is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #bsd

Neustradamus :xmpp: :linux: »

Linux Professional Institute »

Learn from Jon “maddog” Hall why the “Largest Crash in History” happened, and what could have been done to prevent this kind of debacle:

Happy . Never underestimate the value of a well-trained IT department. 🐧

No description

number 1 windows xp hater »

hey people I got a question. I know some of you are following me from the blog post I did months ago. Is there a disk partitioning tool for FreeBSD that isn't gpart?

I absolutely despise gpart

can I just have linux fdisk please?

Toran J. Shaw »

@theregister @stefano would this be good for someone new to ?

ClaudioM »

Thanks to @osnews's post about Dell , I was intrigued by the mention of "X Desktop." Honestly, I would love something like this on a modern or system. Yeah, the look is spartan, but for a nerd like me, I find it quaint, consistent, and would love to work in an environment like this.

Felix Palmen »


A common misconception: "Open source software is free software".

→ Not necessarily, depends on the license and how it matches your idea of freedom. Anything possible from a restrictive license just allowing you to read the source (and NOTHING else) to the take of allowing a lot but dictating how you must license your own derived work, to very liberal style (and MIT etc) saying basically "give credit", to no restrictions at all (PD et al, do whatever you like).

Also, some people strongly believe an open source project can never "die" as long as people are interested in it, cause someone will jump in, fork if necessary, etc. In practice, often enough people interested in a project doesn't mean someone is interested in starting actual work ...

vermaden boosted

Martin Bishop »

To the Core |


Listen now:

as a sudo replacement, Core.13 is Now In Office, Running GoToSocial on , A DMD package for , Adding more swap space to and more

stibbons »


Take a look at Thomas Krenn.

You can select FreeBSD as operating system in the first drop down menu, after selecting a server model. This way you get only compatible hardware listed in the configurator.

I'm quite sure they deliver to the UK too.

Hope this helps you out.

Edit1: fixed typos

Paul Wilde »

Right #Fediverse #Linux and #BSD folk
Where are you buying your server hardware from?
(Ideally in the UK or Europe that ship to the UK, but I'll accept worldwide answers too)

Specifically I'm in the need for a couple of 2U rack mount servers that are compatible or at least tested with #FreeBSD, but I could run #Debian too

Will be for a corporate business so I need the whole "corporate vanity" of having a brand new out of the box server for them (don't worry, I buy second hand ones for my own use).

#RunBSD #RunLinux

Jay🚩 »

EnigmaRotor boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

This world needs less and more - a single letter can make a difference!

gyptazy boosted

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟮𝟮 (Valuable News - 2024/07/22) available.

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Tara 🌷 boosted

vermaden »

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Lovis IX ♿ »

Hey folks,

It's Monday!

Happy reading the @vermaden "Valuable New"

EnigmaRotor boosted

Armando »

I've never used (besides the portions that macOS and FreeBSD have in common) but it seems to have really enthusiastic fans. Whether it's for your desktop or servers, what do you love about it? What made you choose it over Linux?

EnigmaRotor boosted

Neustradamus :xmpp: :linux: »

141R-20240711 has been released ( / / / )

jhx »

@ggpsv @stefano @rubenerd
Have fun in the world!

Not Evander Sinque »

@louis hehe. Can I interest you in some ? :)

alelab boosted

Not Evander Sinque »

Juno »

Last strategy for package conflict resolution ready!

tori can now handle conflicts between your configuration and the actual list of installed packages.

Check out the update for all details:

SecBSD »

In our vision, hacking is not an act of chaos, but an act of creation. It's about using our skills to expose truth, to stand up against oppression, and to disrupt the norms that perpetuate inequality. Hacking, in this context, becomes a voice — a voice that can be heard by millions of people.

As hackers, we understand that the rules governing our digital world are not immutable. They are human-made, and as such, they can be challenged, redefined, and rebuilt.

Our impact reaches beyond digital frontiers; we're hackers breaking through into the societal realm.

Each hack is a step towards dismantling oppressive structures, fostering a more equitable world.

Our mission is to reboot the system.

