is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #infosec

🆘Bill Cole 🇺🇦 »

Deeply disappointed in the supposed “perimeter defense” tool which solicits CIDR blocks to be scanned but maxes out at 100 IPs, so anything /25 or larger is rejected.

So, I guess I won’t be having them scan our two /21s and various /24s.

dch boosted

Viktor Nagornyy »

I'm hosting a webinar about air-gapped for organizations with highly confidential data storage and sharing needs.

If that interests you, join me on May 22nd at 9 am EDT / 3 pm CEST to learn about:

🔍 Critical factors to consider
🛡️ Four customizable air-gapped setups
🔧 Setting up air-gapped Nextcloud instances
💼 Best practices for Nextcloud maintenance

Register for free:

Boosts appreciated 🙏

Beyond Secure: Air-gapped Nextcloud for highly confidential data
ttyS1 boosted

Solène »

A new attack was published, named TunnelVision, explaining how to snoop all the unencrypted VPN traffic through a local system.

In summary, the attack make the local DHCP server auto configuring workstations network to send a gateway address that is similar to the one used by the VPN but with a higher priority, so the operating system will send its VPN traffic to that address instead of the VPN server.

This attack is not discrete, it could be easily spotted in the network settings.

seems unaffected.

is immune as long as you do not establish a VPN in the qube connected to the real world network (by defaut it's either sys-net or sys-firewall).


is certainly affected as DHCP option 121 allowing that trick is implemented into dhcpleased (the dhcp client).
However, using a different rdomain for the VPN should prevent any kind of snooping. I wrote a guide explaining how to use WireGuard tunnels on different rdomains


Linux users using WireGuard can configure namespaces as a protection: (thanks @zgou for the link)


Update1: Tor users do not have to worry, this does not affect Tor at all (it works at a different layer in the network). However, in case you use Tor over VPN, this could potentially leak the fact that you use Tor, but Tor data is still encrypted.

Update2: A properly configured firewall blocking traffic on physical network interfaces when the destination is the VPN server gateway through the tunnel (not the public VPN server IP) will prevent abuse of this vulnerability. Network will be non functional though because the wrong gateway is used and the traffic is blocked.

jbz »

🔓Maximum-severity GitLab flaw allowing account hijacking under active exploitation

「 While exploits require no user interaction, hijackings work only against accounts that aren’t configured to use multifactor authentication. Even with MFA, accounts remained vulnerable to password resets, but the attackers ultimately are unable to access the account, allowing the rightful owner to change the reset password 」

Pseudo Nym »

From a friend's discord

Star Wars is essentially a movie about data beach response - one that failed rather miserably

Hans-Cees »

ok, want to use an app called 2fa authenticator.
To use it you must export your accounts from the other authenticators.
You can do that for 6 other otp apps but not from authenticator
Why why this behavior.
Microsoft authenticator has no export function for otp

No description

Antranig Vartanian »

Installing DFIR-IRIS on FreeBSD using Jails

This is a live blogging of the installation process of DFIR-IRIS on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE using Jails and Jailer.

The main requirements are:

  • Nginx
  • PostgreSQL
  • Python
  • Some random dependencies we saw in the Dockerfile

I assume you already have nginx up and running, we will just be setting up a vhost under the domain name Don’t worry, this is INSIDE our infrastructure, you will not be able to connect to it 🙂

<h2>Initial Setup</h2>

First we create a jail named iris0, using Jailer:

jailer create iris0

Next we install the required software inside of the jail. Looks like everything is available in FreeBSD packages:

jailer console iris0
pkg install \ nginx \ python39 \ py39-pip \ gnupg \ 7-zip \ rsync \ postgresql12-client \ git-tiny \ libxslt \ rust \
<h2>Installing DFIR-IRIS</h2>

Since we’re using FreeBSD, we’ll be doing things the right way instead of the Docker way, so we will be running IRIS as a user, not as root.

pw user add iris -m

Next we setup some directories and checkout the repo

root@iris0:~ # pw user add iris -m
root@iris0:~ # su - irisiris@iris0:~ $ git clone --branch v2.4.7 iris-web

Finally, we install some python dependencies using pip.

iris@iris0:~ $ cd iris-web/source
iris@iris0:~/iris-web/source $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Now we have to configure the .env file based on our needs, I will post my version of it, I hope it helps

