is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Admin account

Search results for #community

POSETTE: An Event for Postgres »

📣 Missed it live? No worries! Watch @robe's keynote talk ✨ at 2024 about "The Open Geospatial Community, PostGIS, & Postgres" & learn more about extension PostGIS & the open source geospatial community 🌎

Nando161 »

Tinker ☀️ »

So my local library's makerspace offered a free event where they brought in a bunch of old tower computers, printers, game consoles, etc., - laid out a bunch of iFixit toolkits - and let everyone (kids and adults alike) take everything apart!!!

One kid was hesitant because they didn't want to break anything and the library staff were like, none of it works. We're recycling and throwing everything out afterwards! Go hog wild, you won't get in trouble! You're meant to break it and take it apart!

The kid was absolutely enthusiastic and went to town!

I got to be a kid again and go into detail about all the computer parts and what each of the hardware did. It was awesome watching my children and other kids and adults interact, share tools, show off what they found.

I spoke with the organizer afterwards and asked if this was a regular thing and he said that he didn't have enough old equipment to make it regular. I laughed and said all of my friends have CLOSETS FULL OF THIS STUFF and the idea of giving it to a bunch of kids and adults to play with would bring joy and meaning to their life, lol!

I gave him the time to meet up with @fxbghackers and told him to make a community announcement about needing old electronics for donation to take apart and he'd get truck loads.

Just another way community helps each other out. This is post scarcity education.

A group of people sitting around a table with electronics in various states of disrepair.A shot later on where the table is completely covered with PCBs and various electronics all taken a part in a wonderful joyous mess.

Xavier «X» Santolaria »

🇫🇷 @leHACK started today! 🚀

For more events, check the list I (try to ) maintain 👇

Mozilla Localization »

🌍 Interested in localization? Whether you're new or more experienced, we want your feedback!
We've launched an onboarding page for new localizers and have a quick 2-minute survey for your thoughts. Let us know by Monday, July 8! 🚀

🔗 Onboarding page:
🔗 Survey:

Stefano Marinelli »

This has been (and still is) a very special week. The past 7 days have been emotionally (and, to a lesser extent, work-wise) very challenging. And even when I'm tired, I realize that, in my opinion, I have the best job in the world. Because working with open-source tools provides everyone with the same opportunities, in the most open and free manner possible. Few fields offer the same conditions, and I feel like I belong to a great group, a group of passionate and constructive people, without any distinctions of any kind.

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gyptazy »

I just got some mail - I mean real mail - with stickers!

I love getting such mails! Thanks a lot for shipping them &!

PS: Just have a look at the stamp ❤️

Stefano Marinelli »

For today's , I want to thank both old and new friends from , whether you are part of our instance and services, or external friends.

Thank you all, even after a heavy day like today, coming home and finding your presence is truly wonderful.

Fedora Project »

Open source thrives when diverse voices come together. Be part of the virtual gathering at Fedora Week of Diversity on June 21st to push for more equity and inclusion in open source.

Sign up today:

Jimmy Angelakos »

@floord and I just spoke at POSETTE 2024 (@posetteconf) about neurodiversity and mental health in IT, Open Source circles and the PostgreSQL Community!

🎞️ Video link:

✍️ Blog post:

🖥️ Slides:

Jimmy Angelakos recording his talk for POSETTE 2024, he's half-hiding behind a Slonik elephant plushie

POSETTE: An Event for Postgres »

Tune in to @vyruss's & @floord's talk during Livestream 2 to learn how neurodiversity affects the way we work with others in & anywhere else 🧠

Screenshot of Jimmy Angelakos & Floor Drees's talk at POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024

Stefano Marinelli »

For today's , I want to thank @gyptazy
His BSD Pub is a weekly event of great interest to me, managed with precision and a will to create a true and solid community, in the pure spirit of the BSD Cafe idea.
Additionally, yesterday he helped me with some insights regarding the latest article on my blog, preventing potential questions that might have arisen.

So, thank you for everything!

Jimmy Angelakos »

BoxyBSD »

Good morning , & fans!

The service is live for quite a while and it got a little bit silent - things just run and work. Are you missing anything?

