is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Search results for #cloud

HACK13 »

This is an amazing video that makes me really want to consider nix

Nils Goroll 🕊️ »

@ptribble and this inplies that is expecting to relief their cloud customers of an additional 64bn. why exactly was it that people still believe fairy tales about cutting cost?

Ric🐧☕ boosted

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gyptazy »

Everyone tells me about „infinity“ scaling and resources in the . What if I tell you that I can scale pretty well I think 1,72TB RAM / Memory is pretty cool…

Guess, I can finally run a single Java app without running oom (hopefully) 😉

waldi »

Die ist kaputt. möchte eine VM nicht mehr starten. Muss ich mal wieder ne Weile warten, dann geht es irgendwann wieder.

Sourcerer »

You Are Addicted To Cloud Computing | Prime Reacts

adingbatponder »

@sxa Hi. Sorry. Just trying to get hashed see article

Manuel 'HonkHase' Atug »

" von Daten und Informationen an
Zu den Auswirkungen auf die Nutzung von -Diensten durch

Vom Wissenschaftlichen Dienst des Bundestag!

No description
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gyptazy »

I’m totally fed up with all the services that suddenly charge you more or terminate their services.

Time to get back to the good old times…

jbz »

⛈️ Cloud repatriation: Why companies are leaving the cloud

"The most common motivator for repatriation I’ve been seeing is cost. In the survey, more than 43% of IT leaders found that moving applications and data from on-premises to the cloud was more expensive than expected."

Stefano Marinelli »

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Karl Voit »

@alex (this one: on the latest Security Team hack allegedly by and Microsoft's public incident response including appropriate "translations" by Alex:

"Microsoft's Dangerous Addiction To Revenue"

TL;DR: MS fucks up big time and is using that for selling more of their security services.


Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

Die Empfehlungsecke wurde sprachlich und inhaltlich komplett überarbeitet. Schaut doch mal rein und hinterlasst euer Feedback. Boost gerne, damit sich das Wissen um die Existenz der Empfehlungsecke weiter verbreitet.❤️