# -- DATABASEexport POSTGRES_USER=postgresexport POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgresexport POSTGRES_DB=iris_dbexport POSTGRES_ADMIN_USER=irisexport POSTGRES_ADMIN_PASSWORD=longpasswordexport POSTGRES_SERVER=localhostexport POSTGRES_PORT=5432# -- IRISexport DOCKERIZED=0export IRIS_SECRET_KEY=verylongsecretexport IRIS_SECURITY_PASSWORD_SALT=verylongsaltexport IRIS_UPSTREAM_SERVER=app # these are for docker, you can ignoreexport IRIS_UPSTREAM_PORT=8000# -- WORKERexport CELERY_BROKER=amqp://localhost# Set to your rabbitmq instance# Change these as you need them.# -- AUTH#IRIS_AUTHENTICATION_TYPE=local## optional#IRIS_ADM_PASSWORD=MySuperAdminPassword!#IRIS_ADM_API_KEY=B8BA5D730210B50F41C06941582D7965D57319D5685440587F98DFDC45A01594#IRIS_ADM_EMAIL=admin@localhost#IRIS_ADM_USERNAME=administrator# requests the just-in-time creation of users with ldap authentification (see the group to which newly created users are initially added, default value is Analysts#IRIS_NEW_USERS_DEFAULT_GROUP=# -- LISTENING PORT#INTERFACE_HTTPS_PORT=443
<h2>Configuring HTTPS</h2>

We can use to issue a TLS certificate from Lets Encrypt.

root@iris0:~ # --set-default-ca --server letsencryptroot@iris0:~ # --issue -d --standaloneroot@iris0:~ # -i -d --fullchain-file /usr/local/etc/ssl/ --key-file /usr/local/etc/ssl/ --reloadcmd 'service nginx reload'
<h2>Setup nginx</h2>

DFIR-IRIS provides a nginx configuration template at nginx.conf, we will be using that, with a little bit of modifications.

The final nginx.conf will look like this:

#user  nobody;worker_processes  1;# This default error log path is compiled-in to make sure configuration parsing# errors are logged somewhere, especially during unattended boot when stderr# isn't normally logged anywhere. This path will be touched on every nginx# start regardless of error log location configured here. See# for more info. ##error_log  /var/log/nginx/error.log;##pid        logs/;events {    worker_connections  1024;}http {    include       mime.types;    default_type  application/octet-stream;    # Things needed/recommended by DFIR-IRIS    map $request_uri $csp_header {        default "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline';";    }    server_tokens off;    sendfile    on;    tcp_nopush  on;    tcp_nodelay on;    types_hash_max_size             2048;    types_hash_bucket_size          128;    proxy_headers_hash_max_size     2048;    proxy_headers_hash_bucket_size  128;    proxy_buffering                 on;    proxy_buffers                   8 16k;    proxy_buffer_size               4k;    client_header_buffer_size   2k;    large_client_header_buffers 8 64k;    client_body_buffer_size     64k;    client_max_body_size        100M;    reset_timedout_connection   on;    keepalive_timeout           90s;    client_body_timeout         90s;    send_timeout                90s;    client_header_timeout       90s;    fastcgi_read_timeout        90s;    # WORKING TIMEOUT FOR PROXY CONF    proxy_read_timeout          90s;    uwsgi_read_timeout          90s;    gzip off;    gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\.";    # FORWARD CLIENT IDENTITY TO SERVER    proxy_set_header    HOST                $http_host;    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-Proto   $scheme;    proxy_set_header    X-Real-IP           $remote_addr;    proxy_set_header    X-Forwarded-For     $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;    # FULLY DISABLE SERVER CACHE    add_header          Last-Modified $date_gmt;    add_header          'Cache-Control' 'no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=0';    if_modified_since   off;    expires             off;    etag                off;    proxy_no_cache      1;    proxy_cache_bypass  1;    # SSL CONF, STRONG CIPHERS ONLY    ssl_protocols               TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers   on;    ssl_certificate             /usr/local/etc/ssl/;    ssl_certificate_key         /usr/local/etc/ssl/;    ssl_ecdh_curve              secp521r1:secp384r1:prime256v1;    ssl_buffer_size             4k;    # DISABLE SSL SESSION CACHE    ssl_session_tickets         off;    ssl_session_cache           none;    server {        listen          443 ssl        server_name;        root            /www/data;        index           index.html;        error_page      500 502 503 504  /50x.html;        add_header Content-Security-Policy $csp_header;                # SECURITY HEADERS        add_header X-XSS-Protection             "1; mode=block";        add_header X-Frame-Options              DENY;        add_header X-Content-Type-Options       nosniff;        # max-age = 31536000s = 1 year        add_header Strict-Transport-Security    "max-age=31536000: includeSubDomains" always;        add_header Front-End-Https              on;        location / {            proxy_pass  http://localhost:8000;            location ~ ^/(manage/templates/add|manage/cases/upload_files) {                keepalive_timeout           10m;                client_body_timeout         10m;                send_timeout                10m;                proxy_read_timeout          10m;                client_max_body_size        0M;                proxy_request_buffering off;                proxy_pass  http://localhost:8000;            }            location ~ ^/(datastore/file/add|datastore/file/add-interactive) {                keepalive_timeout           10m;                client_body_timeout         10m;                send_timeout                10m;                proxy_read_timeout          10m;                client_max_body_size        0M;                proxy_request_buffering off;                proxy_pass  http://localhost:8000;            }        }        location / {            proxy_set_header Host $http_host;            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;            proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;            proxy_http_version 1.1;            proxy_buffering off;            proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;            proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";            proxy_pass http://localhost:8000/;        }    }}
<h2>Setup PostgreSQL</h2>

