
Believer in the power of open-source & community-driven innovation.

Former AS20621 NetOp that loves FreeBSD & illumos. Currently mostly in DevOps & developing (Python, Rust). Contributes to & . Evaluating and production usage of hardware/software.

* - A free VM hosting service to provide some value back to the community.
* ProxLB - (Re)Balance your CTs/VMs across your nodes in your Proxmox cluster. ProxLB is a dynamic resource scheduler for Proxmox which rebalances objects to other nodes in cluster based on CPU, memory or disk resources.
* - A static blog generator in manpage design.
* QualvoSec - A security patch management tool.
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gyptazy »

Find my HowTo about placing based VMs on a cluster with & .

This simple HowTo guides you through the process to place new VMs (in this example FreeBSD 14 will be used, you can use any other ones) in a Proxmox cluster by ensuring the VMs will be placed on the best node in the cluster according to the resource usage of the nodes. Afterwards, Terraform with the BPG provider will deploy the VM in the cluster, where the hostname and node are provided in a dynamic way.


d4gli »

Oh, that's pretty cool!


Doerk »

@gyptazy Thanks for sharing. It’s great to have these valuable resources.

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gyptazy » Thank you! Happy to hear :)

mirabilos boosted

Ben Hutchings »

How not to do file type checks:

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gyptazy » Blame someone, without blaming someone.

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J.M. Hill boosted

gyptazy »

Things are getting different in social media.

X: Probably still my favorite platform but it’s getting worse and worse. At least, my lists and circles are fully functional, the search works quite good and brings me up the desired content. Finding new people gets different and is almost only possible when they commenting things with valuable content. The stream is going in the wrong direction (at least for me), where videos of fights, death or typical “sex sells” posts are shown. But working with communities and lists is still a great way to use it.

Fediverse: Runningm my own instance here for month. Sure no ads, but just a few interactions, finding new content is difficult, using the search is the probably worst experience ever. Sure, an instance cannot have knowledge of all instances in the world but when searching for not even niche content and only finding three posts that are even outdated, this is not useful or a great experience.

Threads: Could have been a great alternative. However, EU accounts do not support Fedi federation and the content is too mainstream in form of the typical Instagram content which is more about “sex sells”.

Blue sky: Anyone really still using it? I haven’t seen anyone anymore there being active.

Nostr: Hm yeah, too nichy.

X stays on top, because only there I can find and interact content and people. Feediverse is a great alternative when you finally found your matching community where people are sharing your interests, because finding something by the search is just annoying. I can clearly understand why many ones are going back to Twitter/Y.


Dom Arbuthnott »

@gyptazy for me the takes time (6-12 months) to build up your community and then the content starts to flow exponentially.

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gyptazy »

Right, it's as I said, when you finally find your community and right instance things immediately become better. I'm fully into BSD and the BSD Cafe instance is the best for that but I'm running my own instance. However, I have many connections to the and which is perfectly fine to me unless I'm looking for different content. I'm currently (also business related) heavily into Proxmox and finding the right people to connect here is much more difficult than on X. It's not about building a community but about having different interests and to find the right people. Fediverse is about freedom but I feel more limited and jailed than ever.

Frankenmichl »

@gyptazy I’m still using Bluesky. Threads make me want instant lobotomy, my X account is deleted for quite a whilewhile now. I still don’t regret that, to be honest - I just don’t want to support that platform

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gyptazy »

Hm, fair enough. I use whatever fits my needs and do not care how the lead, CEO or something else behind it. So, X is still my primary platform.


Frankenmichl »

@gyptazy sure thing! I’m not telling you to stop using X.
I still got quite a lot of my mutuals from X on Bluesky, that’s why I keep using that. And I like this platform here a lot, too. But finding ppl is hard beyond what gets boosted by others

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gyptazy »

Sorry if this sounded a bit offending, that wasn't meant that way!

Yep that's it exactly - finding new people. You can more or less only find the by luck that anyone you know boosted or liked a post. And this is not the kind I'm into it. When getting in touch with new things, I quickly check the current situation and interesting things by looking them up. If I just have a look at XCPng, Trident, Harvester on X, I know what people are interested into and can prepare my content to fit their needs and interests. Here in the Fediverse I do not even find such posts... and people probably also not my posts. If I post BSD related content, many ones will see it because this is my primary bubble here.

BeAware »

@gyptazy Fedi works by follow relationships. Especially so for single user instances.