Do you have any wishes that could help you to boost up your personal knowledge or your opensource project?

cc: @gyptazy

POSETTE: An Event for Postgres »

Learn about the HA & DR capabilities in Azure Database for PostgreSQL, including Multi-region Disaster Recovery (DR) for 💥

Tune in to Silvano Coriani @scoriani talk on Jun 12, 2024 at 10:30am CEST 🗓️ in Livestream 2 📺

Headshot pic of Silvano Coriani, plus title of his virtual talk at POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024, "HA and DR at a glance with Azure Database for PostgreSQL". The pink elephant mascot for POSETTE is part of the graphic too, along with the date of the event: Jun 11-13, 2024

🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (Mutuals) »

Hey Internet Queerdos and Allies,

It's the first day of Pride month, which means there's only 29 days of corporate rainbow washing left to go!

Before we get started, here's a content warning () for some swearing, dark topics, and a lot of If that's alright with you, then let's goooo!

Okay, so it's been an interesting past year. The Cass report came out and helped roll back trans rights in some pretty serious ways, the conservative Right kept right on proving to be downright 💩 humans, there's at least one genocide threatening people's right to exist, and billionaires continued to exercise their (money-given) right to make everything worse for everyone but them. Rights have been a big topic lately.

Oh, and I almost threw myself off a bridge several months back—but we'll get to that in a moment.

Fuck. I need some rainbow-safe brain-bleach before we continue, so here are some good things that happened:

I traded in my old gender for a shiny new one (technically I just binned the old one—it was pretty outdated). Speaking of dating, I started seeing a lovely enby (hi @catsalad!) from the infosec community. All the people I do safety checks with are still here, and Trump became an official felon 🎉

Alright, that's a bit better. Now on to the actual point of this article: acceptance, community, and safety.

Those three things are right up there with staying hydrated and memes when I think about what any queer person needs to thrive.

Acceptance is a prerequisite for community. Our diversity of experience is just as important as our shared experience. Without being accepting of what makes us each unique and wonderful, our communities are fragile and prone to fracturing. You only have to look at those who try to define what a "real man" or "real woman" is to see how they draw circles around their in-group that get smaller and smaller until no one fits.

Community breeds safety. You may snap a twig with your bare hands, but bind 'em together and you'll find a fagot much harder. Members of our community support each other—and that support becomes so much more important when our queer friends and family run up against the bigotry and horrors of this world. But we're not just one community; we're an alphabet soup of people who come together under the LGBTQIA+ umbrella. Regardless of the specifics, we're the ones who weren't born with the default settings...and that's beautiful—that's worth protecting.

So what about the bridge? Well, like so many people who identify as LGBTQ+, I had a lot of trauma growing up. Trauma that I continue to collect and box up like newly caught Pokémon. There are a lot of sources of that trauma for me: tech-industry layoffs, an abusive partner, neuro-divergence, as well as non-conforming gender and sexuality in a world whose motto might as well be "Of the Default, by the Default, and for the Default".

This all came together one day after a fight with my spouse that left me in a very dark place. I didn't feel safe, I didn't feel like I really belonged to any community, and I didn't feel accepted by those closest to me.

As I stood on the bridge, I got a notification on my phone...then another. It was enough to snap me out of it for a second, and I checked my messages through the tears. Thinking back I honestly don't remember who they were from or what they said, but I do remember that they were from Mastodon, from a couple people who just happened to reach out at the exact right moment. I'll skip the rest of the details, because some of you have already heard this story and they're not really important to this article.

The important part is that I made it home in one piece because someone reached out. Someone who didn't even know how much I needed them to.

That little tie to the queer community was all it took to ground me in the moment and save my life.

Since then I've been keeping an eye out for others that might need grounding and doing my best to make sure they feel accepted. I've been welcoming as many new people into the community as I can, and I've been trying my best to be a safe space for anyone who needs it.

So, wrapping this up, I want to ask you to do the same. Not just today, but every day—as often as you can. Sometimes all it takes is showing a little kindness and compassion to make a big difference in someone's life.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go check in on some people and tell them how glad I am that they're here.

—Alice Watson 💜

Graham Perrin »

Question 22 answer choices included:

— Instant Messaging (IRC, Matrix, Slack, Discord)

That one mash of wildly different things should have been four separate choices.

@FreeBSDFoundation and FreeBSD Core Team: please, can you make things logically separate in the next survey?

Thank you.

