is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

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Antranig Vartanian »

Installing DFIR-IRIS on FreeBSD using Jails

This is a live blogging of the installation process of DFIR-IRIS on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE using Jails and Jailer.

The main requirements are:

  • Nginx
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • Some random dependencies we saw in the Dockerfile

I assume you already have nginx up and running, we will just be setting up a vhost under the domain name Don’t worry, this is INSIDE our infrastructure, you will not be able to connect to it 🙂

<h2>Initial Setup</h2>

First we create a jail named iris0, using Jailer:

jailer create iris0

Next we install the required software inside of the jail. Looks like everything is available in FreeBSD packages:

jailer console iris0
pkg install \ nginx \ python39 \ py39-pip \ gnupg \ 7-zip \ rsync \ postgresql12-client \ git-tiny \ libxslt \ rust \
<h2>Installing DFIR-IRIS</h2>

Since we’re using FreeBSD, we’ll be doing things the right way instead of the Docker way, so we will be running IRIS as a user, not as root.

pw user add iris -m

Next we setup some directories and checkout the repo

root@iris0:~ # pw user add iris -m
root@iris0:~ # su - irisiris@iris0:~ $ git clone --branch v2.4.7 iris-web

Finally, we install some python dependencies using pip.

iris@iris0:~ $ cd iris-web/source
iris@iris0:~/iris-web/source $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now we have to configure the .env file based on our needs, I will post my version of it, I hope it helps

# -- DATABASEexport POSTGRES_USER=postgresexport POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgresexport POSTGRES_DB=iris_dbexport POSTGRES_ADMIN_USER=irisexport POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD=longpasswordexport POSTGRES_SERVER=localhostexport POSTGRES_PORT=5432# -- IRISexport DOCKERIZED=0export IRIS_SECRET_KEY=verylongsecretexport IRIS_SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT=verylongsaltexport IRIS_UPSTREAM_SERVER=app # these are for docker, you can ignoreexport IRIS_UPSTREAM_PORT=8000# -- WORKERexport CELERY_BROKER=amqp://localhost# Set to your rabbitmq instance# Change these as you need them.# -- AUTH#IRIS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE=local## optional#IRIS_ADM_PASSWORD=MySuperAdminPassword!#IRIS_ADM_API_KEY=B8BA5D730210B50F41C06941582D7965D57319D5685440587F98DFDC45A01594#IRIS_ADM_EMAIL=admin@localhost#IRIS_ADM_USERNAME=administrator# requests the just-in-time creation of users with ldap authentification (see the group to which newly created users are initially added, default value is Analysts#IRIS_NEW_USERS_DEFAULT_GROUP=# -- LISTENING PORT#INTERFACE_HTTPS_PORT=443
<h2>Configuring HTTPS</h2>

We can use to issue a TLS certificate from Lets Encrypt.

root@iris0:~ # --set-default-ca --server letsencryptroot@iris0:~ # --issue -d --standaloneroot@iris0:~ # -i -d --fullchain-file /usr/local/etc/ssl/ --key-file /usr/local/etc/ssl/ --reloadcmd 'service nginx reload'
<h2>Setup nginx</h2>

DFIR-IRIS provides a nginx configuration template at nginx.conf, we will be using that, with a little bit of modifications.

The final nginx.conf will look like this:

