
Believer in the power of open-source & community-driven innovation.

Former AS20621 NetOp that loves FreeBSD & illumos. Currently mostly in DevOps & developing (Python, Rust). Contributes to & . Evaluating and production usage of hardware/software.

* - A free VM hosting service to provide some value back to the community.
* - A static blog generator in manpage design.
* QualvoSec - A security patch management tool.

Stefano Marinelli »

I had to block Meta and AhrefsBot as they were almost DDoSing the Brew instance.


Juan Camós »

@stefano really?? Like DDoS DDoS?


Stefano Marinelli »

@jcamos they were generating so much traffic that Forgejo was using 10 cores...


Juan Camós »

@stefano đŸ˜¶


Juan Camós »

@stefano another reason not to trust these providers 😕

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »
Yeah that was a thing many people were complaining about the “Facebook external hit” crawler - especially it revisits every day and also fully downloads all binary artifacts which consumes a lot of bandwidth and on dynamic websites cpu and mem.

This was especially funny on mirrors and cdn archieves.

18 ★ 11 ↺
Paepke boosted

gyptazy »


Stefano Marinelli »

@gyptazy Great post. Thank you for sharing!

d4gli »

@gyptazy Thank you for sharing this! Very interesting and detailed!

Georg Sassen »

@gyptazy hm, can't reach your site, the (ipv4) dns servers for don't seem to give an answer

Georg Sassen »

@gyptazy works now, just a glitch probably...

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

someone else also mentioned this around that time, but my external monitorings were all happy... pretty interesting.

oxy »

@gyptazy great write up!

Rancher/Harvester/Longhorn has been on my list to check out for a long time (but never got around to it)

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Thanks! So it might be a look worth - the only thing is the needed resources for each node...


oxy »

@gyptazy yeah I never seemed to have the time or the hardware available at the same time to give it a real test

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » while I really like it, the resources are a bummer to me. My nodes tend to have 64-128g mem per node. It would be different when having 1,5TB memory. But in business scope this doesn’t matter


oxy »

@gyptazy Indeed. It was the amount of required resources (and complexity) that forced me to reassess and start looking at things like FreeBSD. Do I really need servers this powerful to host some VMs/Containers?

If I was spinning up and destroying containers constantly I could see the use but most of the stuff I touch tends to be longer living and/or repeatable enough that I can automate with shell scripts.

For me it was like returning home - I started professionally way back when using Slackware, compiling things by hand and working to keep things lean and fast. Freebsd feels familiar to me in that sense but a lot more polished and with Ansible I can achieve most of what I need to while not having to assemble some huge stack of software and deploy insanely expensive hardware.

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » I can clearly understand what you mean. It also live more slims lightweight solutions, that was also why I created qualvosec and manpageblog. It should just do its designated job - nothing more

xyhhx đŸ”» »

@gyptazy this looks assume

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

gyptazy boosted

BoxyBSD »

is now sponsoring the open-source project: Game of Trees

(Got) is a version control system which prioritizes ease of use and simplicity over flexibility and mainly targeting users.


CC: @thomasadam @stsp @gyptazy


d4gli »

@BoxyBSD @thomasadam @stsp @gyptazy

oh, that's really cool! Awesome

gyptazy boosted

Thomas Adam »

@BoxyBSD @stsp @gyptazy My thanks to @gyptazy for going out of his way to help. I can’t stress enough just how friendly and informative he’s been as we’ve been provisioning these machines.

This will really help out, as I plan on having a manual CI system in place to compile changes across the three core BSDs ({Free,Net,Open}BSD).

Currently we’re relying on the infrastructure CirrusCI provides. This is still excellent, but it has been in contention of late with how much we’re able to use those servers. is going to help massively here.

I plan on writing up the process of how I’m going to use these machines.

Thanks again, @gyptazy

3 ★ 1 ↺
d4gli boosted

gyptazy »

Hey Thomas,

thanks a lot and happy to hear that it helps you and the open-source projects :)

People spending their spare-time and efforts into building and sharing valuable software should not be limited by missing resources. Depending on the needs, even small projects can easily cost too much money for the required hardware and everything behind it - just to keep it running.

Have fun and keep up the great work that you guys are doing! Thank YOU ALL

gyptazy boosted

Thomas Adam »

@BoxyBSD @gyptazy

Well, here it is... thanks to use of synchronised-panes, this is gameoftrees -portable compiling on {Free,Net,Open}BSD.

This is going to be very helpful!

A terminal window, black background, running tmux.  The terminal is split into three sections.  White text shows compilation output from compiling gameoftrees.
1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »
Awesome! Happy to see it flying :)

SolÚne »

@thomasadam @BoxyBSD @gyptazy what are synchronised panes in tmux?


Thomas Adam »

@solene @BoxyBSD @gyptazy It’s a setting in tmix where, if you have a window split into multiple panes, turning synchronised-panes on, will send keyboard input to all of those panes at the same time.


SolÚne »

@thomasadam @BoxyBSD @gyptazy cool feature! Thanks for sharing, I often need this

NeussWave »

Dinge die Leute nachts um 1 so treiben: Ich hatte meine Blume auf dem Balkon umgetopft, im Garten vor dem Balkon sind Leute ... mit Kinderwagen(!!??!?) spazieren gegangen, in der Wohnung gegenĂŒber die immer buntes Licht hat war heute rot dran.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » Barbaraviertel oder Erftal?