#2024 #2025

Graham Perrin »

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gyptazy »

Today, one big part of our call was about (made by which is about integrating a gui management interface for beginners for further system management. I also covered the insights, build instructions and a binary pkg in a blog post.

A recording of this part will also be provided soon!

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gyptazy »

Nothing beats the joy of receiving real mail from far away (Bologna/Italy) and from the community! The community and especially the ( are always special and feel like home!


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gyptazy »

Just a few days left: , the Technical Dutch Open Source Event!

If you’re coming around, feel free to reach out to me! I’ll also share some stickers of and :)

BoxyBSD »

Do we have community related suggestions how based systems could valuable be integrated into ? Limited resources do not offer permanent VMs right now. Until there’re more resources available this could be based on a week or month assignment (e.g. to give maintainers a possibility to test on )?!


Stefano Marinelli »

I remember this day well in 2012. I turned off the light at 1:15 of the night on May 20th after reading a book on my Kindle. I felt a slight tremor. It was said that it wasn't a seismic zone, so I thought it was just the tail end of a distant quake. I looked for information on my phone but found nothing. At 4:03 in the morning, I woke up to a strong quake. I heard objects falling and glass breaking (which I later found out were from my neighbor's house), everything was shaking, and suddenly, I started hearing the sounds of buildings collapsing. I was 10 km from the epicenter but only found out hours later. I immediately turned on the light, but the power went out. When the power came back, all phone lines were down, but my trusty 1mbit/sec ADSL was working. I was alone at home. I went outside and, having experience with earthquakes, urged my neighbors (still in disbelief) to run to the end of the street, to a parking lot away from all buildings. Roof tiles could fall. Strong aftershocks followed in the minutes after. They would continue for months, and occasionally, you can still feel them.

There were many collapses in the area. Together with a neighbor (a surveyor), we inspected the building and found no visible problems. It was a recent building, only a few years old. I went back inside to have breakfast around 5, much to the surprise of my neighbors who were urging me to leave. I turned on TV and news were still uncertain. They were just talking about a very strong earthquake in the norther part of Bologna. There were strong tremors all day long. It was a strange day. My friends wanted me to go to their place, far away. I decided to stay. My neighbors wanted me to go with them to the shopping center parking lot to sleep in the car. I stayed home. Some neighbors slept in tents in their gardens for months out of fear. That night, I just slept dressed on the couch.

There are many other details of that day that will stay in my mind forever.

This photo shows the damage caused by the earthquake in Emilia Romagna on May 20, 2012. The image captures a partially collapsed building with destroyed walls and roof, revealing scattered debris and rubble all around. The original architecture of the building features decorative details that are now in ruins. In the background, trees add a natural contrast to the scene of devastation.

Jimmy Angelakos »

Missed me❓ I'm going to be speaking online at : An Event for with PostgreSQL community star @floord in June❗

"How to Work with Other People" explores how recognizing and accommodating the mental differences between people can improve the workplace and the .


POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2024
How to Work with Other People
Jimmy Angelakos & Floor Drees
Photos of both.
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gyptazy »

Thanks everyone for joining and also for the useful information and insights - I really appreciate it!

If you like join our weekly meeting you can find more information at

Stefano Marinelli »

This place isn't perfect. It has its problems, flaws, and limitations. It's not immune to hatred or those who spread negativity.
Yet, here I've encountered incredible people, a marvelous community committed to bringing constructive engagement, dialogue, and social interaction back to the network.
Thank you, Fediverse.
Thank you, friends of the Fediverse.

Stefano Marinelli »

I've just created a new Matrix room for the BSDPub - Weekly Meeting coordination/chats.

You can reach it here:


Stefano Marinelli »

Just wrapped up the first virtual meeting of 'BSD Pub,' hosted by @gyptazy
Had a delightful and friendly conversation with wonderful folks, and some really interesting ideas emerged for the future. Thanks to everyone and... looking forward to the next meeting!

Details will be posted on the corresponding page:

Joe Ortiz »

Some good news at least to report and it comes from my home state of New York:

There was an anti-municipal language being put into the state's budget that would have been a significant blow to the state's municipal/community broadband push that was announced a few months back thanks to huge Big Telecom lobbying (Charter Spectrum mostly)

Thankfully lawmakers came to their senses and removed it before the budget's passage yesterday.