17 ★ 7 ↺

gyptazy »

Long post

Happy Birthday, BSD Cafe! 🎂

Seeing your idea flourish into such a vibrant and supportive community is amazing. The positive atmosphere and mutual respect here are remarkable. It’s clear your hard work and vision have paid off.

You got me directly attracted last year on Twitter when I started with social medias and we shared exactly the same mindset - not only about related content but also about how a community around should look like. You got me back more into the community and into community related services and . I took the opportunity to create a service like for the BSD community, which provides free (, , , , for the community to learn, practice or to build their projects. Not everyone can afford own systems to learn in real setups and here we come back to the community mindset - which I honestly took over from you by providing us all your great services!

Getting in touch with all the members of the it was clear that we need something like a meeting - so we got the , where we can meet, discuss and share knowledge. I feel like home here in the BSDCafe and I can only recommend everyone who's interested into BSD to join.

Wishing you many more successful years ahead. Thank you for everything!

JustDude 🍋 »

Wat let je? Waag de stap. Geef je oude laptop of desktop een langere levensduur.
Mijn oude Macbook van 12 jaar oude draaide als een tierelier, tot de voeding aansluiting het begaf.

Libre office, bijna geen virussen. Betere beveiliging. Een grafische werkomgeving.
Mijn zoon is een tijd terug overgestapt op zijn game computer, Steam werkt, een aantal mooie Linux of bsd games.

No description

JustDude 🍋 »

Managing jails and Bhyve VMs is easy once you know the commands on the CLI.

Cronos to the rescue, cbsd web interface: Jails, Bhyve Vms creation, rename, etc. Easy peasy.
And access to the console via VNC on the fly.
It can be installed from an image as full blown freebsd system with Clonos on top.
The install method on topof an existing Freebsd system (14.1) did not completely work as intended.
A very good alternative to proxmox on top of linux

No description

jhx »

Well, maybe because is cozy? 😎

jhx »

I always like having different systems around me...

This brought me to a article that I've read in the past about a always on little system (low powered) that holds all the needed files to work/learn with.
All my files live on my NAS anyway - so having a system I ssh into to do my daily tasks would make sense.
This would also solve the issue of having to setup everything all the time on the system I'm using at the moment. 🙂

Does anyone have a setup like that? 😎

jhx »

To everyone:

Have a amazing filled weekend!

Felix Palmen »

@doerk There are so many things about that don't convince me, it could be another very long toot, but I try to keep it short 😉

One major point is the -centric design. The good news here is that it now works on e.g. a system, IIRC as long as the same dri/kms model is used as on Linux, which is the case for . But still ...

Another one is that it does "almost nothing", it's almost only about compositing. Any rendering, any input handling, etc pp is the job of the individual app, which can only be achieved using a (huge) set of libraries. I don't think that's a great approach for your typical "simple" desktop app. For example, I started this project (an emoji keyboard) because I didn't find any good existing one. The way to do it with plain X11 is certainly hacky (you need to fake keyboard events, you need to temporarily change the keyboard mapping 🤯). So I did some research whether there are better ways with Wayland, just to find it doesn't handle keyboard input at all and recommends using . Okay ... 😂

Side note, emoji input often works using some "input method" software. The downside is that you need support in all apps (for the input method protocol), e.g. by using some toolkit having it builtin.

X11 has its issues. Coding that thing so far, I found confirmed that e.g. all the X11 core drawing is useless nowadays. But there's allowing server-side rendering with alpha channel (e.g. for anti-aliasing), IMHO a very sane approach. As far as I'm concerned, I'd love to see a radically new version of X windows (X12?) getting rid of all the now useless cruft, but keeping the good things and e.g. declaring some extensions like XRender, XKB, ... mandatory. I'd prefer that a lot over Wayland 🧐

jbz »

cslinuxboy »

@jbz As time goes on and becomes gradually dictated by larger corps. I can imagine more devs will move to over time, and with that more hardware support and tech improvements. I've been dabbling more with BSD as Linux is no longer the underdog that it once was (which I always root for).

jbz »

💡 Why I Like NetBSD, or Why Portability Matters | @marcc

Harris for President »

I want to install @netbsd onto my but I don't think wifi will work out of the box. ??

