is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #howto

R. L. Dane »

Never could get any of the contacts merge scripts kindly recommended to me by the #AskFedi #HiveMind to work, but I finally found my own solution, which should hopefully work:

@libreoffice! ;) (and of course @thunderbird)

  1. Export contacts from Thunderbird to .csv
  2. Make a copy of Contacts.csv for safekeeping, I called mine "Contacts-before-jiggerypokery.csv" ;)
  3. Open Contacts.csv in LO Calc
  4. Create a key column (A), put "Join" as the label in A1
  5. Put =TEXTJOIN(" ^ ",1,C2:AM2) into A2 (You may have to replace AM2 with the end of your row if your CSV export has a different number of columns than mine)
  6. Copy that cell and paste it down the entire column A (for every row that contains something)
  7. Select A1 only, go to Data | More Filters | Standard Filter...
  8. Make sure your A1 field ("Join") is selected, select "Not Empty" for the value, click "> Options" and select "No duplications" on the right
  9. Hit Ok
  10. Copy everything (now de-duped) to a new sheet, delete the old one
  11. Create another new column (B) just to the right of the "Join" column, call it "Repeat?"
  12. Paste =IF(TEXTJOIN("",1,C3:D3)=TEXTJOIN("",1,C2:D2),"REPEAT","") into B3
  13. Copy B3 and paste it down the entire B column (down to the end of the data)
  14. Look where you see REPEAT, and merge the rows that need to be merged
  15. Delete Columns A and B (which you added), and save the CSV
  16. Delete all of your contacts in Thunderbird, and import the new Contacts.csv
  17. Pray
  18. Sync your contacts
  19. Enjoy!!!
<h3>Disclaimer, again: I am still going through my spreadsheet, so I don't know for sure that this works!! XD</h3>

#ManageContacts #Contacts #DeDuplication #DeGoogled #UnGoogled #HowTo

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Howto build and run on based hardware architecture. Especially after dropped the free , switching to a new software and hardware may become handy.

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gyptazy »

Looking for alternatives? You might want to give a try. This provides the basic installation instructions as well as a ready to use for .