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Jadi »

Ansible. Ansible. Ansible. Running larege playbooks on a cluster of servers to test our installation process and become ready for our next release.

ClaudioM boosted

Hacker Public Radio » 🤖

New Episode: hpr4118 :: Toil versus Livelihood

Hosted by dnt on 2024-05-15 is flagged as Clean and is released under a CC-BY-SA license.

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Today on the

❄️ freezr ❄️ »

I have been living in the US twelve years so far... and since then I only worked for a French Corp and two Cuban-American family owned corps...

Never get even a simple phone interview from a northener US company... Especially now that remote work is a thing. I've always attributed this to my which is a PDF loaded on a free platform, because having a nice online web portfolio is a luxor that only youngsters without kids have.

But now I have a workmate which does have a nice online portfolio, much more years of experience in the US than me, and he's having the same issue as me. He only worked, like me, on big international hospitality corps and Cuban-America owned family corps...

Like me he is a foreigner, I am from Europe and he is from South America. It looks like for our job, there is an active based on our nationality, even though he graduated here in the US.

I don't say that is a general rule, for instance this doesn't happen on Colleges and Universities, IT corps are pretty open as well, but I know a lot of immigrants and we all work on Latin and International companies. The few that don't work for Latin corps are working for big software houses, mostly local based.

It looks like many HR recruiters are really narrow minded, unless they got the input to rake all the best candidates regardless of their nationalities...

What do you think? Have you ever felt this soft discrimination in your work place?

❄️ freezr ❄️ »

<h3>What is marketing?</h3>

Saying a lot of lies to make someone else buy something...

And I am really sick of all of this...

<h3>Why is today marketing worse than ever?</h3>

Because the nasty social media and / tools...

Please send me positive vibes to help me find another job!

❄️ freezr ❄️ »

It came out that the product descriptions and the bullets made by the and is totally crap...

And now a human intervention is needed...

Holy shit, how could be this even possible?

❄️ freezr ❄️ »


While our situation becomes day after day always more surrealistic, luckily one of my workmates got another job, and today released the bombshell!

Panic everywhere, counter offer (which I found pretty disgusting) but he resisted and so another one is leaving this place!

We were four and we will be 2, and I am working hard to be the next one to leave this unpleasant job!

Please send me positive vibes!

Jimmy Angelakos »

Remember "investing in people"? It feels like it's a thing from the 2010s. Nowadays it's more like "investing in our investors".

Emeritus Prof Christopher May »

The UK's has been below the nominal replacement level of 2.1 per mother for around 50 years....

So. its time we had a more sensible discussion about the role of in maintaining the levels we need to sustain the economy, the role of 'encouraging' people back into & how we can support children & mothers.

Its a trite phrase, but what we really do nee is some 'joined up thinking'; in these areas its been somewhat absent

Graham Perrin »

The Land Before Linux: The Unix desktops • The Register

<> @sjvn

❝Today, thanks to Android and ChromeOS, Linux is an important end-user operating system. But, before Linux, there were important Unix desktops, although most of them never made it. …❞

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Today, someone reached out to me by email just to say "thank you" for my Box Collection with different types of including all general (, , , ,..) and (, , ...) distributions.

It was just an email, rather than an issue or bug and someone took some efforts to look up my mail and to write me. It made me very happy & we should much more honour the work of others! It reminded me of how much we now take software for granted in our daily life. Things we do and handle our daily business... Even if we don't donate anything or only small amounts, we should always show respect for the time and effort of the author and maintainer. Even a small personalized email can bring great joy :)