NeussWave »

@gyptazy Beides nicht. Ich glaub da parken auch nicht Straßenpanzer die Feuerwehreinfahrt zu!? Bis auf den Kinderwagen seh ich aber nicht, was daran so brennpĂŒnktlich sein soll. In den letzten Jahren verĂ€ndert es sich hier zwar etwas aber fĂŒr Brennpunkt sind mir die Autos zu teuer.

gyptazy boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

A modern, minimal, flexible, and easy-to-expand FreeBSD Jail manager built with love by experienced users for both neophytes and experts.

I tested it in the past, and liked it. Testing it again now and I like it. No databases, just the jail's dataset and a single .conf file to migrate or backup a jail.

Thank you, @antranigv


Antranig Vartanian »

@stefano thank you for the post!

In the coming version I'll be adding

- Jailerfile, similar to Dockerfile
- integration with NetGraph using @bellhyve 's NetGraph Buddy
- Integration with DNSMasq
- Out of the box IPv6 support
- enable/disable commands
- jailer init hostbridge, for those who want to expose the Jails to the WAN using if_bridge.
- jailer info with better (and JSON) output

Again, thank you!


Stefano Marinelli »

@antranigv @bellhyve thank you for this beautiful piece of software.
That roadmap is absolutely interesting. I love easy and plain solutions, without any need for a database. Disaster recovery of those jails is easy and fast.

MichaƂ »

@stefano this looks freaking awesome

Eva Winterschön »

@stefano @antranigv nice work! it's refreshing to see a jail manager using the modern jail.conf.d temple syntax.

reading through the main docs and noticed that there's some healthy overlap between my jail management playbooks (ansible) and this project... so I might just have to adapt those playbooks to automate these jailer wrapper functions. (it's all private cloud based infra over here, 100% FreeBSD of course).


Antranig Vartanian »

@winterschon @stefano thank you!

If possible, may I ping you over the coming weeks? I'd like to make an Ansible... thingie, for Jailer, where people can use Ansible to create Jails using Jailer.

I'd like to do the same for other DevOps tools as well, such as Terraform.

We only have support for BuildBot at the moment, but I think it’s not open sourced, as we're on a VERY OLD version that's not supported anymore. I need to update the BB deployment and the plugin code :)


Eva Winterschön »

@antranigv @stefano certainly, happy to help, and there's plenty of hardware available for testing as well!

: j@fabrica:~/src; »

@antranigv @winterschon @stefano How’s the api stabilizing? A lot of the ansible and terraform dev I’ve done in the past is just getting the api calls wrapped meaningfully, then making sure it handles idempotence, errors, retries and properly responding to changes made outside config mgmt.


Antranig Vartanian »

@josephholsten @winterschon @stefano that's my current issue, yes. Trying to have a stable “API”.

In quotes, because it's written in shell, and by API I mean the CLI.

I just learned how to integrate Ansible with Jailer, but Terraform seems more complex, as it needs Go. I have no idea how to do that. I might need a local wrapper that does SSH I guess.

Overall, after 10 years of not using common DevOps tools, I can say that they haven't improved much.


: j@fabrica:~/src; »

@antranigv @winterschon @stefano Terraform is going to be strange. I should look into how providers work that aren’t just doing HTTP. Yay, new things to learn!


Antranig Vartanian »

@josephholsten @winterschon @stefano my version is “yay, new things to complain about!”

At some point I might just create my own configuration management.

Or get smarter and learn @nico 's cdist :D


: j@fabrica:~/src; »

@antranigv @winterschon @stefano @nico I’ve pretty much use them all in anger, so let me know where the demand comes from.
Honestly, this feels most appropriate for ansible; somewhat appropriate for puppet, chef, salt; and barely appropriate for terraform.

JustDude 🍋 »

@stefano @antranigv How does it compare to BastilleBSD? Looks similar function wise.


Antranig Vartanian »

@justdude @stefano We developed Jailer internally at @illuria before Bastille existed, but the ideas are very similar. The UI/UX is different, of course.

Many of my friends do use Jailer and Bastille side-by-side and they like both, but personally I can't comment as I'll have my bias.

Jailer is also integrated into our product directly, and we've been very happy with it.

alelab boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

@justdude @antranigv They're both great. BastilleBSD also supports UFS and maybe it has, at least for now, more features. But also more bugs. BastilleBSD also supports thin jails while Jailer doesn't.

I like both of them and I'm deploying a new server with Jailer right now, as I find it stable and like the idea to use the native "jail.conf.d" approach.

My mail backup system is zfs-send and zfs-receive jail dataset. The Jailer approach makes it easy and reliable.


Antranig Vartanian »

@stefano @justdude Ah about that... That is indeed one thing that we (probably) will never support: Jails on UFS.

As much as I love UFS, using ZFS makes my live MUCH easier :D

(unless there's a hard requirement from a paying customer, we don't see that coming)


: j@fabrica:~/src; »

@antranigv @stefano @justdude I would be very interested to understand a real world need for jails on UFS.

I had to do a docker thing the other day and realized its storage wasn’t on btrfs or zfs; immediately rebuilt it once I realized I didn’t have snapshots etc available.

Stefano Marinelli »

@antranigv @justdude Yes, this is a specific use case that I think, nowadays, isn't much needed anymore.
I'm trying to create nested jails using Jailer. I sent a patch for BastilleBSD, months ago, but hasn't been merged (yet).