#user  nobody;worker_processes  1;# This default error log path is compiled-in to make sure configuration parsing# errors are logged somewhere, especially during unattended boot when stderr# isn't normally logged anywhere. This path will be touched on every nginx# start regardless of error log location configured here. See# for more info. ##error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;##pid        logs/;events {    worker_connections  1024;}http {    include       mime.types;    default_type  application/octet-stream;    # Things needed/recommended by DFIR-IRIS    map $request_uri $csp_header {        default "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';";    }    server_tokens off;    sendfile    on;    tcp_nopush  on;    tcp_nodelay on;    types_hash_max_size             2048;    types_hash_bucket_size          128;    proxy_headers_hash_max_size     2048;    proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size  128;    proxy_buffering                 on;    proxy_buffers                   8 16k;    proxy_buffer_size               4k;    client_header_buffer_size   2k;    large_client_header_buffers 8 64k;    client_body_buffer_size     64k;    client_max_body_size        100M;    reset_timedout_connection   on;    keepalive_timeout           90s;    client_body_timeout         90s;    send_timeout                90s;    client_header_timeout       90s;    fastcgi_read_timeout        90s;    # WORKING TIMEOUT FOR PROXY CONF    proxy_read_timeout          90s;    uwsgi_read_timeout          90s;    gzip off;    gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";    # FORWARD CLIENT IDENTITY TO SERVER    proxy_set_header    HOST                $http_host;    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Proto   $scheme;    proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP           $remote_addr;    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For     $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    # FULLY DISABLE SERVER CACHE    add_header          Last-Modified $date_gmt;    add_header          'Cache-Control' 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';    if_modified_since   off;    expires             off;    etag                off;    proxy_no_cache      1;    proxy_cache_bypass  1;    # SSL CONF, STRONG CIPHERS ONLY    ssl_protocols               TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;    ssl_certificate             /usr/local/etc/ssl/;    ssl_certificate_key         /usr/local/etc/ssl/;    ssl_ecdh_curve              secp521r1:secp384r1:prime256v1;    ssl_buffer_size             4k;    # DISABLE SSL SESSION CACHE    ssl_session_tickets         off;    ssl_session_cache           none;    server {        listen          443 ssl        server_name;        root            /www/data;        index           index.html;        error_page      500 502 503 504  /50x.html;        add_header Content-Security-Policy $csp_header;                # SECURITY HEADERS        add_header X-XSS-Protection             "1; mode=block";        add_header X-Frame-Options              DENY;        add_header X-Content-Type-Options       nosniff;        # max-age = 31536000s = 1 year        add_header Strict-Transport-Security    "max-age=31536000: includeSubDomains" always;        add_header Front-End-Https              on;        location / {            proxy_pass  http://localhost:8000;            location ~ ^/(manage/templates/add|manage/cases/upload_files) {                keepalive_timeout           10m;                client_body_timeout         10m;                send_timeout                10m;                proxy_read_timeout          10m;                client_max_body_size        0M;                proxy_request_buffering off;                proxy_pass  http://localhost:8000;            }            location ~ ^/(datastore/file/add|datastore/file/add-interactive) {                keepalive_timeout           10m;                client_body_timeout         10m;                send_timeout                10m;                proxy_read_timeout          10m;                client_max_body_size        0M;                proxy_request_buffering off;                proxy_pass  http://localhost:8000;            }        }        location / {            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;            proxy_http_version 1.1;            proxy_buffering off;            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;            proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";            proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/;        }    }}
<h2>Setup PostgreSQL</h2>

I assume you know how to do this 🙂 You don’t need to configure a separate user, by the looks of it, IRIS likes to do that itself. Thanks to Jails I was able to run a separate PostgreSQL instance in the iris0 jail.

P.S. If you are running PostgreSQL inside a jail, make sure that the following variables are set in your jail configuration

  sysvshm         = new;  sysvmsg         = new;
<h2>Running DFIR-IRIS</h2>

Now that everything is up and running, we just need to run DFIR-IRIS and it will create the database, needed users, an administration account, etc.

su - iriscd ~/iris-web/source. ../.env~/.local/bin/gunicorn app:app --worker-class eventlet --bind --timeout 180 --worker-connections 1000 --log-level=debug

Assuming everything is fine, now we can setup a rc.d service script to make sure it runs at boot.

