I originally announced it as Thursday, May 9th, but it will be Wednesday May 8th.

AndiS 🌞🍷🇪🇺 »

And there it is up and running.

This is a sweeeet piece of tech :)

Assembled Clockwork uConsole running Raspberry Pi OS - updating the system using a Terminal.

vermaden »


I play older games on but I also wanted to play Dirt Rally 2.0 or Wreckfest for example - and no focus on fighting with WINE setup - and did not wanted to do the same under - so I just dual boot between two physical SSD drives using BIOS bootloader [F8 in my case] and I use 10 Enterprise LTSC from 21H2. Works quite well - sometimes reboots - but not that often - and being LTSC/Enterprise edition - it allows to disable even more telemetry shit.

I also use 'Debloater' on it - as its only for gaming and NO real data at all - maybe saved games - - I believe this is the right link.

In the past I also used Atlas OS (trimmed to minimum 10) - - but too much things were cut and I moved to 'full' version.

Also some time ago Atlas OS changed their 'way' with providing a 'framework' where You pick what should be removed and what left - but I just wanted to play and do not waste time on this - so I just use LTSC + Debloater and it mostly works.

Alessandro »

Hey gente, con @blu, abbiamo creato una MUC(stanza) su XMPP.

Si chiama "Guuf - Gruppo Utenti Unix del Fediverso".

Chiacchieriamo di sistemi operativi unix-like, si condividono articoli, esperienze, tutorial... insomma un bel po' di roba 😅 (anche se siamo in pochi per ora).

È aperto a tuttз, anche e soprattutto principiantз.

Se volete passare a trovarci siete benvenutз!


Il logo è temporaneo e non è azzeccatissimo ma adoro le illustrazioni di David.

"A4 Deconne" by David Revoy − CC-BY 4.0

Michael Kinder »

Learn how to go from open-source enthusiast to active contributor within the welcoming @rockylinux community.

Tara Stella 🌷 »

As a proud member of the open source community since 1995, as being part of the OSS revolution as a , and employee, with regrets I have to admit @geerlingguy is not totally wrong:
(Corporate Open Source is Dead)

This is why I'm increasingly embracing the world, particularly .

Also, some of the reasons are highlighted by @mms in this post:

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟱/𝟬𝟲 (Valuable News - 2024/05/06) available.

Past releases:

No description
Padukajorat boosted

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟱/𝟬𝟲 (Valuable News - 2024/05/06) available.

Past releases:

No description

Tara Stella 🌷 »

Some random thoughts about Firmware-like OS, SLAX and 👩‍💻

Happy caffeinated Monday! (And for those in the UK, enjoy the bank holiday)

Paco Hope »

I have 3 sons and each uses a different operating systems. The oldest is into politics, history, and economics. He uses a Mac. The middle is into and he uses and the youngest is into video games, so he uses the only system I allow in the house. It amuses me that each uses a different system.

jaseg »

So my just catastrophically self-destructed. I was using arch with the yubikey full-disk encryption package, when the machine hung and crashed during a system update. The machine crashed exactly after the old initramfs files were cleaned up, and before the new ones were written to disk. Since the yubkikey fde thing stores the seed ("challenge") for the luks key in the initramfs, all copies of the seed are gone now, and the data on that disk is unrecoverable.

davd boosted

AT69 »

Im Jahr 2023 überwies die Deutsche Bundesregierung sechs Milliarden Euro für Lizenzgebühren an Microsoft und Oracle.
Da wird es besser sein, dass wir Nerds nicht darüber nachdenken und zum nächsten Thema übergehen. 😪

nixCraft 🐧 »

kernel 6.1 running on a 6x6mm chip which only has 8MB RAM. This is just amazing 🤩 Use your ram wisely

Htop running on a tiny computer with Linux kernel 6.1 with just 8 MB ram.

Felix Palmen »

Fun fact, if you're a user, chances are you're already using the arguably tiniest of my opensource projects: unix-selfauth-helper 😎

It's needed for quite some popular "screen lockers" that just assume a (IMHO pretty dirty) (LinuxPAM) solution to be available.

Orhun Parmaksız 👾 »

Are you sick of the "dd" utility? Check out this TUI!

💽 **caligula**: A user-friendly, lightweight TUI for disk imaging

🔥 Burn & decompress files with cool graphs!
🚀 Supports verification & hash validation.
🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs

⭐ GitHub:

No description

Nils »

Vous avez aimé voir un répartiteur de charge avec ? Alors continuons à explorer ce sujet avec ! C'est tout de suite sur (sans photo devinette ce soir, pas d'inspiration)

Tim L boosted

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮 »

Paul - M7TUD »

Greetings from my late 2009 MacBook, which is now running Debian 12 with the MATE desktop environment.