Antranig Vartanian »

@stefano @justdude Nested Jails sounds interesting. give me a second :)

Do you want to run jailer create nestedjail inside of jail0, or do you want to do jailer create jail0.nestedjail ?


MichaƂ »

@antranigv my 2 cents:

pkg when?


Antranig Vartanian »

@mms not yet. The CLI interface is unstable (for example the network subcommand will be changed a bit soon, as well as -m netmask will become -m memorylimit).

I will submit the package as soon as some of these basic things are stable enough.

TL;DR sometime this year.

Stefano Marinelli »

@antranigv @justdude the first. I'd like to be able to create jails in jails, like I'm doing with BastilleBSD here:

gyptazy boosted

BoxyBSD »

is now sponsoring: Freedive

is a beginner/hobbyist/tinkerer friendly, mobile-first web interface to run FreeBSD as a personal/public server.


gyptazy boosted

vermaden »

New 𝗙𝗿đ—Čđ—Č𝗕𝗩𝗗 𝗩𝗼đ—ș𝗯𝗼 đ—Šđ—”đ—źđ—żđ—Č đ˜„đ—¶đ˜đ—” 𝗙𝗿đ—Čđ—Č𝗜𝗣𝗔/𝗜𝗗𝗠 đ—”đ˜‚đ˜đ—” (FreeBSD Samba Share with FreeIPA/IDM Auth) article on blog.

No description
gyptazy boosted

vermaden »

New 𝗙𝗿đ—Čđ—Č𝗕𝗩𝗗 𝗩𝗼đ—ș𝗯𝗼 đ—Šđ—”đ—źđ—żđ—Č đ˜„đ—¶đ˜đ—” 𝗙𝗿đ—Čđ—Č𝗜𝗣𝗔/𝗜𝗗𝗠 đ—”đ˜‚đ˜đ—” (FreeBSD Samba Share with FreeIPA/IDM Auth) article on blog.

No description
0 ★ 0 ↺
in reply to »

gyptazy » copy the en.js and en.php as fr.js and en.php and just translate the right part like I did for the German part in this PR. Really appreciated!


Parade du Grotesque 💀 »

@gyptazy @stefano

Expect more results sometime between now and the end of the week.

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


Translation is done. Expect some pull requests on Github soon.


2 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » oh, that's cool! Awesome! Very appreciated! Thanks!


Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


I don't really like github, so I have opened an issue and attached the files in a zip archive.

There it is:


0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

I created a PR for this including your attached files from the issue and set you as "sponsored by" - hope this is fine for you:

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


As an aside, I think the original English could be improved a little bit, as some of the messages can be a bit ambiguous.

Let me know what you think about the French translation and let's discuss further if you are interested.

Also: I hope the GUI will be able to use the French translation "as is", as French is usually longer than English.

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » yeah I also saw that and modified some of them in the English version. Maybe redoing them is better.

Longer text is also something what I encountered in the German translation, curios how it will look like rendered :)

Thanks for your work and efforts :)

gyptazy boosted

BoxyBSD »


d4gli »

@BoxyBSD @thomasadam @op @gyptazy

Great to see that more projects make use of BoxyBSD!

gyptazy boosted

Dashanan »

Let us do zpool administration on .
This is Part-I and Part-II will be share as soon as possible.

No description
1 ★ 1 ↺
Dashanan boosted

gyptazy »

Well done! I love your overviews! They’re technical and an eye catcher at the same time and always attracting people! Well done!

Stefano Marinelli »

@Padukajorat A great overview, as usual. Thank you for sharing!

d4gli boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

I'm thrilled to announce that my talk for EuroBSDcon 2024 has been accepted! I am incredibly happy and honored. It will be a fantastic experience. Thank you to the team for your trust!


moksh »

@stefano yay!! all the very best

Lexu »

@stefano I wish I could get a visa to Ireland... Is there going to be a recording?

Lexu boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

@aa it should be as they're usually recorded

cuddle »

@stefano congratulations! looking forward (:

Tara đŸŒ· »

@stefano Amazing news! Well deserved .
Also in my (re)birth city 🇼đŸ‡Ș

2 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » wooooohooooo! Congratulations!!! Happy to hear that :)

Raven »

@stefano Congratulations 😃

shiko »

@stefano Very richly deserved. Congrats Stefano. I'm looking forward to watch your present.


Tionisla »


@stefano all the best for it then!😀

Laurent Cheylus »

@stefano Congrat Stefano 👏​


h3artbl33d »


Sweet! See you in Dublin, I'll be at your talk.


Daniel aka CyReVolt 🐱 »

While I'm trying to push for open, well-documented platforms, this is happening on the other side

> NOTE: I am not judging any company(including TI) for reasons why some firmware is proprietary, but I hate to have the end users and other system (distro) maintainers have to deal with hell trying to make the life of end users easy to live with.


Daniel aka CyReVolt 🐱 »

In other words:
U-Boot is becoming another blob wrapping framework because vendors and "regulation" choose that.
How can you those enclaves?

This is the same thing that happened to @coreboot. On Intel, it is now largely a logger around binaries that get some parameters.

Mr_Hat_2010 »

@CyReVolt yeah, this is especially cumbersome for newcomers, who have not looked in the abyss of firmwares yet.


Daniel aka CyReVolt 🐱 »

@Mr_Hat_2010 It is deep, dark, and disturbing. Wanna join me down here? I think my rope broke when I descended and dropped into this hell. 🙃

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » yeah that definitely sucks and makes the overall process much more complex

Lexu boosted

Michael Dexter »

Dear GNU/Linux developers moving to a BSD, please share your story.