For that I wrote two files, the service itself and a helper script

rc.d script at /usr/local/etc/rc.d/iris

#!/bin/sh# PROVIDE: iris# REQUIRE: NETWORKING# KEYWORD: . /etc/rc.subrname="iris"rcvar="iris_enable"load_rc_config ${name}: ${iris_enable:=no}: ${iris_path:="/usr/local/iris"}: ${iris_gunicorn:="/usr/local/bin/gunicorn"}: ${iris_env="iris_gunicorn=${iris_gunicorn}"}logfile="${iris_path}/iris.log"pidfile="/var/run/${name}/"iris_user="iris"iris_chdir="${iris_path}/source"iris_command="${iris_path}/"command="/usr/sbin/daemon"command_args="-P ${pidfile} -T ${name} -o ${logfile} ${iris_command}"run_rc_command "$1"

and the helper script at /home/iris/iris-web/

#!/bin/shexport HOME=$(getent passwd `whoami` | cut -d : -f 6). ../.env${iris_gunicorn} app:app --worker-class eventlet --bind --timeout 180 --worker-connections 128

now we set some variables in rc.conf using sysrc and we can start the service.

sysrc iris_enable="YES"sysrc iris_path="/home/iris/iris-web"sysrc iris_gunicorn="/home/iris/.local/bin/gunicorn"

Finally, we can start DFIR-IRIS as a service.

service iris start

Aaaaand we’re done 🙂

Thank you for reading!

There are some issues that I’d like to tackle, for example, service iris stop doesn’t work, and it would be nice if we ported all of the dependencies into Ports, but for now, this seems to be working fine.

Special thanks to the DFIR-IRIS team for creating this cool platform!

That’s all folks…

Reply via email.

Kyle Taylor »

@mms -- there are a few plays with tasks related to automatically updating bare metal and . Haven't tested these yet, but they look promising. This kind of infrastructure management is necessary for managing at scale. and salt stack might be good alternatives if you don't . See also :

Felix Palmen 📯 »

1. It works. At least for me.
2. It has fully integrated. Boot environments work on top of that, they're very useful for a desktop as well. Similar for , although admittedly a bit less relevant on desktops.
3. It's "designed". The whole base system is a well-integrated piece of software from a single source repository. You can easily understand how it works (at least from the user perspective). Changes are done in a thoughtful way, not "just because", and not in isolation with no "big picture" in mind like you often see in the GNU/Linux ecosystem.
4. When I use it on my server anyways, using something else for my desktop would just be unnecessary friction for me.

More of my reasons:

Yes, I used some Linux system before. Getting increasingly frustrated with it around 10 years ago (yes, had its share, but wasn't the only thing), I looked for something better. I quickly became a ports contributor and later commiter.

🗳 0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

⚠️ The BSD Pub ⚠️

Hey Fans!

We all share the same interests - based systems like , and .

We chat all day, sharing thoughts, questions and help. We talk on Matrix across different channels, we share on the . We have's newsletter, we have's and calls and many other ones I can't list here.

Wondering if there would be and interests in the , , etc., for a weekly smalltalk session like in a pub. Just a Jitsi based video/audio call where we can meet, discuss things from newsletter, trending things from the or just have off-topic and openminded discussions. This could result into the meeting.

I know, some people are shy - keep your cam off until you feel comfortable and feel free to join the discussions. Even this meetings should make fun and no pressure - so if someone is not in the mood or can't make it - no worries. No one will judge.

Would you be interested?



Michael W Lucas¹ »

Trick I wish I'd put in the book:

use /etc/hosts to map the name localhost to whatever loopback IP you have

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

I guess based VMs would be really pretty cool on . I think this would be really valuable but I’m struggling on possible implementations.

A: Using my 4x boards - each board has 8GB. This could lead into a temporary and time limited, dedicated usage of 7-30d.

B: It could be shared across with 7 users by on . Requires better support in FreeBSD.

C: QEMU emulated instances running on amd64

I’d really like to see rv64 being pushed and it was excactly the reason to get those boards to get more experience on that platform. However, just sharing some ideas - it does not mean that they will be available in the near future (but would be cool if so).

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Wow, that was fast. People may remember my idea behind Temporary jails for testing and debugging? It got immediately abused for spamming etc.!

Now, I’m running a friendly beta test within the Community (primary & BSD fans) for free small sized hosted / (IPv6 only).

The first system is already full. Let’s see how this will be (ab)used?! Maybe, the next stack will start after Easter.

Felix Palmen 📯 »

@stefano unfortunately true. and maybe we should just be happy this mess can't be (easily) deployed to ...