I assume you know how to do this 🙂 You don’t need to configure a separate user, by the looks of it, IRIS likes to do that itself. Thanks to Jails I was able to run a separate PostgreSQL instance in the iris0 jail.

P.S. If you are running PostgreSQL inside a jail, make sure that the following variables are set in your jail configuration

  sysvshm         = new;  sysvmsg         = new;
<h2>Running DFIR-IRIS</h2>

Now that everything is up and running, we just need to run DFIR-IRIS and it will create the database, needed users, an administration account, etc.

su - iriscd ~/iris-web/source. ../.env~/.local/bin/gunicorn app:app --worker-class eventlet --bind --timeout 180 --worker-connections 1000 --log-level=debug

Assuming everything is fine, now we can setup a rc.d service script to make sure it runs at boot.

For that I wrote two files, the service itself and a helper script

rc.d script at /usr/local/etc/rc.d/iris

#!/bin/sh# PROVIDE: iris# REQUIRE: NETWORKING# KEYWORD: . /etc/rc.subrname="iris"rcvar="iris_enable"load_rc_config ${name}: ${iris_enable:=no}: ${iris_path:="/usr/local/iris"}: ${iris_gunicorn:="/usr/local/bin/gunicorn"}: ${iris_env="iris_gunicorn=${iris_gunicorn}"}logfile="${iris_path}/iris.log"pidfile="/var/run/${name}/"iris_user="iris"iris_chdir="${iris_path}/source"iris_command="${iris_path}/"command="/usr/sbin/daemon"command_args="-P ${pidfile} -T ${name} -o ${logfile} ${iris_command}"run_rc_command "$1"

and the helper script at /home/iris/iris-web/

#!/bin/shexport HOME=$(getent passwd `whoami` | cut -d : -f 6). ../.env${iris_gunicorn} app:app --worker-class eventlet --bind --timeout 180 --worker-connections 128

now we set some variables in rc.conf using sysrc and we can start the service.

sysrc iris_enable="YES"sysrc iris_path="/home/iris/iris-web"sysrc iris_gunicorn="/home/iris/.local/bin/gunicorn"

Finally, we can start DFIR-IRIS as a service.

service iris start

Aaaaand we’re done 🙂

Thank you for reading!

There are some issues that I’d like to tackle, for example, service iris stop doesn’t work, and it would be nice if we ported all of the dependencies into Ports, but for now, this seems to be working fine.

Special thanks to the DFIR-IRIS team for creating this cool platform!

That’s all folks…

Reply via email.

Stefano Marinelli »

dch »

Aaah Monday. Time for a new intel attack

I wonder how long it will be before Chinese researchers only report these to the CCP?

The global collaboration in and in general is declining after Xi Jinping’s rise to power and blockages of free trade by successive US presidents.

[fixed URL]

Dr. Brian Callahan »

I'll be at BSides Buffalo on June 1 presenting with one of my extremely talented students about our CTF team!

Shawn Webb »

Here we see two seed nodes, running behind my fully Tor-fied network.

This is a test of exposing a Radicle seed node as a Tor Onion Service endpoint.

These two Radicle nodes are deployed on a 14-STABLE VM.

Huge step forward for .

For more information on Radicle (a sovereign {code forge} built on Git):

Huge shout-out to the Radicle dev team for this collaboration. It has been a blast working with them.

Screenshot showing two Radicle seed nodes on HardenedBSD communicating with each other.Screenshot showing `rad clone` working. »

Question to my bubble:

Do Virtual TPMs in Azure make sense?

nixCraft 🐧 »

Every version of the PuTTY tools from 0.68 to 0.80 inclusive has a critical vulnerability in the code that generates signatures from ECDSA private keys. Tthe effect of the vulnerability is to compromise the private key

Astra Kernel »

Lol so many ignorants on the recent vulnerabilities about command injection.

Btw, it is not just Rust affected. It affects most langs. Rust is the only one who cares and released a security advisory

bicycle stick meme with text:

the person who put the stick in the wheel

wh rust memory safety didn't protect me from this
0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

In modern IT solutions and platforms, is one of the most important tasks. The best service will not work unless the platform is secure.

tools like may help integrating automated security patches.