ClaudioM »

Welcome to my temporary office! Since they're beginning to wax the hallway floors where my office is, I've taken everything I need for the next 3 days and moved it over to this area in our Media Center. ThinkPad on the left is running and connected to the monitor, and right laptop (the Evoo) is running . 😈

A white table near a door in the Media Center with the following from left to right: My green Mighty Mug travel mug containing my morning coffee, a Dell monitor showing Chromium running on the ThinkPad Yoga 11e to the right of it, which is running MATE on FreeBSD and on its screen is MATE Terminal playing FluxFM's Berlin Beach House via MPV. a mouse is connected to it on the right and is sitting on a round red mousepad. To the far right is my Evoo EVC141-12BK laptop running MATE Desktop on OpenBSD with Firefox maximized and showing the Firefox local home page with visited links and a search bar. In front of the monitor are 3 USB thumb drives and the fluorescent green top of my water bottle. In the background are shelves of books along the wall and in the middle of the carpeted floor. There are some lounge chairs strewn about as well.

jbz »

🌉 Bridging Networks Across VPS with Wireguard and VXLAN on FreeBSD

「 This article describes an advanced networking setup that allows you to bridge networks between two VPS instances using Wireguard and VXLAN on FreeBSD 」

12 ★ 5 ↺

gyptazy »

Today, we had a nice user group meeting in person! Time to share stickers :) It was great, thanks for joining! Happy to see you next time again!

jhx »

Second is running.
The systems gain more and more foothold in the lab 😀

Paul Wilde »

Me, years ago: *BSD is pretty great for critical appliances i.e. firewalls
Me, a year ago: I should be using more *BSD on servers
Me, 9 months ago: ZFS is pretty neat
Me, 6 months ago: bhyve is pretty neat
Me, 3 months ago: ooh, jails are pretty neat
Me, 1 month ago: crap, hardware failure (cable) caused unrecoverable corruption on my zpool

Me, 3 weeks ago: I should have been taking more snapshots
Me, 2 weeks ago: mmm, manual snapshots are great but too manual
Me, 1 week ago: #Sanoid is pretty neat
Me, today: #Syncoid... I should have been using this all along...

Thus is my #BSD / #ZFS journey. It's funny how a critical failure can lead to you ending up having quite a lot of faith in what you create (I hope my trust is not misplaced [hint: I expect it very well placed]).

Lars Engels »

Yesterday we released NomadBSD 141R-20240711 based on FreeBSD 14.1.

Changes since 140R-20240126

- The base system has been changed to FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p2.
- A hard link creation bug concerning unionfs has been fixed.
- A calculation bug which led to an overfull UFS root partition has been fixed.
- The fusefs module has been changed to reduce (and hopefully eliminate) timeout errors on unionfs.
- The NomadBSD tools have been ported from Qt5 to Qt6.
- Several small improvements and bugfixes.

Get it from here:

The download page is not updated, yet. It should list the new release very soon.

The download page now lists the release.

NomadBSD's logo, a faceless, stylized Nomad in front of a sand dune.

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟭𝟱 (Valuable News - 2024/07/15) available.

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vermaden »

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Juno »

Just one package conflict resolution strategy to go!

This is the dialog in tori ( that shows up when there is a conflict between the system state and the user's configuration. I've just implemented strategy 4.

Next is the most challenging one: parsing a user-edited file for input.

Once I'm done with it, I'll start working on file management.

A screenshot of a white-on-black terminal screen. It reads:

[tori] 07:37:38: System and configuration packages differ

Installed packages not on configuration: bastille fend ksh neomutt
  [1] Uninstall all
  [2] Enter packages to uninstall
  [3] Add all to configuration
  [4] Enter packages to add to configuration
  [5] Decide on editor
  [6] Cancel
Choose an option [1-6]:

ClaudioM »

looks like a cool tool for managing connections in . Curious if it would work on , but I'm skeptical.

ClaudioM »

A trio of for this !

The first one is Fonzie, our Japanese bobtail , from Thursday hiding in one of the boxes under the table, and these second and third ones are newcomers belonging to A's daughter. The tan and white cat is Chickpea and he likes to lounge on the table. This morning, he's decided to lounge next to me as I connect my laptop to the WiFi here, all while enjoying my .

