
Believer in the power of open-source & community-driven innovation.

Former AS20621 NetOp that loves FreeBSD & illumos. Currently mostly in DevOps & developing (Python, Rust). Contributes to & . Evaluating and production usage of hardware/software.

* - A free VM hosting service to provide some value back to the community.
* - A static blog generator in manpage design.
* QualvoSec - A security patch management tool.
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gyptazy ยป

Today, someone reached out to me by email just to say "thank you" for my Box Collection with different types of including all general (, , , ,..) and (, , ...) distributions.

It was just an email, rather than an issue or bug and someone took some efforts to look up my mail and to write me. It made me very happy & we should much more honour the work of others! It reminded me of how much we now take software for granted in our daily life. Things we do and handle our daily business... Even if we don't donate anything or only small amounts, we should always show respect for the time and effort of the author and maintainer. Even a small personalized email can bring great joy :)