You aren't federated with everyone unless you follow at least 1 person from every server.🤷‍♂️

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gyptazy » Right and this is exactly an issue when it comes into finding new content (apart from your common bubble you’re connected to).

Doerk »

@gyptazy The main issue with feediverse is, that you are only at one instance, often focused on one particular topic. If you want to discuss another subject, you might have to choose another instance.

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gyptazy » Ich denke bei der Leistung sind wir uns einig. Hardware technisch kann so ziemlich alles, bei der Software muss man gucken. Der Workflow ist einfach ein anderer, aber es kann dennoch trotzdem passen. Ich nutze es sehr oft um Videos zu bearbeiten und danach wieder in einem anderen Format zu exportieren. Video Editing macht darauf schon sehr viel Spaß.


Frankenmichl »

@gyptazy naja es hat halt einfach keinen Compiler 🙈


AT69 »

Umfrage der Woche!

Hallo liebe und alle die im zu Hause sind.

Habt IHR im Internet einen eigenen Server am Laufen. Wenn ja, was läuft darauf?


Mehrfachauswahl möglich!

Ja, habe ich:84
Nein, brauche ich nicht:40
Kommt demnächst:1



Larvitz »

@at69 Ich hatte zuhause ein HomeLab (4 Proxmox Server, Switche, Firewalls, Router) laufen. Das ganze habe ich aufgrund der Wärmeerzeugung und Stromkosten in ein Rechenzentrum gefahren, wo ich ein halbes 19" Rack angemietet habe. Dort läuft jetzt das meiste meiner Infrastruktur.

Dazu noch diverse VServer bei Hetzner, OVHCloud, Scalway und Netcup.

Ich hoste dabei alles mögliche, um unabhängig von Cloud-Diensten zu sein. Angefangen von E-Mail, über meinen RSS Reader (FreshRSS), Nextcloud mit Onlyoffice, Immich als Photo Verwaltung, GitLab/Forgejo als Versionsverwaltung, ein Remote-Desltop mit XRDP und sicherlich einiges, was mir gerade nicht einfällt.

Dazu noch diverse LAB/Learn Umgebungen, die ich zum Nachstellen von Problemen und zum Lernen für Examen verwende.

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gyptazy »

Für Proxmox in clustern könnte ggf. auch der ProxLB noch interessant sein:


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gyptazy »

Tatsächlich habe ich mehrere, früher alles im RZ, mittlerweile alles wieder Zuhause.

Authoritive nameserver, ntp, Web, Mail, fedi, Matrix…. Alles mögliche halt :)

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gyptazy » As much as I love , even using ipv6 only on all my management and also running BoxyBSD as a hosting and VM provider platform on v6 only - IPv6 is different, can be complicated and annoying.

- SLACC with prefix > /64
- DHCPv6 setups
- Firewalling ICMP6 can be annoying when not understanding the backgrounds with RA ADV / NDP / RS
- AutoConf and Temp addresses may be confusing (mostly default active)
- …

IPv6 is not just IPv4 with longer addresses, it is really a different protocol.

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gyptazy »

Hey Florian,

happy to hear and thank you very much - really appreciated! The project started initially for another one of my project ( - which offers free VMs for the opensource community, education and IPv6 learning) where VMs are used in completely different ways. Some VMs simply idle, some are just being used for testing, some are heavily beding used for opensource projects including compiling etc. So, this was the reason to me to create something like a load balancer. BoxyBSD is mostly based on and (on .

Later, a customer asked me if there's something similar to (in for Proxmox. This made me to polish it up and make it available to everyone. I think it's a great opportunity to make a huge movement to opensource products in the current situation. I also said it at the last week, we can now really make a change in the virtualization section and set a baseline to products - just like the most of the base infrastructure in the internet.

In diesem Sinne - vielen Dank noch mal und einen schönen Abend :)

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gyptazy »

Storage (live) Migration is the almost ready for Rabalance your cluster's storage pools!

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gyptazy » Thank you, very interesting!

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gyptazy »

Oh, dear! with a different with on would be really awesome. Finally managing the whole cluster farm(s) in a 100% approach with , and . Booting the host nodes diskless from an iSCSI target with read-only OS.

Unfortunately, it seems like I need to wait until March 2025 with release 1.5…

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gyptazy »

Long post [SENSITIVE CONTENT]This is an awesome an awesome announcement and definitely the right way by moving out of global key players! I think this is also a big lag of people hosting their own federated Fediverse instances like GoToSocial and Mastodon but running all more or less at the same hoster/provider. So, every movement is appreciated.