And the third one is Gumball, a calico-turtleshell cat. There is a another cat named Bunny, but she's rather shy. ​ I'll try and take a picture of her later today and upload it once she comes out of hiding.

Fonzie, a grey and white Japanese bobtail cat, staring at the camera with his head poking out of a box that's on top of a box, both under the table.Chickpea, a tan and white maine coon mix, lounging on the table with his eyes closed.The kitchen table with my dark grey Evoo EVC141-12BK running MATE Desktop on OpenBSD to the left of a clear mug of coffee with cream, which itself is to the left of Chickpea, a tan and white maine coon mix cat laying on the table, but looking towards the left with his head on his right paw.Gumball, a calico-turtleshell mixed cat, standing perched on the table ot the right of my laptop which is partially seen in the picture. She's looking away from the camera to her right.

jhx »

The joy of having multiple laptops and mini systems:

Endless computing fun at a low energy price 😎

Possibilities are endless and there are many things to explore. Besides, most of the systems I've got where used and pretty cheap. Beeing a fan of reusing hardware, this feels like heaven for sure 🙂

Try or on one of your older systems - and be amazed on how great these systems still are.

jhx »

The weekend is upon us all! 😎

Happy filled weekend to everyone!

ClaudioM »

Selfie, ec :puffer:​:runbsdBg:​

Decided to go mobile with my laptop while I reimage these PCs and panel modules and enroll them in Azure. Chatting it up with the in the COM room and also with those on IRC as I wind things down in this classroom, and for the work day.

Selfie of me, a light-skinned male with buzzed hair, salt-and-pepper beard, and gun-metal grey thin-framed glasses, smiling at the camera while sitting on a desk chair next to the left corner of a desk. I'm wearing a faded green Sublime T-shirt. On the edge of the desk is my dark grey Evoo EVC141-12BK laptop running OpenBSD with MATE Desktop. MATE Terminal can slightly be seen on the screen maximized with a Tmux session running on my SSH session to Two panes are side by side, with the left pane showing Irssi on IRC and the right pane showing the aNONradio COM room chat on SDF. There are other desks in the background with two PC screens showing the Windows 10 desktop after being reimaged and enrolled to Azure.

JustDude 🍋 »

I am considering moving some jails and bhyve VMs from Bastille BSD to CBSD.
CBSD menu structure and options are in some cases much better.
I can export from one, import to the other but no way these are compatible of course. Is there a workaround? Except the tedious one of manually converting them

Stefano Marinelli »

Ryan Hamel »

Unpopular Opinion #(??)

I'd like to see a clone based on , providing the best of both and for (protected by a zone layer), and zones for all things and . BSD support in the zone layer would certainly rocket it up the list and make it the only with support of or straight up almost any OS (obviously no support). All that combined with Kubernetes would make it a swiss-army knife for just about any purpose.

Mark »

Just wondering. What is it about the BSD's that people like? Is it the security? Or the license or mix of both. What are some good guides to equivalent commands between Linux and BSD?

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

The full program for the 2024 conference in (September 19-22, 2024) has been published: @EuroBSDCon

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

@FediFollows @netbsd @openbsdnow @bsdfund @bsdcan @bsd_nl @bsd

I would add @undeadly - automated posts of OpenBSD Journal posts and @EuroBSDCon - the European conference »

Leute in und um : Morgen treffen wir uns wieder mal in Bilk.

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟳/𝟬𝟴 (Valuable News - 2024/07/08) available.

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vermaden »

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Juno »

Last night I sat down for a couple hours to hack on tori (

It now has a way to parse a configuration file at ~/.config/tori.conf that will be used for the application behavior settings.

I also improved OS detection by relying not only on uname output but also the presence of /etc/os-release.