Eryck Gu⸸⸸eЯaL »
🦬🐧AV Linux MX Edition 🌇
Now with the Enlightenment Desktop Environment!

I've probably heard about this but, never looked into it. I think I should soon. It's based on MX which, in turn, is based on GNU+Linux. lol.

It's tailored towards and content creation in general.

Others of note are and

If you're serious about your work, then you've got to be using one of these! 😜
Throw it on a USB & reboot to test run it.

Stefano Marinelli »

In my tech life, there are some constants like BSDs and Linux, as well as changes that reflect the evolution of technology. I've cyclically used operating systems like MacOS, Linux, and BSDs on my workstations. My journey with mobile devices started before the advent of smartphones, transitioning through the eras of Symbian and BlackBerry, and more recently to iOS and Android.
In 2020, during the lockdown and due to having a mid-range, somewhat outdated smartphone, I decided to switch back to iOS to take advantage of the period's deals. I predominantly used an iPhone for about three years before returning to Android for various reasons. Now, as I deliberate over which browser and email client to use, I'm reminded of how on iOS, life was simpler: all browsers were essentially Safari in disguise, and the integrated Mail client was the least resource-intensive and best integrated with the Apple Watch.
Here’s a quote for the connoisseurs: When there is only one candidate, there is only one choice!

Krištof boosted

nixCraft 🐧 »

Oh no. It is true neofetch repo has been archived by the owner. Now grandma is worried.

Neofetch Has Been Discontinued. What's The Alternative? Youtube  @Andrea Borman

Michael Boelen »

With all those cheat sheets for in the making, I decided to enhance the section page:

Dear and : any other tools that should be added?

TechnoTim »

I did a thing

A photo of my super ultra wide gaming monitor and a clean minimal desktop.  The screen shows a welcome screen that reads “Welcome to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS”.  Less important is a razer mouse and a keychron keyboard on the desk, along with a few debugging ducks.

adingbatponder »

Anyone manage to get a ( for# 4G) on or working under especially ? (so you can insert a in the SIM slot and use the network directly for mobile internet without using WiFi nor your smartphone as a hot-spot). Thinking of one... but want to know if there is any point under Linux. Thanks!

jhx »

The great thing about having many systems:
Experimentation all the way.
I can run all the systems I want without worrying.
or all the way! 🐧

Ricardo Martín »

Happy weekend! 😅

"Lennart Poettering intends to replace "sudo" with systemd's run0. Here's a quick PoC to demonstrate root permission hijacking by exploiting the fact "systemd-run" (the basis of uid0/run0, the sudo replacer) creates a user owned pty for communication with the new "root" process."

Andy Smith »

This is interesting:

"Measure dm-integrity IO performance using Fio."

Compares to many other configurations including ZFS.

I think you have to take the conclusions in context though. ZFS isn't expected or intended to be fast, it's intended to be reliable and straightforward. Five tech layers for storage might work, but…

Sundeep »

I wrote an interactive TUI app that gives a brief tour of the GNU awk command for beginners.

Let me know you feedback, especially if you haven't learned awk yet!

Sample screenshot of a TUI app (awk tutorial).

Kevin Karhan :verified: »

@gonzalo I just want to develop @OS1337 into a stable foundation for a and I do want to add some nifty & tools to it...

jbz »

🎨 Neofetch Journey Ends, Repository Now Archived

「 Sadly, the project hasn’t been updated since August 2020, and after almost four years without any new developments, it was recently placed in read-only mode and archived just a few days ago. What does this mean? 」

neofetch screenshot

Nick @ The Linux Experiment »

I tried to imagine what an enshittified distro would look like, and made a video about it, because it’s fun:

nixCraft 🐧 »

the existential question ...

The `whoami` command tells the current username on Linux and Unix-like machines. This twists it into a philosophical question about identity... and displayed "You don't really want to know... " when typed `whoami` command.

Felix Palmen 📯 »

I have one little piece of custom platform-specific code in .

Background is that 's QFileSystemWatcher doesn't work correctly on (and probably other network filesystems). It uses some platform mechanism (e.g. inotify on , kqueue on ) internally, so exact behavior probably depends on the platform. On FreeBSD, it *seemed* to work, but only when the change to the file on NFS is done from the local machine. 🙄

Now regarding this code:
-- I still have doubts.

▪ Should it check for other filesystems as well? Which ones?
▪ Will this construct checking for 'BSD4_4' in <sys/param.h> reliably detect every OS derived from 4.4BSD (assuming a POSIXy system that *has* sys/param.h)?
▪ Should it have implementations for *other* POSIXy systems than 4.4BSD-descendants and Linux?
▪ Why the hell is there no standard for checking the *filesystem* a file resides on? 🧐😁

Eugenia L »

After more annoyances that Gnome/RedHat is pulling lately ( ), I just donated to , instead of my original intention, .