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gyptazy »

Ever wanted to get the best node in your cluster for the next VM or CT placement? ProxLB has you covered!

simply use -b (--best-node) to get the best node for your placement! Also soon available on the ProxLB API! Perfect for Ansible & Terraform 🎉

Find out more:

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gyptazy »

Ich denke, das ist eine Grundsatzfrage. Ich war rein privat dort, genauso wie auch die meisten anderen Konferenzen wie TDOSE, Fosdem,… Ich mache das aus Spaß und Überzeugung an der Sache. Aber klar, ich kann auch jeden verstehen, für den IT einfach nur ein Job ist, welcher nach der Arbeitszeit endet.

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Das ist in der Tat auch mein Eindruck und aktuell scheinen wirklich nur Cloud/K8s/Container interessant zu sein, als auch orchestriertes Variablen schubsten in Frameworks in der Programmierung.

Spätestens wenn es dann mit dem Basic-Debugging nicht mehr klappt, steht man vor den Problemen. Debugging von basis Netzproblemen oder basis Diensten usw. - heute ist es nur noch das Helm Chart ausrollen und paar Sachen verknüpfen, aber wehe darunter klappt was nicht. Und das dürfte bald zu einem tatsächlichen Problem werden.

Du warst ja gestern ebenfalls im FlyingCircus Netzwerk Talk, sowohl das Konzept, als auch die Realisierung und Debugging von solchen Setups ist dann bereits ein massives Problem.

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gyptazy »

Well done, like always! Thanks!

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gyptazy »

The first day at is just over and here you can find my insights about it! Happy to see my being mentioned in two talks.

Thanks to and for their great talks! You can find the slides and recordings in my blog post!

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gyptazy »

Thank you very much!


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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » danke für den tollen Vortrag! :)

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gyptazy »

Cool, also another talk mentioned my at the when talking about .

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gyptazy »

Happy to see my being mentioned with , and in a keynote at the

BoxyBSD »

The is all about and free software but what about free VMs (Virtual Machines) to provide YOU the possibilities to learn, try and create software? This is where steps in!

BoxyBSD »

Hey !

is also present at the FrOSCon! BoxyBSD provides you free VMs based on and for education, learning, testing and !

This free service is powered by @gyptazy and @nerdscavehosting :)

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gyptazy »

Thank you! If you’re here - just poke me to get your ones :)

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gyptazy »

Good morning

Happy to see you all! If you see me, feel free to poke me!
Greets from the BSDCafe and BoxyBSD!

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gyptazy »

You’re welcome - have fun :)

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gyptazy »

Long post [SENSITIVE CONTENT] honestly, would be great to see the BSD Cafe hosted at home instead somewhere in Finnland. :)

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gyptazy »

has been released in version 1.0.2 and adds some smaller features and squashes some bugs.

ProxLB is a Load Balancer for clusters, which rebalances your VM/CT workloads across nodes in your cluster.

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gyptazy »

Awesome! Welcome! If you’re more interested into the community, you can also join our Matrix chat. And if you need a free BSD based VPS for testing and learning, helps you out!

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy » happy to know 😏

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

soon gains an often requested feature for :
* Rolling updates!

This ensures, that nodes in a Proxmox cluster are being automatically patched. Therefore, ProxLB now also comes with its own API which provides other nodes to identify the current state of other nodes in cluster. By this, we're finally able to keep nodes aware of potential maintenance windows when being patched and to move workloads away to other nodes in a balanced way and honouring the resources. Also, we can identify if a system reboot for the newly installed packages is required and skip moving those workloads away. However, I want to have everything done by the Proxmox API or ProxLB API which requires me to extend the Proxmox API by the new features. I try to get those into upstream to avoid maintaining a dedicated packages providing this extended features in the Proxmox API. I'm happy to see people testing this feature, please do NOT use this on production systems right now.


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gyptazy »

the two dns instances are unfortunately only IPv4: (AS200325) (AS129898)

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gyptazy »

That's great to hear! Thanks for the information!


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gyptazy »

Hey, ich war letztens in einem Blumenladen und habe einen nicht fertigen Blumenstrauß für meine Frau machen lassen. Ich sah an der Kasse vorher den Terminal, daher dachte ich nicht weiter drüber nach.