Shoshana 🏳️‍⚧️ »

Is there a Mastodon instance for trans people who do information security?

Maybe 😝

Shannon Skinner (she/her) »

The thing about following a lot of techies here on Mastodon is that when some infosec event is going down I know about it, but mostly I don't understand it so it reads like lorem ipsum that emanates an urgency vibe.

nixCraft 🐧 »

phαη†⊕m 🎸 🏳️‍🌈 ⏚ »

Decade-Old 'wall' Bug Helps Generate Fake SUDO Prompts, Threatens Password Security

Stefano Marinelli »

This is huge: Backdoor in upstream xz/liblzma leading to SSH server compromise

Andy Smith »

Yikes… upstream xz/lzma repository compromised, hostile code injected into sshd in distros with newer packages

Shawn Webb »

The code for the program that toggles exploit mitigations and security hardening techniques in has been rewritten from scratch.

This rewritten version will land in 15-CURRENT no later than the end of this month/weekend:

This change is transparent to users. The only folks that might be affected are those who consume the libhbsdcontrol library directly. The ABI and API have both been changed.

The command-line arguments to the hbsdcontrol(8) utility are unchanged.

Shawn Webb »

I await the day when vulnerabilities have their own colognes.

"This vulnerability smells like sweaty gym socks."

Shawn Webb »

I'll be giving a presentation on today in Denver, Colorado at 6:30pm. If you're interested in , , and/or , I'd love for you to come join me.

Shawn Webb »

It does indeed look like extattr_get_fd(2) is broken in a Capabilities-enabled process, even for file descriptors with the CAP_EXTATTR_GET capability set:

Astra Kernel »

Gemini can recognise pictures. Soon they can solve the current CAPTCHA. We need a new Turing test


 people asking buddha "what makes us human?"

budhha answers "selecting all images with traffic lights"

Stefano Marinelli »

A capable colleague passed on a request from their client. They want to know if the VM disks are encrypted at rest, if the keys are rotated periodically, and if there's a key retention procedure in place. Ironically, the client's VPS runs on Ubuntu 18.04, which has been out of updates for a year, and despite numerous notifications to upgrade, they believe it can wait. 😄

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

QualvoSec is an opensource security patch management tool support & based distributions but also (.

upcoming features:
- whitelist (packages to update only)
- blacklist (package to refuse from being upgraded)
- API (list of installed packages & versions on nodes)
- Multiple patch windows
- Grouping
- First iteration of (the still very limited) admin tool

Shawn Webb »

I'll be giving a practice run of my presentation titled "HardenedBSD 2024 State of the Union: A Decade of Hardened Bits" on March 23rd, 2024 up in Denver, Colorado:

If you're in the greater Denver area and interested in or , I would love for you to join and give me feedback.

Shawn Webb »

has a new code hosting partner: . The first project being hosted is :

Shawn Webb »

It is my pleasure to appoint you to serve on the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Cybersecurity Advisory Committee (CSAC) Technical Advisory Council (TAC) subcommittee. Thank you for volunteering to support this important effort.

The TAC subcommittee is tasked with providing recommendations for full Committee deliberation and vote to further explore how CISA, in line with their Secure by Design goals, can encourage companies to be better stewards of the open source software they depend on and produce

This is going to be a lot of fun! I'm happy and honored to work with knowledgeable, talented peers with unique insights. I'm grateful for the opportunity.

Pseudo Nym »

The "S" in "IoT" is for "security".

Tara Stella 🌷 »

Shawn Webb »

Shawn Webb »

Shawn Webb »

Lightly tested new build of released:

Your usual upgrade instructions:

  1. Back up your configuration
  2. Reinstall from scratch
  3. Restore configuration file

Default username/password: root/hbsdfw

hbsdfw is a 14-STABLE fork of .

edit[0]: Add usual upgrade instructions.
edit[1]: Add default username and password

Shawn Webb »

tulpa »

Hi there, folks. I've moved back to yet again.

I'm a guy, who used to be a Linux for many years before that. I run and on my personal devices.

I post random thoughts and dumb jokes. And I think up unlikely vulnerabilities.

Julian Lam »

Purely from an point of view I am eagerly awaiting details about this exploit.

Transparency is key in these situations. How handles this in the coming days will be telling, but the CVE publish is already a good sign.

Shawn Webb »

Interesting new commit in :

HBSD: Provide support for prohibiting new USB device connections

This commit introduces the hardening.pax.prohibit_new_usb sysctl
tunable node. This node can be set to one of three values:

0: Disabled
1: Enabled
2: Enabled without possibility to disable

When set to 2, a reboot is required to end the prohibition on new USB

This is based on a patch by Loic F <>.

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