The Gnome Project is a wall-garden, but not of the Apple kind. It's a club of mostly programmers & a few select others, and either you're in it, or you're not. Your user needs, your bug reports, your patches, all end up on /dev/null. They listen to no one. Never have, never will.

So, my money went to a fork.

Sourcerer »

Reproducible builds - pros/cons

Instructor allowed me to quote his take on Pros and Cons of reproducible builds. Because, i found this very informative i want to share with others.

Original author: Nathan House (Station X)

"Reproducible builds involve a compilation process that generates the same binary or executable output for a given source code, regardless of the building environment. This approach offers various pros and cons when it comes to security, privacy, and anonymity.


1. Trustworthiness: Reproducible builds ensure that the released binary is built from the published source code, allowing users to trust the software without having to compile it themselves.

2. Tamper detection: Any attempts to introduce backdoors or malware during the build process can be detected, as the output can be verified against the expected result.

3. Collaborative verification: Multiple parties can independently verify the builds, increasing confidence in the software's integrity.

4. Supply chain security: Reproducible builds can help mitigate supply chain attacks by ensuring the integrity of the code throughout the development, build, and distribution process.


1. Increased complexity: Implementing reproducible builds can be complex and time-consuming, requiring consistent build environments and careful management of dependencies.

2. Limited scope: Reproducible builds only ensure the integrity of the build process and do not guarantee that the source code is free of vulnerabilities or malicious code.

3. False sense of security: Users may assume that reproducible builds imply that the software is entirely secure, while they only guarantee that the build process is consistent and hasn't been tampered with.

4. Overhead: Maintaining a reproducible build environment may introduce additional overhead for developers, potentially slowing down the development process.

Overall, reproducible builds can significantly enhance security, privacy, and anonymity in the software development process. However, their implementation requires careful planning and may introduce challenges and complexities that need to be managed effectively."


Stefano Marinelli »

09:36:08 up 1889 days, 22:10, 2 users, load average: 3,65, 3,40, 3,23

Goodbye. You've been a good server, but it's time to go 😄

Felix Palmen 📯 »

v0.7 released!

This brings several improvements, mainly in the build system, but the major change is support for localization, with translated Emoji names imported from . I added a German translation, see screenshot. Once again, I'd appreciate more translations, the process to translate is documented here:

Updated FreeBSD port:

No description

It's FOSS »

KDE's Amarok music player is back!

Jill Veldhuis »

Agh. My game room PC (running Bookworm) has spontaneously decided it no longer supports HSP/HFP mode for my headset; it now only offers A2DP mode. Oddly enough, it still works fine on my laptop with the same kernel and versions. I would try copying the config, but there doesn't seem to *be* any config to copy.

Search only turns up months-old pages that simply say "install PipeWire; it will fix everything."

Anyone have any advice?

Tomáš »

Berkubernetus »

If you're attending Red Hat Summit, join us for the Community Day on May 6th. We'll have three tracks, including Linux, OpenShift, and Ansible. Don't miss it if you're in Denver!

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Stefano Marinelli »

Fedora Evaluates Replacing Redis With Valkey

Personally, I've chosen to replace Redis with KeyDB as I needed master/master replication for my BSD Mail service

nixCraft 🐧 »

say goodbye to the sudo. a sudo replacement called run0 that will be part of the upcoming systemd 256 release.

run0 may be used to temporarily and interactively acquire elevated or different privileges. It serves a similar purpose as sudo(8)

Fedora Project (F40 is OUT) »

With Fedora 40 released, it's time to set our sights on Fedora 41!

Fedora 40 elections are starting with the nomination phase. Check it out if you're interested in running for the Fedora Council, Engineering Steering Committee, Mindshare Committee, or EPEL Steering Committee.

Fedora 41 has some deadlines coming up this summer, starting with infrastructure changes due on June 19.

Details on this and more: communityblog.fedoraproject.or

Mike »

Is there a app that can launch android apps?

I remember someone telling me about some launcher I can use to get Minecraft bedrock working on Linux. The mcpelauncher is so often broken for me.

Is there a better way these days?

A Grantler boosted

release_candidate »

If sudo is too bloat, distros have only one option.

Not using doas and give yet another responsibility.

All Linux problems are solved with moar systemd.

❄️ freezr ❄️ »

Poor friends, even the iconic has been replaced...

My suggestion is: don't wait!
, run to adopt a sane like operative system!

There are plenty of great choices, you won't be disappointed whatever you decide to pick up!

Stefano Marinelli »

FreeBSD (and Linux), Podman containers and Large Receive Offload.
By @tara

Tara Stella 🌷 »

That is going to be an issue, both from users and (mostly, I guess?) for downstream distributions like @linuxmint

I like the idea of a firmware-like OS (I'll soon post about it) and more things like a Flatpak, but this is forcing a technology (Snaps) nobody cares about except Mark.