Finally, started drafting the user-facing docs and did some refactoring to lower the complexity on each file.

tunes »

Still going strong with 🐡 at 49 days of !
Rescued from the , has been pure joy and a platform to !
Currently providing for all the LAN: DNS, ntp, http, CalDav (and vnstat for keep an eye on statistics).
Thanks @solene for the immensely cool guides. 🙏

Terminal window showing information from a system based on OpenBSD operating system (username and hostname, operating system version, CPU model and clock, uptime)

Dr. Brian Callahan »

Here is the spiel for my August 7 NYCBUG talk:

As I said before, if you're in the area, come by and say hi. It's a fun talk I've been workshopping; you'll leave with some good laughs, learning some new technical knowledge, and learning how to be a better advocate for the BSDs (or whatever your open source/free software niche is).

Dr. Brian Callahan »

Hey people. I'm speaking at NYC*BUG for the August meeting. If you're in or around come by say hi.

I, uh, have no idea where the venue is. I think NYU?

As for what I'm speaking about, I think I'm going to workshop a new talk. Designed to be funny and push the boundaries of what is truly useful for us to be doing in 2024.

Lars Engels »

Name your least favorite application on FreeBSD. I'll start with:

rtsold. It blocks the boot process for several seconds.

Eva Winterschön »

Contentious statement, maybe, but this comes up so often that it makes me wonder how the same problems persist over decades...

FreeBSD's pkg system is superior in every way to Debian's apt package system. How often does apt crap-out from dependency failures? every day it seems. FreeBSD pkg... never had those issues with binaries or ports in >20 years.

makes me wonder, do people just never branch out to see alternate solutions and methods for implementation - instead just assuming that their reinvented wheel is always the best? that's some fanboy scheiß if so

and to the fanboys ahead of time, I've run many a private apt repo for large orgs, and build perhaps too many debs for sanity sake; I know how the systems work, it's just not a good implementation compared to others (even in linux world there's dnf and portage to show this is not a flame on linux specifically, just apt. apt sucks.

Juno »

Introducing tori, a tool to track your system's configuration and replicate it.

I've been simultaneously using and developing it personally for the past 5 months, and now I would like to teach it to fly so it can break out from our nest.

This version still has very few of the features I enjoy in my personally-hardcoded version. If it sounds interesting, just stay tuned.

I wrote a blog post with a more in-depth description of what it is, how it works and why I built it:

ClaudioM »

Fired up the ol' EeePC 901 to update which is running a 7.5-current snapshot from April 11, so not-so-current.

My black EeePC 901 netbook running Fluxbox on OpenBSD. XTerm is at the top left showing the message of the day, which reveals that this OpenBSD 7.5-current snapshot is from April 11th, and then sysupgrade running to actually bring this installation to the latest snapshot. Conky is running on the top right.

SecBSD »

Unleash the power of Hacking!

SecBSD 1.5 snapshot from July has just been released!

What is SecBSD?
SecBSD is a variant of specifically designed for cybersecurity professionals and hackers seeking absolute control over the security and privacy of their environment.

Download SecBSD:

What's New in SecBSD 1.5?

cariddi 1.3.4
cloudsplaining 0.6.2
clutter 1.26.4
coercer 2.4.3
dnsrecon 1.2.0
dploot 2.7.2
exploitdb 20240702
finalrecon 1.1.6
forgejo 7.0.5
gitleaks 8.18.4
mattermost 9.9.1
mitm6 0.3.0
nuclei 3.2.9
osrframework 0.20.5
rizin 0.7.2
sherlock 0.14.3
sickle 2.0.2
theHarvester 4.5.1
veilid 0.3.2
vopono 0.10.10

No description

R. L. Dane »

Hey ( / / users in particular),

Does anyone have a preferred front-end to keepassxc-cli? I know there's a rofi interface shell script, but I honestly found it kind of clunky.

This is something that could be very easily and nicely shell scripted, and I wanted to ask if anyone knows of one out there already before I re-invented the wheel.