I’ve met several of you lately and you’re amazing.

3 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » not that easy to share 😏


Tionisla »


@gyptazy @dexter same :-D

I think feeling home again is probl most suiting.

5 ★ 1 ↺

gyptazy »

Yeah, it’s something where I started, lost out of my sight and came back into touch with again when hitting @stefano@mastodon.bsd.came and directly felt home again.

gyptazy boosted

Tionisla »


@gyptazy sums it up better than I could have said it😀

oxy »


Tara đŸŒ· »

@oxyhyxo @gyptazy I guess we're all on the same boat 💜

Lexu »

@dexter Originally I started with Linux in 2020. I've had a shitty laptop and a dying desktop then, and being curious about Linux I installed Ubuntu on the laptop. Didn't take me too long to install Arch, and later replace it with Gentoo on the desktop.

Around the same time I also became interested in running a website, and an smtp server, and stuff like that. The company that I rented the server from offered, among other things, FreeBSD and OpenBSD. I wanted to try something new, so I made an OpenBSD server. After that I fell in love with the system. Everything just made more sense than on Linuces.

And then I was coming to the conclusion that playing video games all the time is actually very boring, compared to all the creative stuff you can do with a computer. So, I no longer needed to run wine. So, I installed OpenBSD on my desktop, and have been running it almost exclusively since.

3 ★ 2 ↺

gyptazy » sounds like we could have something like this in recoded sessions of users who want to speak about it within a dedicated session with reason why people switched.


Rory »

@dexter For me it's kind of like a homecoming. I started my career in the days of the commercial UNIX RISC servers and workstations. I loved the Sun/DEC/HP stuff. I always liked the BSDs as well but was carried along on the Linux wave. These days, though, the over-engineered, everything-is-a-swiss-army-knife ethos of Linux has gone too far. The BSDs have stayed closer to the "do one thing and do it well" and that makes for a refreshing change. Particularly true, IMO, for OpenBSD.

slash »

@dexter My story is simple: GNU/Linux was bullet-proof. Then I started seeing _crashes_. But not in response to anything I did. What's wrong here?

So I dig into these faults, and in every case I could track it down, it was code from "Freedesktop[.]Org".

I could give a long list of bad code, but try these: UDISKS2 (2?) ignores fstab. Systemd is obviously bad in concept. And PulseAudio only works for a single user. And _only_ if that user is logged in.

So, Open and Free are my BSDs.

NeussWave »

Sagt mir mal eben gerade, dass das nicht schon wieder so ein Schwurblerverein ist! Eben stand da ein Auto der Lebenshilfe. Das sind auch nicht Evangelikale oder andere Fundis, richtig? Das da ist einfach... keine Ahnung, AktionsbĂŒndnis fĂŒr mehr GlĂŒhwein im Sommer, richtig? đŸ€Ł

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » Arbeitest du im Ratshaus? Das Foto dĂŒrfte aus der ersten Etage sein?


NeussWave »

@gyptazy nein, ich arbeite nicht im Rathaus, die Bilder klaue ich von der WebCam der Stadt

Im Februar 2021 sind die alten WebCams kaputt gegangen, ein paar Monate spĂ€ter kam dann diese Cam, hoffentlich als Provisorium, ich hĂ€tte gern wieder die 4 Cams von vorher 😂

Stefano Marinelli »

Finally, the busiest week of the year so far seems to have come to an end. I'm exhausted 😃


Tionisla »


@stefano same!👍

Relax and enjoy your Weekend

Lexu »

@stefano Same thing here. Though I don't think it'll be the busiest this year yet for me. I wonder if first world -> first world migration is as taxing as third (second?) world -> first world.

3 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » It's time to have some more relax- & me-time :)

7 ★ 4 ↺

gyptazy »

Usually I post about things that follow a minimalistic approach - do only what is needed.

However, currently I'm playing around with some completely different things like - running with , and . I spawned a three node cluster just in minutes and could use live migrations.

Multi tenant solutions are a bit more tricky and the integration is not that easy as expected and took additional 30 minutes. Currently, I like the approach of and also the more modern one which feels more like infrastructure as a code. I'm aware that this might not fit all scenarios and use cases and it's just having a look aside of the typical solutions. But it looks pretty promising and interesting.

13 ★ 10 ↺
Kyle Taylor boosted

gyptazy »


oxy »

@gyptazy excellent article!

2 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » thank you :) happy to present it in a call soon

Stefano Marinelli »

@gyptazy Great article! Thank you for sharing!

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

d4gli »

@gyptazy Uhm! I need to have a look at it. Weekend is enough time

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » it is definitely worth it :)

Rory »

@gyptazy nice! There goes my weekend 🙃

6 ★ 4 ↺

gyptazy »

When creating new user space tools - in what language do you prefer it to be written from a user perspective?

I think many prefers Python because it's easy to understand and to adjust/fix/add new features to many ones. Rust maybe for more performance and still easy to write. Go is probably a a perfect mix between Python and Rust. I'm not sure which lang should be my primary one when crafting new tools and apps.


Zygmunt Krynicki »

@gyptazy how do you deploy your tools to your users and systems? Python is somewhat of a mixed bag here. Do you have any constraints apart from preferences?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » I ship them with CMake's CPack support to create .deb/.rpm etc. files.