But that's definitely not going to work on the server side.

thanks @jtheo

ClaudioM »

In all of this busy-ness today, I've set up my laptop to upgrade from F39 to . Postponing the move to KDE Plasma 6 for now, but at least my Fedora installation will be up to date. ​🐧

My silver HP ProBook 4540s running Fedora Linux. The screen is showing the upgrade process from Fedora 39 to Fedora 40 with a progress bar, which currently is at zero percent.

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟰/𝟮𝟵 (Valuable News - 2024/04/29) available.

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vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟰/𝟮𝟵 (Valuable News - 2024/04/29) available.

Past releases:

No description

Eva Winterschön »

@david_chisnall yep, it's kinda ridiculous, and don't get me started about FreeBSD having kTLS vs (linux's marginal improvements on top of self-congratulatory marginal performance)

oh, but 'Linus dictatorman', please do tell us all about the superiority of kernel features that struggle with NUMA balancing and management, or the convoluted nature of SR-IOV integration or... let's just say the list is extensive...

ricardo »

Stefano Marinelli »

Tomáš »

Nils »

Amusons-nous encore : le sujet du jour peut se deviner avec la photo. Pour avoir la réponse, va sur

4 chiots malamut s'amusant sur deux petites balançoires de sport. Ils sont équitablement répartis sur chaque balançoire, chaque chiot sur un pied.

Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

When you need to solve keyboard problems on that you don't have on an laptop... 😩

Graham Perrin »



"… named Xenia Linux after the popular Linux mascot who lost to Tux. …"


<> @prahou

nixCraft 🐧 »

You can rename . What would you name it? 🤔

nixCraft 🐧 »

Bad and freeloader behaviour
AnthropicAI. Please boost to shame them.

From the r/linux by user named MintAlone

Title: Claude AI - name and shame

I'm a mint user, regular contributor to the LM forum. Our forum went down today. Message from one of the mods when it was restored:

Claude AI is a new AI chatbot by the company Anthropic. They're scraping websites to train their chatbot for free. They're doing it in a way that causes so much extra load on websites, it's effectively a DDos attack. Sometime yesterday their "ClaudeBot" started scraping the forums and this caused very poor performance of the forums for several hours and ultimately led to an outage.

ClaudeBot is now blocked at the firewall and forums performance should be back to normal.

Went looking for Anthropic, found no way of contacting them to complain (you end up going in circles). So posted here, not that I expect it will make any difference to their behaviour.


To put it into perspective: over the same time period ClaudeBot caused 20 times as much traffic as the 2nd worst bot and 40 times as much as the 3rd worst bot. The traffic from all other bots combined was a blip in comparison. We've blocked several other bots in the past for doing the same as ClaudeBot but as you can see most bots aren't an issue.

Tomáš »

ricardo »

It's FOSS »

Any guesses as to what they are discussing? 🤔

No description

Stefano Marinelli »

I'm reusing my Pixel 7 with Graphene OS using a secondary SIM.
It's truly excellent work; it works wonderfully, and the phone is noticeably more responsive compared to Google's Android.
I suggest everyone with a compatible Pixel device to give it a try; I don't think you'll go back.


It's FOSS »

It works 😜

No description

Stefano Marinelli »

In case you missed it, I suggest reading the series 'The Hermit Project' that @tara wrote and published on her blog.
It's really interesting and can be inspiring for many of us.

ricardo »

: Modern Drop-in Replacement for Command on

Raven »

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS "Noble Numbat" has been released with Linux Kernel 6.8, Python 3.12, Ruby 3.2, PHP 8.3, Go 1.22, Rust 1.75

Stefano Marinelli »

Fedora Project (F40 is OUT) »

Fedora IoT 40 got some cool under-the-hood changes.

First is that Fedora IoT now uses the unified core model, making them the last rpm-ostree variant to make the switch.

Second is that Fedora IoT will be the first rpm-ostree variant to be a bootable container image. You will literally be swapping to newer and newer container images when you update, which really emphasizes the idea of atomicity.

Fedora IoT logo over the Fedora 40 background

Fedora Project (F40 is OUT) »

Don't forget about all of our other spins and labs that have also updated to Fedora 40. 👀

For Fedora Spins we have
- KDE (or Kinoite)
- Xfce
- Cinnamon
- i3
- LXQt
- SoaS
- Sway (or Sway Atomic)
- Budgie (or Budgie Atomic).

For Fedora Labs we have
- Astronomy
- Comp Neuro
- Design Suite
- Games
- Jam
- Python Classroom
- Scientific
- Security Lab

You have a lot of options, alright lol

nixCraft 🐧 »

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