Beim bezahlen dann:
"ja ungern, eigentlich erst ab 50€"
"Ja gut, ich hab kein Bargeld, dann geh ich wieder."
"Ja, aber das ist ja kein fertiger Blumenstrauß den ich wieder zurückstellen kann"
"Dann lassen sie mich doch bezahlen, wozu haben sie das Gerät da"
"Ja erst ab 50€, dann müssen sie noch was anderes kaufen"
Ich dreh mich um und will gehen
"Ok, ausnahmsweise."
"Zahle mit Apple Pay"
"Ihre Kreditkarte wird nicht akzeptiert"
(ok AMEX kann ich noch verstehen)
"Oh, Sie haben mit Kreditkarte bezahlt und nicht per EC"
(WTF EC gibt es nicht mehr aber gut ich weiß was sie meint)
"Das geht nicht"
"Sie sehen doch das es ging und durch ist"
"Nein, das geht nicht"
"Sie sehen doch das der Betrag auf ihrem Bong korrekt bezahlt worden ist"
"Nein wir akzeptieren aber keine Kreditkarten wegen der Gebühr"
"Das sagen Sie mir jetzt nachdem ich damit bezahlt habe, was möchten sie jetzt von mir? Sie haben ihr Geld und ich die Ware - alles gut"
"Sie müssen mir jetzt ihre Kontaktdaten aufschreiben, falls ich das Geld nicht bekomme"
"Sie müssen mir jetzt ihre Datenschutzverordnung vorlegen, wie sie mit meinen persönlichen Daten dann umgehen, zudem rufe ich jetzt die Polizei"
"Nein bitte nicht"
"Gut, dann ist das Thema nun geklärt"
Dann ging ich... Unfassbar manchmal.

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gyptazy » I'm only posting about stuff - guess, I need to get blocked :) And my follower/following counts are non public. :P

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gyptazy »

It's more a desktop oriented FreeBSD fork but ok, there were requests for it. So, it's ok to also have it in place :)

BoxyBSD »

Talking about new images at for your free VPS instances, we now also have 3.2 in place!

Thanks to @gyptazy putting all the efforts into this project! Also thanks to @nerdscavehosting for providing additional nodes to this project!

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gyptazy »

Happy to see you migrating away to independent solutions and having and in place is a valuable thing!

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends of ,
until today, I have been using DNS for the BSD Cafe. They are cheap and fast, but the panel sometimes isn't working, and I don't think they support IPv6, effectively limiting services to some IPv4 dependency.

About an hour ago, I moved to (for now) two dedicated DNS servers on two FreeBSD jails, managed with PowerDNS. I still have some things to fine-tune, but we're on the right track.
Stay tuned!

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BoxyBSD »

Here we go, is now also available at

Have fun my fans!


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gyptazy »

Do you see the 🐲? Looks like something new is coming to

Stay tuned!

BoxyBSD »

Free VPS?! did it for you - the opensource community and BSD fans!

Recently, we also started to provide based VPS, just next to the typical ones. Unfortunately, we reached today our limit for the ARM64 ones and can only provision amd64 ones.

I’m already looking to solve this quickly. Also to mention, we still have a very limited alpha. But this one is really limited because there’s still no H flagged board available, which means users run on a dedicated Vision Five 2 board.

Hope this update finds you well! Have a nice weekend!


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gyptazy » I must admit, I don’t get it.

Stefano is doing a great job handling all the things in the BSDCafe. Keep in mind, he’s doing everything on his own. From sponsoring the needed hardware, putting all the efforts into it from a technical perspective, being active in the community, joining all the things, doing moderation in the right way,… everything as a one man show. Do I see there issues? Yes, but only from the point of view that people aren’t honoring it.

So, a big thank you

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gyptazy » the best thing is the cat image Easter egg :)

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gyptazy » well done! Like always! Need to print it to put it to the collection - which will be shared at the conference in two weeks! Thank you for your efforts!

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gyptazy »

Ok, that’s insane! I finally managed to have my first ride this year…

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gyptazy » WiFi-Calling stellt die Verbindung über einen IPSec Tunnel her. Gespräche werden fortgeführt, wenn du auf 4G wechselt (und nur dort), sofern VoLTE zur Verfügung steht. Bei GSM (ggf. Weil kein LTE Signal besteht) geht dies nicht. Bei 5G (via 5 VoNr (Voice over new radio)) geht dies ebenfalls noch nicht. VoNR gibt es aber nur mit 5G SA, die meisten nutzen aber noch 5G NSA (Not Standalone), welches LTE als Anker nutzt.

Hoffe es hilft…

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gyptazy » gives me the old vibes :) nice

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gyptazy » why not simply the Never seen a more welcoming community

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gyptazy » Great, when it comes to enterprise setups, what is the current state of live migrations in bhyve without crazy patching?