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Travel arrangements for 2024 done, see you in in september!

zwangseinweisung »

Hab grade einen Laptop über, welches mit Desktop will man grade haben? Will ein bisschen experimentieren

jbz »

⭐ 5 Reasons We Use Open Source FreeBSD as Our Enterprise OS
ᐅ HackerNoon

Harris for President »

I finally got to run on top of

Radio Azureus »

@RL_Dane @thunderbird

Very nice, a Pet project

Would be nice if you would also it once you've got a working Alpha version of it. Of course the license is also great

Sourcerer »

DeadBSD #2 - CultBSD - 2020-2021

by @robonuggie

CultBSD? never heard of but name CovenBSD could be nice too!

alternative link:


vermaden »

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vermaden »

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nixCraft 🐧 »

We all stand on the shoulders of giants. The legacy of Dennis Ritchie continues, and you can see it everywhere in modern computing. C and set the rock-solid foundation for today's most famous technologies, such as , , , iOS, Android, etc. Thank you, dmr!

"UNIX is basically a simple operating system, but you have to be a genius to understand the simplicity." – Dennis Ritchie

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends of and the entire , good morning and happy Sunday!

I've made some changes to our setup. Last week, there were some slowdowns in the services at BSD Cafe, especially in the instance. After investigating, I discovered that the issue was with the DNS resolution (it was the DNS! 😆 ).

I’ve now installed two jails with unbound on the two BSD Cafe VPSs. This allows us to perform all DNS resolutions locally with caching, so we don’t have to rely on external services.

This way, services like Mastodon or Matrix, which make extensive use of name resolution, can benefit from local caching and resolve domains autonomously.

release_candidate »

Stefano Marinelli »

Friends in the world, are you actively using ?
If so, what for?

I'm curious because it's not often talked about, yet Hammer is a really interesting file system.

stu »

I'm looking for a easy to use out of the box 😊

ClaudioM »

There was even this pic I took about a "BSD for Linux Users" presentation given by Dru Lavigne! And now *I* !

Picture from Southeast LinuxFest 2010 of Dru Lavigne giving a presentation on "BSD for Linux Users." She's standing facing the projection screen to her right, and the screen reads:

BSD for Linux Users
Chair, BSD Certification Group
Southeast Linux Fest 2010

jhx »

Fun times ahead! 😀

Got a new mini PC
A new small Firewall
A small Notebook
...and building a new soon

Projects incoming for sure 😎

Of course: It will all run
and fun ahead!

Dr. Brian Callahan »

Hooray! I was gifted a SiFive Unleashed for my research lab, and wasted no time porting to OpenBSD/riscv64 by way of GDC:

/home/brian $ uname -a
OpenBSD 7.5 GENERIC.MP#26 riscv64
/home/brian $ egdc --version
egdc (GCC) 11.2.0
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO

R. L. Dane »

New post:
"An unexpected game of 'Musical Laptops'"

Alternate titles (in order of descending seriousness):
"What happened to my ?!?"
"You should totally , even if I'm pretty bad at it. ;)"
"There's no such thing as slow computers, only slow software."

cc: my chorus: @joel @amin @dm @ivan @sotolf @theDoctor

vermaden »

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vermaden »

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h3artbl33d »


I wanted to go bare metal - but turns out I am serverless

Seriously though, I run my applications on both bare metal and in VMs (running on bare metal). Have been experimenting with jails too.

vermaden »

New 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗕𝗦𝗗 𝗕𝗵𝘆𝘃𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗼𝗼𝗹𝘀 (FreeBSD Bhyve Companion Tools) article on blog.


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vermaden »

New 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗕𝗦𝗗 𝗕𝗵𝘆𝘃𝗲 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗧𝗼𝗼𝗹𝘀 (FreeBSD Bhyve Companion Tools) article on blog.


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ClaudioM »

Back home after meeting up with A's eldest daughter so she can get a new car and te ding to my new-to-me PC, this time on the side. It's at 13.1, so I will be performing the upgrade the proper way, and then deal with the Linux side once I decide which distro to finally install.

My Dell monitor showing the Neofetch output for the installed version of FreeBSD, which is at 13.1.

a66ey 🇪🇺🏳️‍🌈 she/her »

Installed my first on metal yesterday. Almost nothing works. And just, you know, that's awesome! Can't say when last had I so much fun with an OS.


0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Juno »

With this KVM switch adventure giving my then-headless machine a head, I'd say the year of the FreeBSD desktop is already past us and it's the year of the FreeBSD laptop I am waiting for.

