is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #activitypub

Armando »

OK folks, we need to stop assuming is the entire and expecting its idiosyncrasies to be mandated on everyone else.

There's no such thing as a "CW" in . A Note can have a summary and a content and if Mastodon wants to display the summary and hide the content that's its problem. There are so many examples of this. Please stop screaming at people just because you think they've failed some kind of Mastodon purity test on an ActivityPub network when they're following the rules of their instance.

Sean Tilley »

One of my ongoing experiments with #WordPress involves blurring the lines further between blogging and social media interaction. There’s actually some really neat stuff you can do with the #ActivityPub plugin, the Friends plugin, and the Mastodon Apps plugin.

One thing that’s really struck me is that WordPress can absolutely support different ActivityPub object types / ActivityStreams vocabulary. Posting short statuses from a client is 100% doable, and so are events and articles.

Week in Fediverse »

Matthias Pfefferle »

We just released version 2.6.0 of the plugin for

You can now (finally) add/edit/delete the extra fields, we improved the remote-reply overlay quite a bit and made a lot of smaller tweaks and fixes.

Let us know if you have some feedback!

silverpill »

@zicklag @smallcircles

>But ActivityPub is also largely underspecified

ActivityPub is not underspecified. Developers might get frustrated when they read the spec and discover that it doesn't explain how to communicate with Mastodon. But this is only because the scope of the spec is much broader. It is a protocol for building all kinds of decentralized social applications, and some of them can be quite different from micro-blogging services.

>We prefer to make a very precise protocol specification to give tight interoperability at it's core, but allow component data and schemas to develop independently for extension.

You can create an interop profile for ActivityPub which can be as precise as you want. It can be very strict and at the same time compatible with many existing applications (best practices for interop has been already discovered, and the work on formalizing them is ongoing).

Extensibility is baked in (ActivityPub is a culmination of several decades of experimentation with semantic web concepts).

Of course, you can design a different protocol, but bootstrapping protocols is a very difficult task. #ActivityPub is already popular, and it has all the properties of the Web of Data you've described in your post.

>That said, interoperability with ActivityPub is something we are very interested in.

Interoperability can be achieved by adopting ActivityPub data model (ActivityStreams 2.0). A common language will enable communication without centralized bridges. Transport protocols are secondary

Jan Wildeboer 😷 »

@usul And yet we are discussing using an open standard called where you are somewhere in the and I am on my single user instance. All using Open Source. Weird ;)

R. L. Dane »

I'd like to interject for a moment.

What you're referring to as #Mastodon is in fact the #Fediverse.
Mastodon is not a network unto itself, but rather another open component of a fully functioning network made useful by #ActivityPub.

Every Mastodon user is in fact a user of the fediverse without realizing it.
There really is a Mastodon, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the greater whole. Mastodon is one example of a service using the AcivityPub spec, and is an essential part of the Fediverse, but of limited utility by itself; it is best understood and functions at its greatest when used in combination with other Fediverse services.

Armando »

Having second thoughts about creating a platform. I was not aware of the levels of toxicity on by users (even admins) who don't understand how federation protocols work and harass developers with false accusations and even uploading child porn to their websites to get them in legal trouble. No, thank you.

Week in Fediverse »


Joel Carnat ♑ 🤪 »

Just wondering, do you use push notifications with your client?



Berkubernetus »

Hey, is there a specific reason why Pleroma tends to be used for right-wing servers? Or is it just historical accident?

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.56 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes (all of them contributions by fellow developers):

Don't show instance announcements in public timelines (contributed by sarahpw).

Added auto boosting. If an account has this flag enabled, all mentions to that account are automatically boosted to all its followers (contributed by sarahpw).

Fixed typos in manpages (contributed by sergiodj).

Some minor performance improvements (contributed by Claire).