Zygmunt Krynicki »

@gyptazy how is binary compatibility like in that approach? Does it work across a wide range of systems or is it more constrained?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » What do you mean in detail? With this approach you can cover all .rpm and .deb based files but also FreeBSD users.


Zygmunt Krynicki »

@gyptazy I mean if you make a package with this, can you deploy it across say, last two or three LTS releases of Ubuntu and expect it to work. Does it bundle Python or does it depend on python from the distribution?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » So what I basically do is just shipping static files there. As you can see in my example it just ships the Python code together with the systemd unit file and the config file which belongs to /etc/qualvosec/. In my case, I want to use the already present environment and also ensure that additional bistro based packages are present (see also:

Working with static files to simply copy, you can of course also ship a whole dedicated Py environment. However, I would never do this because this wouldn't be upgraded in any way unless YOU also upgrade and ship it (and the users also updates it). Therefore, I make Py as a dependency on the underlying OS.


Zygmunt Krynicki »

@gyptazy interesting. So this way, you need to stick to the subset of the language or the oldest system you want to support, right?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » yes and no... Regarding the subset, it's still possible to also package the missing subset (which we frequently did in the past) and also most of them moved upstream - so everyone benefited from this approach. But yeah, you can't use bleeding edge features but this also applies more or less everywhere - even when you're depending somewhere on a specific go version etc.

That's more a topic regarding the software lifetime cycle and feature set.


Zygmunt Krynicki »

@gyptazy have you heard of snap packages? (Disclaimer: I work on the project as an upstream developer). Have you tried packaging your software as a snap?

- works in many places
- pick any python, go or rust you want
- ship to users directly
- easy updates

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » I guess, Snap is only for Linux and not available on BSD based systems which would be directly a show stopper to me.


Zygmunt Krynicki »

@gyptazy yeah, that is true. We depend on many Linux-specific features and would need a huge amount of changes to support anything like BSD.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » I see - I guess that was unfortunately why never looked into it again. When creating apps on personal site, I'm primarily targeting BSD (FreeBSD) and then look into it to make it also work on Linux based systems.

For business it might be different, so I might have a look into it again.

DesRoin »

@gyptazy I really started to like Go tbh

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » I must admit, that I only used it in K8s context and some smaller utils (which I later rewrote in Py) to streamline to projects languages.

Currently, I'm more in Rust, but Go is also pretty nice.

Alauddin Maulana Hirzan đŸ’» »

@gyptazy I prefer python since I write a program for machine learning and embedded boards.

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » Can clearly see the reason for that use case :)

Phil Dennis-Jordan đŸ˜· »

@gyptazy Deploying tools written in Python tends to be a nightmare for anyone who’s not a Python developer, unless the distro maintainers (or equivalent) have already done the legwork.
Example: Let’s Encrypt’s “Autobot” ACME client has a habit of breaking itself with automatic self-updates. (To the extent that I’ve ditched it.)


EaterOfSnacks »

@pmdj I heard something about that a while ago. What would you recommend in its place?


Phil Dennis-Jordan đŸ˜· »

@eaterofsnacks So, my specific requirement was/is DNS-01 (wildcard) verification using Hetzner DNS. I was doing this manually with Autobot’s interactive mode, but IIRC there was an Autobot plugin for this, but I had no chance getting that running as a mere mortal. That plus Autobot had b0rked itself too often, so I wanted to find a completely automatic method that didn’t need babysitting.
Unfortunately the Hetzner requirement proved tricky; there were plenty of options for AWS DNS.


Phil Dennis-Jordan đŸ˜· »

@eaterofsnacks I ended up using an ACME client library to write my own little single-purpose tool that hit Hetzner‘s DNS API. Which reminds me, I was going to publish that in case anyone else found it useful.
So I’m afraid I don‘t have a specific general purpose recommendation. There are quite a lot of ACME clients out there; they all implement different feature subsets and have different deployment stories, so I think you just need to find one that meets your specific needs.

cuddle »

@gyptazy it's all about what language you're most proficient with and some personal taste. Use the right tool for the right job.

Lexu »

@gyptazy I use C for "serious" things, and perl for anything too complicated for a shell script. One thing I really like about perl is that it's pretty much everywhere. And another one is that documentation is always close at hand. Some people don't like perl due to it being a "write-only language", which can be true, but also doesn't have to :-).

Felix Palmen »

@gyptazy đŸ€·

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gyptazy » Luckily the # is placed on the left... :D


Tionisla »


@gyptazy @zirias 😂

Felix Palmen »

@gyptazy To be fair, I really like C# as a language, feels to my a bit like "C++ done right" (looking at just the language design). But it needs a ton of platform/framework stuff etc...

I assumed a context of portable opensource software, and there, my answer is indeed C:

- it's almost perfectly portable (if you write portable code)
- it's perfectly readable (if you write readable code)
- absolutely no package-manager shenanigans, which, ironically, makes it easy to package

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gyptazy » I can clearly see the reasons for pure C - unfortunately this lacks my skills. Even I'm able to write it, it doesn't mean that the quality is good. To have a mix, it switched to Rust.

EaterOfSnacks »

@gyptazy I like Python for ease of development (within my personal limits as a terrible programmer). But I agree with others about packaging/distributing the end result. I'm quite taken with a couple of new languages such as Grain and Gleam which don't as far as I recall compile to native, but do compile to something a wasm engine can run on more or less any system. I guess, anything that compiles to a single executable that can be run with the minimum of effort would get my vote. Rust, Nim, Crystal etc are all nice in their own way.

