is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #meta

This Old Hiker »

Because they provide day-to-day contact that I can't duplicate with extended family outside the US, I've decided to stay on and despite major issues with the motives and actions of . But I have seen that the huge amount of photo nostalgia they deal up to an older person like me is not innocent or harmless. Rather, it is part of a coordinated message, intended to influence public opinions and elections, that the past was drastically better than today.

Martin Steiger 🗳️ »

verzichtet _auch_ bei Nutzern in der _vorläufig_ auf das -Training mit Nutzerdaten:

Ich empfehle dennoch, bei Meta zu erheben. Der Verzicht von Meta ist nur vorläufig und der hat erklärt, gegenüber ausländischen Tech-Konzernen machtlos zu sein.

Das Widerspruchsformular für Nutzer von Instagram und Meta ist in meinem Beitrag verlinkt. Der Widerspruch ist schnell erledigt, auch dank meinem Vorschlag für die erforderliche Begründung.

Stephan Lichtenauer | נח סתו »

@wogan As long as is not showing replies from the to their own users, I am more and more inclined to think that is indeed trying to lure Fediverse users that are frustrated because nobody can see their posts into their semi-closed ecosystem that way.

Or at least divert any growth from Fediverse beyond the hard-core Fedizens into Threads so that it is not becoming a serious competitor to their business model...

Because how could I ever become an on Mastodon that way?

Janneke »

#META rant

English version below
Sjees, reclames voor op TV. Kunnen we geen tegenreclame krijgen (?) die ons eraan herinnert dat gebruik van META (faceboek, threads, whatsapp, instagram) de democratie ondermijnt?

Shees, ads for on Dutch TV. Can't we get counter-ads to remind us that using META (facebook, threahs, whatsapp, instagram) is undermining democracy?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Is the crawler from / acting up again? My traffic monitoring system alerted me to some unusual activity on my CDN. Someone was repeatedly downloading the same files. It turns out the Facebook crawler was downloading every file in the directory listing every two hours.

Time to say good bye, crawler. (blocked at 19.30PM)

Marcel Stritzelberger »

Kein Fake, funktioniert wirklich, habe es grad selber probiert.

Meta sichert sich in Zukunft das Recht, alle geposteten Beiträge / Nachrichten / Likes etc. für die eigene KI zu nutzen. Dafür braucht das Unternehmen viele Daten, um das Lernen der KI zu unterstützen. Wenn du nicht möchtest, dass deine Daten für KI-Zwecke genutzt werden, kannst du hier widersprechen:

No description

Curtis "Ovid" Poe (he/him) »

So is expanding their features on and I was presented with the following. It states I have a "right to object." The next sentence begins with "if your objection is honored...."

WTF? I have a right to object but they get to decide if they want to honor it? What kind of "right" is that? Did they mistype, "You have the slight possibility to object"

To really drive home the "fuck you" nature of this, I clicked on the "right to object" link.

"This form isn’t available."

A modal window from Meta which reads as follows:

Policy updates

What you should know
We're getting ready to expand our Al at Meta experiences to your region. Al at Meta is our collection of generative Al features and experiences, like Meta Al and Al Creative Tools, along with the models that power them.

What this means for you

To help bring these experiences to you, we'll now rely on the legal basis called legitimate interests for using your information to develop and improve Al at Meta. This means you have the right to object to how your information is used for these purposes. If your objection is honored, it will be applied going forward.
We're including updates in our Privacy Policy to reflect these changes. The updates go into effect on June 26, 2024Screenshot of the Facebook page received after I clicked the "Right to object" link. It reads:

This form isn't available.

This form is only available to people in certain regions who have an active Facebook account. Make sure you log into your Facebook account and then try again.

Marcel Stritzelberger »

John Scott-Railton ☕ »

I can confidently diagnose as sociopaths.

Promised therapy customers privacy...then gave their mental health info to advertisers.

Victims get less than ten bucks each.

Company made billion+ in revenue last year alone.

In a just society with good privacy laws, they'd face existential civil & criminal consequences.

No descriptionNo descriptionNo descriptionNo description

Mosfet Corley »

competition has 'real concerns' over big tech dominance

‚The CMA found an "interconnected web" of AI partnerships involving the same firms: , , , , , and chip-maker .

"[…] Now, with a deeper understanding and having watched developments very closely, we have real concerns“‘

Ricardo Martín »

Mark Zuckerberg first post in the .

A cartoon by Paul Noth depicts some hills where sheep are grazing. Two of them are looking at a billboard with the electoral propaganda of a wolf, where he is seen in a half-body image dressed in a suit, and the slogan 'i'm going to eat you'. One of the sheep says to the other, 'he tells it like it is'.

Max Leibman »

The only acceptable deadnaming is referring to Meta as "Facebook."