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

Week in Fediverse »

Week in Fediverse »

Week in Fediverse »

Week in Fediverse »

The Real Grunfink »

I feel sorry and a bit unprofessional about announcing the quick release of version 2.55 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the fix to a careless change by me:

Mastodon API: fixed a last-minute bug that broke some API functions.

I apologize for any inconvenience. This week has not been very good for me, but that is no excuse.

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.54 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. This release includes very valuable work by fellow developer louis77, as well as other bugfixes and improvements:

Markdown-style links are now supported.

The alt text in attachments that have one is also shown in a dropdown just below it (useful for environments where mouseover is not available, i.e. for phones and tablets).

Instance-wide notifications has been implemented (contributed by louis77). A small tweak to the default CSS was made to suit this change; please consider updating your style.css (see doc/style.css as an example).

The avatar and/or the header images can now be deleted (contributed by louis77).

Code cleaning: HTTP status codes use names instead of hardcoded integers (contributed by louis77).

Mastodon API: fixed login problems with the official Mastodon API, IceCube and Toot! on iOS, some fixes for Mona and Tokodon apps, user credentials can now be edited from apps (all contributed by louis77), fixed crash on unset content-type header.

The webfinger content-type response header is now RFC-compliant (contributed by steve-bate).

Improved support for the HTTP OPTIONS method, allowing sites like to work.

Fixed non-working content warnings in the public instance timeline.

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

Week in Fediverse »

Matthias Pfefferle »

Week in Fediverse »

Week in Fediverse »

Week in Fediverse »

ティージェーグレェ »

@grunfink I submitted a PR to update MacPorts' snac to 2.53 here:

GitHub Actions CI passed OK!

As in the past, I don't have commit access, so it will be up to someone else to merge it.

Thank you for your continued improvements and to khm and kvibber for their contributions as well!

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.53 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

New user feature to search by post content (using regular expressions) or tag.

Added some (partial) support for Event object types.

Minor fixes: Allow unboosting your own posts (contributed by khm), CSS fixes for the Dillo browser (contributed by kvibber).

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

Chema shook his head gravely »

If you're looking to host your very own single-user/a-few-users instance, you cannot go wrong with . It is simple to install on Ubuntu and works very well with some really solid clients. It is also written in C, so it is fast, with few dependencies. Great work, you've got a new monthly supporter on Ko-fi!

Week in Fediverse »

Molly White »

"In 2024, for the first time, it finally feels like we have a critical mass of people and platforms who are interested in rewilding the internet to bring back what we lost, and create something new. ...  There's a palpable feeling that this just might be the year of the open web."

is this feeling... hope?

At various points we revisited our old idea for networked publishing in Ghost and tested a few prototypes, but we were never sure how to make it scale; nor how many other platforms would ultimately adopt it. For all its promise, ActivityPub (like many open standards) seemed to generate products with user experiences that were often confusing and convoluted.  But something else happened in the intervening period between 2016 and 2024:  People became increasingly fed up with the behavior of centralized platforms, and increasingly hungry for alternatives. The motivation for exploring and understanding new technologies, rough edges included, meaningfully increased.  In 2024, for the first time, it finally feels like we have a critical mass of people and platforms who are interested in rewilding the internet to bring back what we lost, and create something new.  In the past week alone, we've had conversations with Mastodon, Flipboard, The Verge, Buttondown, WriteFreely, and several co-authors of the ActivityPub spec. There's a palpable feeling that this just might be the year of [begin strikethrough] the linux desktop [end strikethrough] the open web.

ティージェーグレェ »

@grunfink I submitted a PR to update MacPorts' snac to 2.52 here:

GitHub Actions CI are queued, but hopefully they will complete OK?

Regardless, I don't have commit access so it will be up to someone else to merge it.

Thank you for your continued improvements and to others submitting bug fixes too!

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.52 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Posts that were liked or boosted can now be unliked and unboosted.

Outgoing message timeouts are no longer hardcoded and can be configured (see snac(8) for more information).