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gyptazy » thank you for your valuable input :)

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gyptazy »

Today, one big part of our call was about (made by which is about integrating a gui management interface for beginners for further system management. I also covered the insights, build instructions and a binary pkg in a blog post.

A recording of this part will also be provided soon!

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gyptazy »

Thanks to for patching it to make it run on . You can also find the bin here:

gyptazy boosted

Tara đŸŒ· »

OMG I just finished the FreeBSD Day live stream and I am still shaking. I tripped on words 🙈
(sorry folks, haven't been speaking in public much lately)


parvXtl »

@tara Do you know when would the recording be available?


Tara đŸŒ· »

@parvXtl I believe is already available on YouTube.

Can I ask for forgiveness in advance? 🙈
I don't have the courage to watch it!


aru »

@tara The link doesn't seem to work for me, it tells me the video was taken down. Do you maybe have a different link?


Tara đŸŒ· »

@aru I confirm the video was taken down. I'll double-check with the @FreeBSDFoundation
I know that they have a recording in raw format. They might be editing it.

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gyptazy » well done, Tara :)

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gyptazy » oh, and thank you for mentioning me :)


Tara đŸŒ· »

@gyptazy Well, that's deserved. In my mind, you and @stefano are the pillars of BSD Cafe.

I should have mentioned everyone, but I'm not good at names, and my mind went blank.

FYI, the interview wasn't prepared at all. Nothing was agreed upon in advance except for 5 minutes before speaking about the potential topics, and all was improvised.


Stefano Marinelli »

@tara @gyptazy You were great, both with the general topics and the BSD Cafe (and general community) topics. I really appreciated your interview, and thank you again for mentioning us and having those kind words for the BSD Cafe!

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gyptazy » Really happy to hear that, thank you!

Martin »

@tara No need to worry. It was a great interview and you were very well spoken. 🙂

cuddle »

@tara i'm watching the video now, you have spoke smoothly there, absolutely no worries! :)

have a very good night, take care! :)


Tara đŸŒ· »

@cuddle Thanks very much! đŸ€—

oxy »

@tara 100% agree with all your sentiments. Great interview!

gyptazy boosted

Die Teckids-Gemeinschaft »

Wusstet ihr schon, dass Kindern bei uns niemals Geld im Weg stehen soll?

Unsere Freizeiten haben realistische Teilnahmepreise, aber niemand muss sie bezahlen. Eine formlose Mail mit Wunschbetrag ab 0 € reicht.

Falls ihr Kinder oder Jugendliche kennt, die sich ĂŒber eine Tech-Ferienfreizeit freuen wĂŒrden, aber die Familie denkt, es passe nicht ins Ferienbudget, sagt es weiter!

2 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »
Danke fĂŒr die Bereitstellung solcher Möglichkeiten!

Murenius »

@Teckids Tolle Sache. Zwar etwas weiter weg von hier, aber wenn meine Tochter dann alt genug ist wĂŒrde ich sie sogar die 3h fahren. :)

Lexu »

I suppose it wouldn't hurt to post here as well. I am currently looking for a -better- different job. Specifically, a fully remote position at a company hiring internationally. So if any of you happen to know someone who'd hire a systems programmer/Unix guru, my resume is at


Stefano Marinelli »

@aa Posting a link with hashatg 🙂


Lexu »

@stefano thanks, I'll add that to my post too. :^)

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gyptazy » A gdje wy zhivete sej4as?


Lexu »

@gyptazy Kutaisi, Imeriti, Georgia, Earth. Pictures at .


Lexu »

@gyptazy By the way, I like your . I've seen something similar once. I'll post if I can find it later.

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gyptazy » thank you :)


Lexu »

@gyptazy Found it. It's the website of the catgirl IRC client developer.

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gyptazy » thanks for the info. Are you also willed into relocations?


Lexu »

@gyptazy Well, it really depends. I am in a bit of a tricky situation politically, where I don't think I'll be able to get any visas to anywhere until at least October. What country?

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » asking in general, but things are a lot easier when being in Europe.


Lexu »

@gyptazy Tell me about it... :^)

Well, I am *going* to relocate to Europe anyway, possibly in 1-2 years. It's really The Thing I've been trying to figure out since January.

rena2019 ☑ »

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » oh, mir 16GB memory gar nixht mal schlecht. Aktuell warte ich aber noch auf etwas, was auch Hardware virtualisierung endlich kann boosted


Hey there! ... Come and join us on Friday July 12th for our 2nd Get Together in 2024 at - -

1 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy » thanks for sharing... I'll keep it in mind :)

10 ★ 9 ↺
Georg Sassen boosted

gyptazy »


d4gli »

@gyptazy wow, that sounds pretty interesting. Didn't even know that

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

vermaden »

Latest đ—©đ—źđ—č𝘂𝗼𝗯đ—čđ—Č 𝗡đ—Č𝘄𝘀 - 𝟼𝟬𝟼𝟰/𝟬đŸČ/𝟭𝟳 (Valuable News - 2024/06/17) available.

Past releases:

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gyptazy boosted

FreeBSD Foundation »

Join us in celebrating ! Since June 19, 1993, FreeBSD has been a cornerstone of open-source innovation, powering systems and applications worldwide.

We have a week of activities planned to celebrate the developers, supporters, users, and contributors. We invite you to join us in the celebration by sharing your experiences.

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Just asking around in my BSD circle, maybe we can get more translations? French? / Italien? Polish? PT?