Felix Palmen 📯 »

@stefano unfortunately true. and maybe we should just be happy this mess can't be (easily) deployed to ...

DeFrisselle ☑️ »


It's better to offer BSD solutions to end user needs whatever they may be than chasing Linux
I kinda feel Linux has been chasing BSDs in order to offer the services found there
I do think there needs to be more education and development on , their use and management

Felix Palmen 📯 »

13.3 deployed at home. 4 times "metal", one VM, 12 .

First time ever not the vanilla version from the releng branch (with just one commit adding kernel configs on top), but pulling in extra patches from some repo on github. 🙄 Because it's unusable in my setup otherwise 😞.

I really really hope this will stay a rare exception for FreeBSD. And of course I hope for an EN including the functionality of all these patches I now pulled in myself ... would probably be a PITA having to maintain them locally.

Stefano Marinelli »

It's Saturday!
Got a message from a colleague I haven't heard from in a while. They're asking for a quote for hosting an e-commerce site they've built with a friend, who by the way sells products I love.
Offered them hosting based on FreeBSD and jails, and they're eager to proceed, trusting the technical solution. Starting right away with enthusiasm, looking forward to heading downtown. It's cold outside but thankfully no rain. Another good day! 😊

jhx »

New project on the horizon. 🙂

Using one of my models as a to cut the costs of running a full bore i5 PC.
I currently have two disks in there - mirror.
I do not need the mirror setup at home. I rather have backups than high avilability here.

So, the will be a jack of all trades to some extent.
Serving and file sharing via and

I think I should dedicate a blog post to the setup after finishing it 😎

truly is the power to serve!

Felix Palmen 📯 »

@marquito Pors sind (über lange Zeit) von DEM Weg, 3rd-party Software auf einem BSD-System zu installieren (weil's gar nicht anders ging), zum flexiblen Paketbausystem geworden. Das muss natürlich aus dem Source bauen, wie bei jeder anderen Softwaredistribution. Der "Ansatz" ist jedenfalls schon lange nicht mehr, alles "frisch" zu kompilieren ... zumindest für Tier-1 Architekturen ist der bevorzugte Weg für User pkg, also Binary-Pakete.

Für User, die trotzdem selbst bauen wollen (weil sie andere Build-Konfigurationen wollen) gibt's mit poudriere ein mächtiges und flexibles Tool, das das eigene Repository für pkg baut, aus dem dann installiert werden kann. Dabei sorgen isolierte builds (ein jail pro build) für zuverlässig reproduzierbare Ergebnisse und für Pakete die von den angepassten Konfigurationen nicht betroffen sind kann direkt ein offizielles Paket runtergeladen und ins eigene Repository gelegt werden statt unnötig zu bauen.

vermaden »

vermaden »

Ricardo Martín »

Wouldn't be fantastic if we could fund a brilliant and charismatic technical writer to produce a book that covers the integration of and in different designs? 😉 😉 😉

Juan Camós »

Sunday thoughts: I'm sure @BastilleBSD would do a better job developing orchestration for jails than k8s 🙂

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

As many of you asked for it - here we have it!

Many thanks to for providing this great Jails overview. In three PDFs the basic functions are shown graphically and explained in more detail.

You can find the PDF hosted on my CDN:

This should probably also get included in:

All credits to

ping: (probably sth. for your newsletter to include)

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Found this awesome sheets lying around at the (. Thanks to Rdx (@padukajorat Twitter) for his efforts!

Marcel Stritzelberger »

The Controller Management Interface enables the management of UniFi devices and the display of network statistics. The installation effort is minimal and quickly completed.

Since / are so lean and FreeBSD is also supported by , an installation there is a good idea. A new feature is the storage of the most important data in an external directory and a "Console Only" area.

Unifi Screenshot

Graham Perrin »

The Land Before Linux: The Unix desktops • The Register

<> @sjvn

❝Today, thanks to Android and ChromeOS, Linux is an important end-user operating system. But, before Linux, there were important Unix desktops, although most of them never made it. …❞