Dashanan »

Fiddling with jails(examples) part-II.

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gyptazy » thank you for sharing :)

Stefano Marinelli »

In case you missed it, @gyptazy has released version 1.0 of ProxLB!

ProxLB: (Re)Balance VM Workloads Across Nodes in Proxmox Clusters.

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gyptazy »

Last time I got asked if I’m into this kind of s*x, when I provided an BSD containing mail address. 🤦

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Would cluster auto-patching be interesting to you? would take care to move CTs/VMs to other nodes, apply patches and reboot if necessary and rebalance the cluster afterwards.

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gyptazy »

Oh, no worries - sad to hear! Hope you’re already doing better again - hope nothing serious! Wish you all the best, get well soon!!

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gyptazy »
Ich freue mich dieses Jahr wieder dabei sein zu dürfen:)

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gyptazy »

Yeah but it also tells you what to do?! Please get in touch with me in Matrix chat. And also in the calls, papers and even this post I speak about abusing this service, which is why the web form is simply deactivated. I mean, more than telling what to do is impossible to me 🫣

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gyptazy » btw bist du aktuell in Korea auf der DebConf?

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gyptazy »

Leider hat die kleine Ente das zeitliche gesegnet, aber vielleicht wäre es was mit der Königin (DS), allerdings nicht meine ;)

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gyptazy »

Remembers me of our meet in Schweden 2007 :) 2CV power :)

Stefano Marinelli »

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gyptazy » awesome! Hope you had a great time :)

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gyptazy »

Sorry, but where is it written that new requests (signups?) are closed? Even yesterday several new VMs have been deployed.


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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Honestly, at that time that services weren't available to me. But the community and key people helped me which led into such a way. So basically, the same applies to me just in a slightly different way. We grow with the community and the community grows with us!

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gyptazy »

With my service, I provide free VMs (virtual machines) to strangers & open-source projects - and I’m often asked how and why I can do this?!

When people ask me how I can provide such a service, they mostly inly think about the hardware and the costs. Trust me, that’s the least of the problems! Running such a service is more about avoiding and handling service abuses. Free services tend to be abused by people and this is the most difficult part - protection!

But let’s have a short look at the things…

Passion (why?):
The passion and idea behind this project is probably the most interesting part. I can clearly remember the time back in the days when I started in tech and had even then an outdated, slow and rarely working system. It was pure pain to work with it, but luckily it did somehow its job. However, doing more difficult thinks were mostly impossible: Higher loads led into shutdowns - I had to undervolt the system, write kernel modules for undervolting support (which were really appreciated in the community) but also all other resources didn’t gave me the possibility to run more exiting things. Renting a „cheap“ server (back in that day virtual server were not really known and the first implementations based on chroots like OpenVZ were coming years later) was impossible to me. So, learning in real-life scenarios was mostly impossible to me and made everything more difficult. I really know and remember these times where I had to deal somehow with limitations. This is good but also bad. The good thing is, you become really creative into finding solutions and get really nit picky about improving things. The other thing is, it makes your life really hard. With BoxyBSD I want to provide passionated and interested people the opportunity to get at least a system where they can learn and educate. They get a fully usable VM where they can configure, run and use the system how they like (unless they’re not violating the ToS). They have a public IPv6 address (and even a whole additional /64 network) to also learn and practice more complex network solutions. They can run servers, learn how things for their future. Often they quickly find out why a PTR is needed for sending mails (sure, you can also define your reverse DNS at BoxyBSD) but also why firewalling ICMP6 isn’t a great idea (at least you want to have RA & ND active). Things you mostly learn the hard wary in real life setups. But BoxyBSD is also about more - it’s also about supporting the community. BoxyBSD also sponsors opensource projects like , & . And everything at zero costs!

Resources (how?):

Resources are probably the thing that mostly pops up in the mind of people when hearing about this service and yes - it of course requires a lot of resources since I’m providing full VMs for each user without any over provisioning in memory or disk which are too volatile in this project. But the resources are often already present. In this case, I already have my own labs based on and which are built in a fully productional way. This gives me the possibility to provide resource left overs to this project. Also, there are sponsors like Moritz from who sponsors nodes which are dedicated used to this project. Next to this, the question is about another resource - time! The whole infrastructure if fully automated by simply choosing the desired OS and pressing „create VM“ everything else in handled fully automatically. A desired node is obtained by my side project (ProxLB - in a customised version to also support bhyve hosts), the VM created and a the IP address returned. That’s it - easy!