Lovis IX ♿  »

@gyptazy @stefano @vermaden @michel

I could give some help, but I did have any energy to translate by myself a complete project.

Parade du Grotesque 💀 »


Point me in the right direction and I will do your French translation!

vermaden »

@gyptazy @lovisix @stefano @michel

My opinion on translations in the FreeBSD world are the same as decade ago - first we need to provide up-to-date and accurate documentation and stuff in English - only then we can think about translating it to other languages ... and to be honest English is a must in IT. You do not know English - You do not do IT.

... so no - I am actually against any translations and all that time/work that would be used for translations I would use for something else - even improving/updating the English documentation/articles/FAQ etc.

Sorry to dissapoint.

8 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Just pushed German translations to . So, if you’re into ( and - this project might be perfect for you! is something like but on and especially the live migration part is interesting. Happy to see more contributors there :)

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gyptazy » yes and no! More quality, but such posts may also be boosted. But please, not useless things - you’re fully right!

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gyptazy »

Yes and no. I feel the same like tgat I only see interesting things that got boosted by my bubble (which shares the same mindset and interests). Without this, I would probably still follow 2 people. This works as a snowball system and increases my following count, which now makes it hard to see the really interesting things of people that I’m really interested to.

What I really hate is boosting useless stuff like „yes, thanks“,
 it just annoys and blows up the timeline. I only boost something if it is (imho) really valuable

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » currently I would say, X is more alive than ever before. Interactions are raising there and the war between Threads vs BsKy vs Fedi doesn’t help. Where to signup? What is the future? All social medias at the same time is almost impossible to handle and how to grow there. People keep focusing on X.

That’s my POV

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gyptazy »

Yeah, missing content by tags is really a pain. I can't even find the content by searching the tag of an older instance profile from me or a friend on other instances. Only by the links. Looking for trending things by tags is also an issue unless it gets well shared across the instances.

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gyptazy »

The Great Fediverse Exodus: What's Really Happening?

Yes, you read that right. While the overall numbers might suggest growth, a deeper look reveals a worrying trend: the monthly active users on the Fediverse have plummeted to half of what they once were. Even the big profiles are feeling the pinch with dwindling interactions. Could it be that the Fediverse honeymoon is over?

Meanwhile, Twitter/X is seeing a resurgence. More and more users are flocking back, reigniting the platform with a surge of interactions. Is this the beginning of the end for the Fediverse, or just a bump in the road?

Let’s hear your thoughts!

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gyptazy » or just get cheap VPS and tunnel it home

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gyptazy »

More and more single user instances are joining the Fediverse while more and more users are leaving - sure, there’re coming more and more users, but the overall user count is nothing compared to the falling MAU count.

I can also see that more people are active in Twitter/X again. Also most interactions occur there which currently makes the Fediverse less interesting.

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gyptazy » yep that’s right. There’s currently only FreeBSD available as a „tilde“ (shared shell) system. Currently, I also do not plan do provide additional systems with any other OS in favor of the VMs. I guess tilde style is too limited where you can easily gain the full potential on full fledged VMs where also the other ones are available. :)

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gyptazy » the BSD community is different in general. Never seen such a calm and friendly community anywhere else without all of those shit wars.

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gyptazy »

Sorry, can’t follow. In the VM section it offers this ones?!


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gyptazy »
I hope so too đŸ€Ł setting up everything from scratch takes some time (and longer than expected).

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gyptazy »

Thanks for the info, Lars!

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gyptazy » hahah đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł sorry, I was still setting up my new system after the system died and the on-site repair service took almost 5 hours to fix it. How cool it is, when the NVMe is fixed to the logic board which means you have to install everything from scratch.

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gyptazy » Thank you for sharing and uploading that talk :)

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends of the , , and enthusiasts and the entire ,

Curious about ?
Join Florian - @gyptazy - as he dives into its creation, architecture, and community support.
Perfect for BSD beginners and pros alike!

📅 10/06/2024

🔗 Watch now:
🔗 More about BoxyBSD:
🔗 More about the BSD Cafe:

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gyptazy » Inalso thought about that, but there are already many bhyve related one, so I guess too many ones wouldn’t be that good

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gyptazy » Teams, Signal, Telegram, Viber, Twitter as a Webapp, Google Messenger,
 and finally VSCode :)

Did I already mention how I loved back the days where we just had XMPP and all transports worked quite well.

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gyptazy » on the other hand
 who installs images manually nowadays? Guess that’s something you do once per year / per project to have your basic template in place

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gyptazy » what a time to be alive! And probably mostly chat apps
 Good old icq times where we already had all the features and it simply run on 128mb memory systems

FreeBSD Foundation »

Next week is FreeBSD week!

June 19th has been declared FreeBSD Day, and we'll be celebrating all week long. Each day, we’ll highlight FreeBSD content, user stories, and more! On FreeBSD Day itself, we will be streaming on YouTube as Kim McMahon interviews members of the FreeBSD community.

Stay tuned and join us in celebrating 31 years of FreeBSD!

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gyptazy »

haven’t seen you for a while and was wondering if is still a thing?! I also enjoyed the efforts you put into this. Creating a really nice new UI for was somehow something special but the last changes are already a few month (almost a year) old.

I’m not sure if this reaches you, because also the postings on social medias stopped. However, maybe someone has some more information - and if you are feeding this I just want to say thank you for the time and efforts you put all the time into this project and I also hope you’re doing well so far (because we haven’t seen you for a while anymore).