Fixed a bug that caused some incorrect unfollows under special conditions (with shared inboxes enabled and users from the same instance that follow each other, the internal message distributor was confused).

Mastodon API: Added support for lists.

Added a header to avoid over-zealous caching in some browsers (contributed by louis77).

Added support for running and federating inside hidden networks like Tor, I2P or Loki (contributed by iwojima).

Fixed an error processing polls coming from Pleroma instances.

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

Usage tips: Use social media as little as possible. Go for a walk. Meet with friends. Read a good book.

Week in Fediverse »

❄️ freezr ❄️ »

Dear friends I am here to announce that we entered phase 3 of and Fediverse ! 🤫

Just a small recap:

  • Phase 1: reaching the critical mass ✅
  • Phase 2: nasty corps enter the fediverse ✅
  • Phase 3: the machine propaganda! ✅

And here we are:…

It is now to extend the protocol because doesn't please the ...

Let's see some interesting points:

The proper way to handle this, is by addressing the followers collection of the OP, and let OP forward the Activity to its followers.

and work this way.

Bluesky offers a stackable moderation system that allows people to subscribe to labeling services and help each other curate and filter the network.

Moderation is a concern only if your goal is to build a giant pool of users, which is the opposite scope of a decentralized network which aims for many servers with limited active people.

While a little more on the cryptocurrency side of things, Nostr incorporates direct payments into the network, allowing creators to compensate each other.

Poor creators, is that even a job?

Clearly the fact that Mastodon dominated the scene has, once again, that where you want freedom and diversity a sole player or a mono-culture attitude is a problem, using as a testing benchmark is a flaw.

Yes, go ahead and do your stuff, meanwhile I remind you that other protocols already resolved many of those concerns, that belong to AP, a protocol that is managed, or it was, by the W3C, thus watchout...

Perhaps it is time you rediscover Diaspora...

Week in Fediverse »

Matthias Pfefferle »

Oh nice! Following a blog using is working like a charm!

Good job @julian

No description

Eugen Rochko »

The blogging platform is working on adding integration. That means, among other things, being able to follow Ghost-powered blogs and comment on articles right from your Mastodon account. The website they made to explain their plans is really nice! This is what momentum looks like.

Stefano Marinelli »

This is good, as Ghost is a nice platform: It’s time to bring back the open web.

Sam Whited »

Is there any / fediverse software for forums?

I am *not* looking for Reddit alternatives (ie. not Lemmy, although, to be quite honest, I'm not really sure if or why that's different, but they feel fundamentally different from eg. Discourse or phpBB to me, interesting thing to think about later, I suppose).

Week in Fediverse »

Evilham »

Lovely operators / , can someone point me to best practices when it comes to spinning up test instances that are designed to be deleted after some time?

It is unclear to me what happens in when a server that was known disappears. I know this has happened in the past in rather traumatic ways (instance gone, backups gone, ...), so it must be somewhat well-supported.

Given that this is planned and designed though, I'd like to do things "properly" :-).

Week in Fediverse »

Julian Lam »

So someone deleted their Mastodon account and now my instance is receiving an Undo(Announce) for everything they've ever done.

This ... is ... concerning, considering one should assume a single Delete(Actor) should automatically handle all of the side effects?

I'm not particularly worried about the noise, bandwidth, or cycles, it's mostly just out of principle that I think this is weird.

I think @hrefna tooted about this awhile back too.

Evan Prodromou »

If you're working on , I *highly* recommend the new draft report on using HTTP Signature and ActivityPub by and @nightpool . This draft just hit the stands this week, and it's a really complete coverage of the topic.

Week in Fediverse »

ティージェーグレェ »

@grunfink I submitted a PR to update MacPorts' snac to 2.51 here:

CI checks are queued. Hopefully they'll go smoothly?

Assuming they do, it will still be up to someone else with commit access to merge it.

Thank you for your continued improvements! On my mental ToDo list I keep on meaning to create a snac Port for OpenBSD, and it looks as if the unveil and pledge support continues to be refined, cool!