Protection (the real issue):
The real issue is about people that’s going to abuse the service. This was something I had to learn the hard way. In the first iteration it was simply fully based with a very simple interface where you just inserted your SSH pub key and immediately got returned an address of a Jail (if you’re interested, that was the first version: This was a way too easy and people immediately used it for sending spam mails. I had to take some actions but also didn’t want to block whole ports to make services unusable. Therefore, I had some other ideas which worked out very well, like forcing to use a relay with rate limiting. Today, BoxyBSD grew up, is running ob full fledged VMs providing users and developers the possibility to modify kernel and to have more deep possibilities to learn and test. By only providing images for , and (and / the community and targeted people is smaller than usual. Also software that is written by Scriptkiddies often does not work out of the box on BSD based systems and needs (honestly only small) adjustments. But that’s also often already a reason not to abuse such services. It still may occur that someone is unintentionally doing bad things, generating a lot of traffic (like two weeks ago where someone made 2Gbps traffic for over 12 hours) but usually, this isn’t any problem. Proactive monitoring already notifies me (that’s the only thing where I need to step in) and validate to take actions if someone might be harmed or services affected.

In the end, I like to see that the community is more like a family where things are being used like their own ones. People even come in touch with me and letting me know that they don’t need the VM anymore and to free up the resources for other ones - that’s something I really love to see! Sometimes they come simply back when they need something again and get their new VM. I really love the BSD community and especially the ( and ( Things can be simple!

PS: At the you can grab some stickers. Just poke me when you see me :)

Call Recording:
BoxyBSD Jail:

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gyptazy »
I use it as a plain hypervisor where storage is attached by network and is being exported by NFS where the underlying FS is mostly WAFL or ZFS. I avoid to use local storage setups…

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gyptazy »

You know IPX/SPX worked better when you started multiplayer in GTA1 or C&C RA and it worked immediately, when win95 had issues with TCP/IP ;)

BoxyBSD »

Happy to see more & more users coming to the side and testing with , and on their free virtual machines!

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gyptazy » when it comes to single node usage, I guess everything is fine. You do not have to deal with shared storage, cluster file systems, live migrations etc. so, fair enough. Unfortunately, live migration is a part I’m missing in vanilla bhyve.

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gyptazy »

Is it always about No, can be a more professional solution for your workloads! In this post I compare the performance of local storage, CPU and general things.

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gyptazy »

Serious question, why does it require a M2 powered mini. I mean, the underlying base is equal to the M1 - so any Apple Silicon based system should fit to vmm development? Just asking, because having M1 based systems out of 3yrs contracts would be more reasonable to be gifted to projects.

Bryan Steele »

A friendly reminder to check out the want.html page on occasion, developers may add requests for hardware they want/need for development.

mlarkin@ modified www/want.html: Mac mini M2 needed for vmm(4) development.

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gyptazy » I don't see anything I can't also do on iOS ;)

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gyptazy »

The new interface in (an alternative to is just awesome! In this video I provide you a short sneak peak and install . This is coming with XCP-ng 8.3 and it looks awesome!

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gyptazy »

vs it’s about vs . Running both in PVHVM they are pretty comparable in performance. tapdisk runs single threaded, so it scales with more VMs and with 4 VMs it already catches up.

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gyptazy »

Hey Harshad,
haven't seen you for a while! Trust, everything is fine so far?

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gyptazy » Das ist soweit korrekt, die sollten idealerweise aligned werden.

Allerdings hat Proxmox eigenes HA eben nur sehr rudimentäre Möglichkeiten, als auch das es sich nicht für jedes Setup eignet oder gar nutzbar wäre. Das fängt mit Bugs an, die nicht in ältere Versionen gebackported werden an, aber auch dass man ggf. gar nicht für jede VM HA feature nutzen möchte, aber dennoch die Nodes vernünftig ausbalancieren möchte.

Aber das ist vermutlich eine gute Idee als ein Feature die Gruppen zu alignen.

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gyptazy » cool - das wäre mega, falls du fragen hast, meld dich einfach :)

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gyptazy » du kannst solche Konstellationen mit ProxLB auf Basis der Tags entsprechen erstellen, siehe auch:

Das gleiche gilt auch für das Gegenteil, sodass du auch Gruppen erstellen kannst, wo VMs zusammen auf einen Hypervisor gelegt werden sollen, oder eben auch gänzlich ignoriert werden sollen.