ClaudioM »

A and I are at the Georgia Aquarium, and this guy came right to the glass when I showed up, as if happy to see me!

I wonder why?....

Picture of a puffer fish, or blowfish, swimming in the water.A closer picture of the puffer fish, or blowfish, but you can see its belly.

Juno »

So the KVM switch setup worked fine on NetBSD too, but running it on this box reminded me of an issue I have with it.

Whenever the system boots with the monitor turned off (or in this case, the KVM switch toggled to the other machine), the boot process hangs. If I unplug the monitor/KVM the system boots normally. It also boots normally with the monitor on or toggled to it.

This happens even if the machine is plugged directly, so regardless of the KVM switch.

I've found some trails of this issue being reported, but no solution...

The thread is recent, with the last message on Apr 21st 2024.

Also, this solution did not work for me:

For now I'll be running just FreeBSD on this one, but I'd appreciate any help in making NetBSD also work.

jbz »

X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit v0.0.2 Adds NetBSD & FreeBSD Support - Phoronix

「 The focus with this X.Org Testing Ground Toolkit is on making it easier for users to test out the very latest Git development code for these components in checking for bugs or other issues and moving forward to potentially integrate more CI/CD-type testing 」

★discrust★ »

patpro »

Hello users! What are you using these days?
On my gateway I’m using -hole in a linux VM for some time and I wish I could use it «bare-metal» to trim the resource overhead of the VM.
I see some alternatives exist: adguardhome and blocky.
adguardhome looks like pi-hole (complete GUI) but is uncomfortably tied to a commercial entity.
blocky lacks a GUI (+ limited API), so it’s a no-go for me.

Share your thoughts and, please boost

Juno »

I got myself an used KVM switch for what amounts to USD 7.35 and everything works. I am so thrilled I keep fiddling.

The amount of cables has doubled, but I can now turn my now-ex-server into a full graphical setup at the touch of a button, literally.

I already had FreeBSD on it for a long time and all is working on it, both KVM switch and graphical stack. Now let's see how NetBSD settles into this box.

Felix Palmen »

@jpaskaruk certainly is a strong *negative* motivator for using a . Hope you find a couple of positive ones quickly 😉

See also my somewhat older story about choosing :

Harris for President »

@tara This is awesome news, which is your main driver?


Tara 🌷 »

Tomorrow, Wed 19th at 10am PT, I will be interviewed by the @FreeBSDFoundation as part of the celebrations for the FreeBSD Day.

I'm very excited. But I am also aware that there are people with more experience on FreeBSD. Although 30+ years in the industry and in OpenSource , I just recently joined the BSD family and I am aware of my limits.

I hope that I'll be able to spread the awareness of the values of FreeBSD and bring it to large enterprises as I did with Linux.

I want to thank the family and a special friend who introduced me to FreeBSD.

jbz »

🦾 FreeBSD 14.1 vs. DragonFlyBSD 6.4 vs. NetBSD 10 vs. Linux Benchmarks - Phoronix

Eva Winterschön »

Hello Fediverse! It's time for a new instance , having recently migrated to BSD.Cafe from

The neurosurgeons said I wouldn't wake up from the coma, but they were wrong.
Then they said I'd never walk or talk again, but they were wrong.

I never expected to reach forty, and so often now I wonder, "how long will the 🧠 tumor let me live?"

Professionally, I'm a Principal Systems Architect focused on performance engineering for "global edge compute" workloads. This year marks two ticks from having worked for a quarter-century in the tech industry. 💾 :sparc64: 🥰

Personally, my interests range from backcountry telemark skiing and long-range marksmanship in the wilderness, to berries and bunnies and everything in-between as long as it's cute and pink and sweet and made of hearts! 💗

A quarter-angle profile photo of Eva Winterschön, standing in a former bedroom circa 2022. She's wearing a pink cami-top and her long curly hair is set in pig-tails, blue eyes looking into the camera, with a slightly smirking smile.

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟲/𝟭𝟳 (Valuable News - 2024/06/17) available.

Past releases:

No description

vermaden »

Latest 𝗩𝗮𝗹𝘂𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝗡𝗲𝘄𝘀 - 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰/𝟬𝟲/𝟭𝟳 (Valuable News - 2024/06/17) available.