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gyptazy »

⚠️ Weekly Meeting ⚠️

Our first weekly will start on the 25th, April 2024 at 7 PM (GMT+2).

You can find all the details on the wiki:

For the first one, I already created a small agenda ( You are highly encouraged to modify and extend this, as well as upcoming agendas!

Day: Thursdays (weekly)
Time: 7 PM - 8 PM (GMT +2)
Where: (Jitsi)
Info: No recordings, no deep tech dives (keep it simple, we have calls for the details, no pressures to anyone, have fun and enjoy)

When I started the poll to ask for interests in such a meeting I wasn’t sure that even more than 5 people would be interested. I’m happy to see this amount of interested BSD users. I’m aware of the different timezones and it might make sense to have a second timeslot. This one mostly covers the European and near-east users. I’m happy to hear suggestions regarding preferred timeslots for the US, Asia,… so far, I’m happy to see at least a few of you next Thursday in the call!

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gyptazy »

Long post

wow, we already have almost 50 people interested into a weekly meeting. In the BSDCafe we already thought about possible dates and additional organization.

Different timezones make it really hard to just have a single meeting and it might end up in two or even three ones but also trying to avoid fragmentation. But this will probably work out more in an iterative way…

The current idea is to start Thursdays, 7pm GMT+2 in an unmoderated public jitsi session where everyone can join. I think the targeted user group is able to handle it in that way, like we always do.

The question is also, do we want to have an agenda or only open minded jump in and see how it works out?! My experience is, that people might be shy to start talking, it’ll be silent and people start to drop’s drop. An agenda might be helpful for an initial start but I also want to avoid having an introduction round where everyone tells something about himself. I mean, this can be done optionally, but I’m also aware of it that some may feel uncomfortable with this. This round should just make fun and not make any pressure or someone feeling uncomfortable.

So, agenda or open minded and free to talk for the first sessions?

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gyptazy »

⚠️ The BSD Pub ⚠️

Hey Fans!

We all share the same interests - based systems like , and .

We chat all day, sharing thoughts, questions and help. We talk on Matrix across different channels, we share on the . We have's newsletter, we have's and calls and many other ones I can't list here.

Wondering if there would be and interests in the , , etc., for a weekly smalltalk session like in a pub. Just a Jitsi based video/audio call where we can meet, discuss things from newsletter, trending things from the or just have off-topic and openminded discussions. This could result into the meeting.

I know, some people are shy - keep your cam off until you feel comfortable and feel free to join the discussions. Even this meetings should make fun and no pressure - so if someone is not in the mood or can't make it - no worries. No one will judge.

Would you be interested?



Graham Perrin »

To the @helpers in for

I thank each one of you for doing what you do, individually and collectively, in a quite extraordinary space.

The sense of openness, in a medium that is unavoidably closed, is probably the least of your positive achievements.

So welcoming!

Graham Perrin »

The same thanks, belatedly, from me, to the friends of @stefano in particular.

There'll be others for me to thank, on Tuesdays, from 9th April onwards.

Stefano Marinelli »

I want to launch a hashtag where, every Tuesday, I'll post a message and it would be great if it became a habit for many.

In a world full of conflicts, selfishness, and egocentrism, it would be nice to focus on the good that others do, what makes our lives better thanks to the contribution of others.

My first to the friends of - both within the community servers and beyond - who have undoubtedly contributed to making my life better, more stimulating, and richer. So, I extend this gratitude to all those who, here in the fediverse or elsewhere, are present and positive, giving me inspiration and motivation.

Truly, thank you!

AfricaUnion »

Stefano Marinelli »

The recent news about has further demonstrated how vigilant eyes are present within open-source software communities. That's why, in the upcoming years, I'll strive even harder to detach myself from closed solutions.
It's also time to reinstall on my Pixel 7 - even if it's not my daily driver, I'm using it.

TomAoki »

@stefano Thank you for hosting us!

Stefano Marinelli »

Today marks 7 months since I made the BSD Cafe public. These days, I'm quite busy and don't have much time to dedicate, but when I want to relax in the evening, I open one of the interaction tools and see wonderful people, great conversations, and interesting topics. I just want to say thank you to you, friends who are part of the BSD Cafe, and to all of you, friends of the BSD Cafe.