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gyptazy »

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.

Past releases:

Stefano Marinelli »

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gyptazy » it’s important to have such days and to calm down. The next week will probably already be very stressful again. Enjoy the relaxing time

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gyptazy »

Not sure if I fully understood the French part right, but maybe might be a look worth. They also offer great and cheap VMs with additional services - from nerds for nerds I would say ;)

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

I'm happy to see that people sharing the same mindset and like the idea behind . With additional nodes that are being provided by, they're helping the project out to provide more free virtual machines to more people in the community to provide them real systems to learn on, for being educated and for projects. Since I'm unable to scale that large with the needed resources, thanks to Moritz from Nerdscave Hosting for his support!

BoxyBSD »

Awesome news! is now an official sponsor of @BoxyBSD

@nerdscavehosting provides you great services like , and dedicated servers but also managed services.

Get 50% off on all vserver & webhosting products:
summer24 is now an official sponsor of the BoxyBSD project. is now an official sponsor of the BoxyBSD project.

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gyptazy »

I think I have completed my schedule.

Maybe we see each other in one of the talks. I'll also share some and stickers, as well as the sheets from Happy to see you all again!

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gyptazy »

Hey Robert, das klingt interessant - ich werde mal rumkommen und mich dazusetzen :)
Vielleicht auch dabei interessant ( -, um ebenfalls ein wenig Werbung zu machen ;)

not Evander Sinque »

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gyptazy » hey and welcome :)

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gyptazy »

As requested on Reddit - for now also supports . You can define:

* vm
* ct
* all

Keep in mind that containers can't be live migrated!

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gyptazy »

Long post [SENSITIVE CONTENT]Happy Birthday, BSD Cafe! 🎂

Seeing your idea flourish into such a vibrant and supportive community is amazing. The positive atmosphere and mutual respect here are remarkable. It’s clear your hard work and vision have paid off.

You got me directly attracted last year on Twitter when I started with social medias and we shared exactly the same mindset - not only about related content but also about how a community around should look like. You got me back more into the community and into community related services and . I took the opportunity to create a service like for the BSD community, which provides free (, , , , for the community to learn, practice or to build their projects. Not everyone can afford own systems to learn in real setups and here we come back to the community mindset - which I honestly took over from you by providing us all your great services!

Getting in touch with all the members of the it was clear that we need something like a meeting - so we got the , where we can meet, discuss and share knowledge. I feel like home here in the BSDCafe and I can only recommend everyone who's interested into BSD to join.

Wishing you many more successful years ahead. Thank you for everything!

Stefano Marinelli »

🎊 Happy Birthday, BSD Cafe! 🎂

It's been exactly one year since I decided to announce my idea to the world: the BSD Cafe.

The name was chosen in December 2022, but the project had been in my mind for quite some time. I envisioned a virtual space of serenity, well-being, constructiveness, and inclusivity.
A place where we are all FOR something (the BSDs, exchanging ideas, growth, community, mutual support), not AGAINST something – a sentiment far too common in today's polarized world.

And on 20 July 2023, almost impulsively, I launched the project, migrating my account from my previous private Mastodon instance and announcing it on Mastodon and Twitter.

I never imagined what would happen next.

The reception was incredible – many people joined, numerous registrations, and a lot of encouragement. The BSD Cafe has become a wonderful virtual place. Every time I open Mastodon (I use the PWA on my phone, not an app), or Element, or one of the BSD Cafe tools, I think of something good, constructive, and beautiful.

The BSD community is fantastic – people who are mentally and technologically mature and balanced, eager to exchange ideas and opinions, ready to teach and learn something new every day. Minds thirsty for knowledge.

I believe we have an extraordinary passion and that open source allows us to do everything without significant financial outlays. And this, in my opinion, is truly democratic and revolutionary in this stark world.

My contribution aims to be precisely this: a place where all patrons, BSD users or not, can feel relaxed and fulfilled. There's a table for everyone at the BSD Cafe, and many friends ready to spend quality time together.

After exactly one year, I can draw some conclusions.
Managing the BSD Cafe has not been complex. Users are always ready to advise and test, and their behaviour is generally very good. Occasionally, I receive some reports – some exaggerated, others I try to understand and resolve. In a year, I had to, reluctantly, remove only two users. One in the very early days: they had an exclusively negative attitude – even against me – and we risked being defederated by many instances I care about. Fortunately, the admin friends at gave me an overview, and I understood the situation well. The second user I had to remove was...a bot. So I feel at peace with my conscience.