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.51 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Support for custom Emojis has been added; they are no longer hardcoded, but read from the emojis.json file at the server base directory. Also, they are no longer limited to string substitutions, but images as external URLs are also supported (see snac(8) for more information).

Fixed a bug that caused some notifications to be lost when coming from a user in the same instance.

Added an additional check for blocked instances (sometimes, posts from blocked sites that were ancestors of legit posts were 'leaking' into the timeline).

On OpenBSD, if the disable_email_notifications server flag is set to true, unveil() is not called for the execution of the /usr/sbin/sendmail binary and pledge() doesn't set the exec promise.

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

This release has been inspired by the album Eternal Embers by .

The Real Grunfink »

Hi. I'm afraid there is no easy way to automate what you want just using 's command-line interface. As you say, doing it via the Mastodon API could be feasible. I don't know of an already written tool that does this, but it may exist out there.

The actor of type Group was defined basically for this; to boost to their followers all posts that mention it. Programs like Lemmy and the Wordpress ActivityPub plugin implement 'channels' this way.

Implementing support for this in snac won't be too difficult, but I want to keep it as slim as possible. I don't totally discard the idea, though, so I'll write it down as a possible thing to be done in the future.

Julian Lam »

Federated NextDoor? @evan


Could be a neat use case for location based notes outside of the hashtag purview.

Week in Fediverse »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

2.48 (2.49-dev) compile for & . Thanks to for today's release!

This should help all the people that are running on hardware (like the , , , ...) and also want to run as a instance in the like me.

You can grab it here:

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.48 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

A new instance page, that shows all posts by users in the same instance (like the public instance timeline, but interactive). This will help building communities.

Follower-only replies to unknown users are not shown in timelines.

Added verification of metadata links: if the linked page contains a link back to the snac user with a rel="me" attribute, it's marked as verified.

Added a new server-level configuration parameter: min_account_age. If this value (in seconds) is set in server.json, any activity coming from accounts that were created newer than that will be discarded. This can be used to mitigate spam.

Added a profile-page relation to links in webfinger responses (contributed by khm).

Fixed some regressions and a crash.

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

This release has been inspired by the album The Sudbury Inn by .

The Real Grunfink »

I'm glad to announce the release of version 2.47 of , the simple, minimalistic instance server written in C. It includes the following changes:

Added pagination to the notification page.

The New Post... option now includes an optional field to set the URL of an ActivityPub post to be a reply to.

Fixed spurious notifications from the same user.

Fixed repeated mentions in the reply text field.

One-post only pages include the post content instead of the user bio in their metadata (improving post previews from other software).

Mastodon API: Added support for timelines by tag (for sites like e.g. to work).

If you find useful, please consider buying grunfink a coffee:

This release has been inspired by the album Fire Hell and Holy Water by .

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gyptazy »

It’s insane to see how few resources it requires to run an own instance on for the . Less than 200MB for the whole instance including the OS ( while running for days now. You can also clearly see when people are active and awake based on the CPU metrics.

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Link and resource verification is (IMHO) an important part in the - especially when everyone can create and use the same name on any other federated instance to fake your profile. Therefore, I really want to see this also in / .

We could use the same approach like , fetch the resource added by the user, write the date in a file and use this for the validated_at field of the resource. - do you have already any plans? Maybe I can provide a PR…

Btw: what about the follower/followed by counter on the mastodon API - I heard this is intentionally not provided?

Stefano Marinelli »

Just submitted the PR to the dev with notifications support, both self-hosted or using the official server. This brings enhanced privacy when utilizing a self-hosted server, eliminating the need for external services.
Token authentication is also supported.

CC: @ntfy @grunfink

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gyptazy »

's memory usage is really insane - in a very positive way! If you have ever played around with you know how much memory you only need for running all the services... / is not only leightwight in code, easy to compile and to set up but also when running and maintaining.
