is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Search results for #dragonflybsd

Jay 🚩 boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Just booked my round-trip flights for EuroBSDCon in Dublin! With this step completed, I’d say everything is set, and I’m looking forward to attending this amazing event for the first time.

Taking this opportunity for to express my gratitude to the organizers ( @EuroBSDCon ) for their kindness and availability throughout the process.

I truly appreciate it!

EnigmaRotor boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

This world needs less and more - a single letter can make a difference!

radhitya »

Would you tell me your experience with ?

Jay 🚩 »

Dr. Brian Callahan »

Here is the spiel for my August 7 NYCBUG talk:

As I said before, if you're in the area, come by and say hi. It's a fun talk I've been workshopping; you'll leave with some good laughs, learning some new technical knowledge, and learning how to be a better advocate for the BSDs (or whatever your open source/free software niche is).

Dr. Brian Callahan »

Hey people. I'm speaking at NYC*BUG for the August meeting. If you're in or around come by say hi.

I, uh, have no idea where the venue is. I think NYU?

As for what I'm speaking about, I think I'm going to workshop a new talk. Designed to be funny and push the boundaries of what is truly useful for us to be doing in 2024.

Dr. Brian Callahan »

One more release of my Repology cli program. Got a PR improving option handling and then noticed some small bugs in display output I made, so I fixed them.

Grab it here:

Dr. Brian Callahan »

I updated my little Repology cli program. Now it color codes version numbers based on status. Before it was just green for up to date and red for anything else. Now it gives different colors for the other statuses.

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends in the world, are you actively using ?
If so, what for?

I'm curious because it's not often talked about, yet Hammer is a really interesting file system.

stu »

I'm looking for a easy to use out of the box 😊

Dr. Brian Callahan »

Hooray! I was gifted a SiFive Unleashed for my research lab, and wasted no time porting to OpenBSD/riscv64 by way of GDC:

/home/brian $ uname -a
OpenBSD 7.5 GENERIC.MP#26 riscv64
/home/brian $ egdc --version
egdc (GCC) 11.2.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

Stefano Marinelli »

I'm thrilled to announce that my talk for EuroBSDcon 2024 has been accepted! I am incredibly happy and honored. It will be a fantastic experience. Thank you to the team for your trust!

jbz »

🦾 FreeBSD 14.1 vs. DragonFlyBSD 6.4 vs. NetBSD 10 vs. Linux Benchmarks - Phoronix

Jay 🚩 »

Diane Bruce »

BSDCan jkh offers dvl $100 for his shirt...

Jordan Hubbard offers Dan $100 for his shirt...

Diane Bruce »

Any BSD'ers in the Ottawa area? We have a dormant BSD group here due to COVID that I'd like to help rejuvenate. After all, is in Ottawa so .... »

Dieses Mal mit etwas mehr Vorlauf: nächstes Meetup am 9.7., 19:00h, wahrscheinlich im Fuchs im Hofmanns in -, evtl woanders.

Dr. Brian Callahan »

A wild post appears! I bootstrapped the DMD compiler on OpenIndiana and built a package for it. Which apparently no one had done before.

Stefano Marinelli »

My wife says that the BSDs are always in my head...

A man with short brown hair and a receding hairline (me) is seated at a wooden table with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. He is wearing a light blue button-up shirt and a wristwatch. On his forehead, he has a sticker with the FreeBSD logo, which features a red devil mascot and the text "FreeBSD". The background is plain with some dark-colored chairs and a partially visible brick wall.

R. L. Dane »

Why doesn't get any love around these parts?? 🤨

Seems like a neat system. I think I'll try it first when I get my new-to-me this week.

Alfonso Siciliano »

Paul Wilde »

I think I've finished on my "testing all the mainstream BSDs" game I started playing yesterday afternoon.

Maybe I'm just already too familiar with #FreeBSD that others like #OpenBSD just didn't "feel" right to me, not that there's anything wrong with it.
#NetBSD was the only one where WiFi worked immediately with no extra steps involved, I see the potential of using this on a small/low powered device but a little too fiddly for a main machine I think
#DragonflyBSD installs nice and quick, similar set up to FreeBSD, but again WiFi card not found. Otherwise, configuration and set up feel fairly "standard"

So, I installed FreeBSD again and... amazingly... this time WiFi worked out of the box! I installed from mini-memstick instead of disk1 this time, maybe it has more connectivity drivers enabled by default in that one as it fundamentally needs to connect to the internet? disk1 install I needed to install and load kernel modules

Anyway, it was a nice quick journey, I see potential in them all but I think FreeBSD is still my preferred one for now if I had to use a BSD on a main machine.

Diane Bruce »

Any BSD users got this to work?
(edit I know the older Intel Framework machines work, but the AMD version is brand new. )

Diane Bruce »

How many of you lot are going to ? Maybe we should have a Mastodon BOF eh?