Throughout this year, many friends have joined, and now the BSD Cafe hosts many people and projects. The Mastodon instance, Matrix, Brew (git), the RSS readers and other services are fully active and used daily by hundreds of users. The BSD Pub Meeting, managed by @gyptazy and now part of the BSD Cafe menu, has also allowed us to talk and see each other in a relaxed context.
Like friends at the Pub.
Like friends in a Cafe.

So, happy birthday, BSD Cafe!

Happy birthday to users, friends, and supporters. I hope the BSD Cafe has brought even a fraction of the joy, well-being, and positivity to you all that it has brought to me in this past year. And all this is thanks to you all because a Cafe without people is a sad and lonely place.

Here is a link to the original project announcement, exactly one year ago:

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gyptazy »

- Providing free VMs is not always fun. It went well for months but there's always someone abusing it.

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gyptazy »

sounds perfect! Thanks! I'll ask you some details regarding the setup later... mostly dedicated nics etc.

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gyptazy » So currently, I'm thinking about replacing my stage setup with XCP-NG but it would require me to rewrite all my automation around it.

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gyptazy » You're absolutely right and I have no issues the way how it works or is running... For me, it was more that I didn't compile it on my own and just used the ready to use installer from the website on the nodes web interface which is very easy, but also intransparent for the things that are happening under the hood. But I had a look at the sources and I'm fine now :)

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gyptazy » sounds interesting and the first tests make me want to switch over with my personal setups. It reminds me much more to esxi setups. But first, I'll give it some more extended tries.

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gyptazy »

( or - what do you prefer?

XCP-NG looks more enterprise alike and also works pretty well. Live migrations with shared NFS datastore works without any issues. But setting up feels somehow... Anyone using XCP-NG in production?

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gyptazy » Not before, but looks very interesting! A talk about this would be really appreciated!

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gyptazy »

now also offers two modes:

* Used Resources: Rebalances VMs for the optimal resource usage by their currently used resources for efficiency

* Assigned Resources: Rebalances VMs by their max. assigned resources to guarantee the resources (avoid overprovisioning)

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gyptazy » oh, sure! That would be awesome - I can send you BoxyBSD and gyptazy ones in exchange :)

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gyptazy »

Today, we had a nice user group meeting in person! Time to share stickers :) It was great, thanks for joining! Happy to see you next time again!

jhx »


If you want to see the netmask in decimal, just issue the following command on the desired network interface:

$ ifconfig -f inet:dotted igb0

Lars Engels »

Yesterday we released NomadBSD 141R-20240711 based on FreeBSD 14.1.

Changes since 140R-20240126

- The base system has been changed to FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p2.
- A hard link creation bug concerning unionfs has been fixed.
- A calculation bug which led to an overfull UFS root partition has been fixed.
- The fusefs module has been changed to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) timeout errors on unionfs.
- The NomadBSD tools have been ported from Qt5 to Qt6.
- Several small improvements and bugfixes.

Get it from here:

The download page is not updated, yet. It should list the new release very soon.

The download page now lists the release.

NomadBSD's logo, a faceless, stylized Nomad in front of a sand dune.

Alt...NomadBSD's logo, a faceless, stylized Nomad in front of a sand dune.

Stefano Marinelli »

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gyptazy »

Ich konnte nicht anders, aber ich hab bei den aktuellen Deals zugeschlagen und für Zuhause ein wenig Homelab Zeugs gekauft. Empfehlungen für einen günstigen 2,5Gbit (mind. 8Port) Switch auf Amazon? 10G kostet mir aktuell zu viel Strom... Ich denke mit 384G Memory im Homelab sollte ich erstmal auskommen....

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gyptazy » you mean something like my presentation in the BSDCafe/BSDPub about BoxyBSD or fully related to bhyve only ;)?

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Sounds good to me! I follow them now, so I can pick up FiLis and LME and can come over :)

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gyptazy » are there more information regarding this meetup? Is it close to Venlo / Roermond? Maybe I could join the next time :)?

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gyptazy »

Next big feature of - an own API interface providing you json information about current and upcoming placements and also providing you the best node for new VM placements. This boosts up your automated VM creations with or

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Also new:
* Dry-run (show what actions would be performed for rebalancing - as a table cli output)
* JSON output (in addition to dry-run return a parsable JSON of the rebalance action; can also be used in real run for further parsing or CMDB updates)

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gyptazy »

Including running a full OS…. Not much!


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