Sometimes things get too much or our focus simply changes - it’s ok! Just hope you’re good so far!

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gyptazy »

Are you already using on your hardware?

I created some ready-to-use container images for :
* Trixie
* Jammy (22.04)
* Ubuntu Mantic (23.10)
* Ubuntu Noble (24.04)
* 39

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gyptazy »
Thank you very much! I'm really happy to see how everything works out with the BSD Cafe.

We have passionated people and developers that were brought together by the BSD Cafe, sharing the same mindset, having the same ideas - boosting up the community. Especially the one and also trying to attract , , and all the other awesome flavours to beginners. We see people working and developing new things to make beginners life easier, using service for this (like does with , syncing in the Matrix chat and discussing those things in the calls with the community. Providing deep detailed information, like you did yesterday with your blogpost where on got compared to on (both running on , but also are the important things to boost the visibility of BSD! Also keeping up and together the community is very important. Without this place, many things would have never happen!

Everyone puts his time and efforts in pushing the community, to make it a little bit better by each day.

So, thank you and everyone here!

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gyptazy »

Ouch, I just saw the thumbnail with {tcp,udp} and thought about something different. lol :)

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gyptazy »

Why? I don’t get it right now

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Thanks and no worries! Just talked to and we will meet in person 😉

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gyptazy » very interesting! Thanks for this blog post providing detailed information!

Stefano Marinelli »

Proxmox vs FreeBSD: Which Virtualization Host Performs Better?

Since migrating many servers from Proxmox to FreeBSD, we have consistently felt that the VMs are more responsive. It's time to conduct some concrete tests.

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gyptazy » happily seeing the Ansible approach :) well done

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gyptazy »

Thank you! I just did it :)

Btw, the request confirmation for the sticker is:

We will get your VM up and running asap!

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gyptazy »

Unfortunately I didn’t received post nor email. But no worries, I just gave it a new try :)

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gyptazy »

It was only the ones from the first link, I didn’t even know the second - thanks for sharing!

I hope to attend the EuroBSDCon24 and to meet you all in reallife. I think with the it already took a good way into this to get in touch with the community in a more personal way :) however, meet & greet in RL is something different and I’m happily looking forward I to it to gonna happen :)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

I requested them a few month ago, unfortunately they never arrived :(

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » We're happy to have more nodes on board! Feel free to join at any time :)

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.54 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. This release includes very valuable work by fellow developer louis77, as well as other bugfixes and improvements:

Markdown-style links are now supported.

The alt text in attachments that have one is also shown in a dropdown just below it (useful for environments where mouseover is not available, i.e. for phones and tablets).

Instance-wide notifications has been implemented (contributed by louis77). A small tweak to the default CSS was made to suit this change; please consider updating your style.css (see doc/style.css as an example).

The avatar and/or the header images can now be deleted (contributed by louis77).

Code cleaning: HTTP status codes use names instead of hardcoded integers (contributed by louis77).

Mastodon API: fixed login problems with the official Mastodon API, IceCube and Toot! on iOS, some fixes for Mona and Tokodon apps, user credentials can now be edited from apps (all contributed by louis77), fixed crash on unset content-type header.

The webfinger content-type response header is now RFC-compliant (contributed by steve-bate).

Improved support for the HTTP OPTIONS method, allowing sites like to work.

Fixed non-working content warnings in the public instance timeline.

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

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gyptazy »

After relocating the core infrastructure to Zurich, Switzerland, a renumbering the IP addresses was necessary. This transition also impacts the NTP servers, requiring adjustments to ensure continued synchronization accuracy. The changes have already been implemented in the NTP Pool project, ensuring a seamless update for all users. Please make sure to use the nearest NTP servers to your location. The ntp03 and ntp04 servers still remains in Germany (Nuernberg).

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gyptazy » I’m wondering why they’re really downloading the files instead of stating. Maybe something misconfigured - but their NOC should be wondering about the massive more incoming traffic.

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gyptazy »

More than 500% than usual đŸ€Ł

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gyptazy » maybe, on Twitter some others also noticed this - also said that he is affected.

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gyptazy » at 19.30 I just blocked their useragent and the issue was solved (you can see in the screenshot that the traffic dropped). I also only applied it to the CDN where big files are located.

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gyptazy »

Oh, that sounds really interesting, thanks for providing the info! Unfortunately, I have enough RV64 hw now - my wife kills me. But if someone is looking for a cheap VF2 (only shipping Germany/Netherlands), DM me.

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gyptazy »

Is the crawler from / acting up again? My traffic monitoring system alerted me to some unusual activity on my CDN. Someone was repeatedly downloading the same files. It turns out the Facebook crawler was downloading every file in the directory listing every two hours.

Time to say good bye, crawler. (blocked at 19.30PM)

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gyptazy »

Maybe this might be interesting:

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gyptazy »

There’s nothing special. It’s just ansible running some commands depending on the underlying hypervisor. For bhyve by command, for Proxmox via API.

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gyptazy »

Sounds great :) Let me know how BoxyBSD can help you to improve there!?

Stefano Marinelli »

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gyptazy »

Oh, dann mal herzlichen GlĂŒckwunsch nachtrĂ€glich :) hoffe du hast schön gefeiert, dann passt der ruhige Freitag auch gut :)

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gyptazy »

Ah, also schon Wochenende mood :) Pssst - ich hab heute frei duck ;)

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gyptazy »
who is monitoring the monitor?
First rules in monitoring.


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