Past releases:

No description

R. L. Dane »

Man, modern S3 suspend can be so insane:

Thu Jun 13 23:30:40 CDT 2024
93.62% 81.48%
hw.acpi.sleep.state: 0 -> 3

Sun Jun 16 12:30:45 CDT 2024
90.85% 81.33%

This is on my new-to-me X260 running

(First number is the smaller and kind of worn-out internal battery, second is the brand new external battery.)

Felix Palmen »

@winterschon Thanks a lot for the offer, I'll most likely get back to that, but it might take a while (it feels like I'm 80% there, but OTOH, a lot of building blocks are still missing, like e.g. menus and tooltips, have to see how to handle them correctly, as they must be "transient" windows without decorations and with specific behavior ...)

Regarding , my feeling is quite similar: Sure there are issues with , but wayland didn't really convince me it's "the solution". I always prefer non-disruptive, evolutionary improvements, something that's in my experience prevalent in systems (while the ecosystem loves to reinvent the wheel and break everything every other day, to exaggerate a bit 🙈)

Maybe an could indeed be the better solution. Take it with a grain of salt, as I really have no "inside" experience with X, but "drop all stuff nobody uses any more and at the same time declare *some* extensions mandatory" would look pretty great to me ...

Diane Bruce »

BSDCan jkh offers dvl $100 for his shirt...

Jordan Hubbard offers Dan $100 for his shirt...

Diane Bruce »

Any BSD'ers in the Ottawa area? We have a dormant BSD group here due to COVID that I'd like to help rejuvenate. After all, is in Ottawa so ....

jhx »

Take this with a grain of salt:

If the OS you use has next to no maintenance I call it perfect

That is how I use on the

It just works.... the end

I always forget to do anything on the OS level on it.
It just does what it is supposed to do. No worries, no problems, it just works (TM)

jhx »

Wishing all my guys and gals a great weekend!

R. L. Dane »

Gotta say I'm pretty impressed with the S3 suspend on my #Thinkpad X260 running #NetBSD:

Wed Jun 12 01:00:51 CDT 2024
95.83% 81.73% 
hw.acpi.sleep.state: 0 -> 3

Thu Jun 13 08:38:10 CDT 2024
94.32% 81.63% 

(Yes, there are two batteries. The first percentage is the smaller, old internal battery and the second one is the brand new chungus external battery. The internal battery gives about 2 hours of battery life, the external about 4 (not extensively tested yet).)

NetBSD is even pretty quick to resume from S3 on this box, under six seconds. That's pretty fast for #BSD -- #FreeBSD took 30 seconds to resume on my X200

R. L. Dane »


Man, I haven't been on a mailing list since the early 2000s XD
Might be worth trying though. I'm thinking the #NetBSD peeps seem like a pretty friendly crowd.

Ideally, full disk encryption where there isn't even a plaintext stub with a kernel and an initrd (or whatever it's called on #BSD ;)

Knowing that's not yet a possibility on #NetBSD, and setting up a minimal kernel-and-initrd-only / partition can be tricky, I'd be happy just to have an encrypted /home that's auto-mounted in fstab (and where the system prompts me for the password sometime during boot, ideally).

I know where the cgd chapter is, I just don't feel confident to follow it without knowing more about how partitioning/disklabels/filesystems and such work in NetBSD.

Sourcerer »

"Not Smooth Sailing | FreeBSD 14.1 on Raspberry Pi 400"

by @robonuggie

btw. I really like the wording. "Sailing" 🏴‍☠️
I use it too.

youtube link:

alternative link:


Dr. Brian Callahan »

I updated my tip-of-tree package for . Installs GCC 15.0.0 and 2.42.50 (all but ld, gold, and gdb) from about 3 hours ago. Includes compilers for Ada, C, C++, D, Fortran, Modula-2, Objective-C and Objective-C++. Only amd64 (sorry! I could probably do arm64 and riscv64 if I had fast-enough machines...).

Installs to /usr/local/gnu so it won't conflict with any other gcc packages you might have installed.

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