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gyptazy »

Remember when everyone was joking about the hardware requirements of is the new . Guess, it's only anymore!

Don't take it too serious :)

Neirac »

@jperkin that's a shame, every year it passes is harder to fight the monoculture. According to even is supported today. Why was decided that illumos is left out?

Oook »

Is anyone using on a desktop/laptop?

Juno »

Also noticed that provides a large amount of binary distributions for , , , , , among several other OSs, plus many architecture-specific binaries. That is really nice! Next thing will be deploying it on the beastie server.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Stefano Marinelli »

In case you missed it, I'd suggest to read this excellent article by @mms : Why I run a BSD on a PC

0mp at FreeBSD »

@markd @unix_discussions I don't know. Let's see if we can get someone from , , and to explain the status of their support.

Diane Bruce »

For those who think email is still simple... As someone who had to struggle with learning SPF, DKIM, DMARC and and and and ... it's not anymore. I am looking forward to @mwl talk about it "The State of email" at BSDCan coming at the end of the month.

Tomáš »

Stefano Marinelli »

Just wrapped up the first virtual meeting of 'BSD Pub,' hosted by @gyptazy
Had a delightful and friendly conversation with wonderful folks, and some really interesting ideas emerged for the future. Thanks to everyone and... looking forward to the next meeting!

Details will be posted on the corresponding page:

Stefano Marinelli »

Weekly BSD Pub

*BSD friends, just remember that on Thursday there'll be the first Weekly BSD Pub virtual meeting, organized by @gyptazy

More information here:


Jay 🚩 »

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gyptazy »

Long post

wow, we already have almost 50 people interested into a weekly meeting. In the BSDCafe we already thought about possible dates and additional organization.

Different timezones make it really hard to just have a single meeting and it might end up in two or even three ones but also trying to avoid fragmentation. But this will probably work out more in an iterative way…

The current idea is to start Thursdays, 7pm GMT+2 in an unmoderated public jitsi session where everyone can join. I think the targeted user group is able to handle it in that way, like we always do.

The question is also, do we want to have an agenda or only open minded jump in and see how it works out?! My experience is, that people might be shy to start talking, it’ll be silent and people start to drop’s drop. An agenda might be helpful for an initial start but I also want to avoid having an introduction round where everyone tells something about himself. I mean, this can be done optionally, but I’m also aware of it that some may feel uncomfortable with this. This round should just make fun and not make any pressure or someone feeling uncomfortable.

So, agenda or open minded and free to talk for the first sessions?

🗳 0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

⚠️ The BSD Pub ⚠️

Hey Fans!

We all share the same interests - based systems like , and .

We chat all day, sharing thoughts, questions and help. We talk on Matrix across different channels, we share on the . We have's newsletter, we have's and calls and many other ones I can't list here.

Wondering if there would be and interests in the , , etc., for a weekly smalltalk session like in a pub. Just a Jitsi based video/audio call where we can meet, discuss things from newsletter, trending things from the or just have off-topic and openminded discussions. This could result into the meeting.

I know, some people are shy - keep your cam off until you feel comfortable and feel free to join the discussions. Even this meetings should make fun and no pressure - so if someone is not in the mood or can't make it - no worries. No one will judge.

Would you be interested?



david_chisnall »

@Neznak I have an obvious bias towards FreeBSD. All of the major BSDs (excluding macOS) have similar management interfaces and packaging systems. They have a common ancestor, but diverged a lot over the last 30ish years. Some things are periodically shared between them.

I would be remiss to not point out as the third large one and as the fourth.

I ran on a PowerPC Mac for a while and found it very easy to learn coming from . As @tulpa says, remember that these are all distinct systems, not just distributions packaging the same set of things slightly differently. NetBSD and FreeBSD both branched from 4.3BSD Net/2 (FreeBSD via 386BSD). OpenBSD forked from NetBSD 1.1, Dragonfly from FreeBSD 4.8 - both have now had decades of independent development (or, as independent as permissively licensed open source projects ever are - a lot of people contribute to more than one and code flows in all directions).

The things that keep me on FreeBSD are:

  • ZFS supported out of the box, from the installer onwards.
  • Jails (and support for OCI containers via Podman).
  • Capsicum as the cleanest way of developing compartmentalised applications on any system.
  • pkg for binary packages and Poudriere for building binary packages (each port is built in a clean jail).

I also use pf (originally from OpenBSD, now ported elsewhere), though NetBSD's npf looks interesting.

Dr. Brian Callahan »

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gyptazy »

You’re a fan? It doesn’t matter if you’re a beginner, pro or developer - everyone is welcome to participate in the .

Focussing on , , , and in the discussions, also all other flavors like , ( are welcome! You’re a fan (, , , , ,…) - just jump in:

More on my blog: