is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #devops

Maxine Hayes »

ReCI has been rewritten in Lua and is more polished than it was previously. So far Lua has been the best language for ReCI. This demo gives a bit of a peek at how it works now.

The demo first shows a test of ReCI running a build test for the J3ML library in a Fedora Docker container. Then the demo shows the different loggers, creating tags, and using macros.


Marcus Noble boosted

Paradox Fox »

Marcus Noble boosted

Paradox Fox »

Maxine Hayes boosted

Alice Winters »

In an unexpected turn of events, the job I was just hired for lost their contract, so I'm once again unemployed.

If y'all have any leads and/or can refer me, that would be appreciated! and are my strong suits. Check link in bio for LinkedIn and source code. DM if you want my resume.

ClaudioM boosted

🅰🅻🅸🅲🅴 (Mutuals) »

Hey tech fam! Hiring?

There's an here who could use a hand finding something.

I believe in y'all 💕

Make some Introductions.

HCL-dritch horrors »

Anyone doing alerting out of ElasticSearch/OpenSearch?

We're shipping Otel stuff in and using Data Prepper to collate but looking to alert based on application behaviour/events.

What are you using?

HCL-dritch horrors »

@ferki right. and were where the organization was basically when I started. We've benefitted immensely I think from using gitlab ci, it's been a valuable tool in that it allows us much more reuse and composition than but also has enough of an opinion on how most things should be done that it's pretty easy to fall into the pit of success.
I still think components are a clear signal however that they're taking YAML too far. I would suggest better `just` integration or perhaps incorporate an SDK akin to Dagger.

HCL-dritch horrors »

@ferki yea - I think gitlab is jumping the shark of "programming in YAML" too

Look at this feature for defining (essentially) function interfaces using YAML.

bennes boosted

Oliver Kohll »

Does anyone keep a list of libraries used by their software along with data such as maybe when the last release was, healthiness of its community, what you use it for, license, number of security notices, whether to flag it for replacement/removal etc.? Any more ideas or tools which do some of that for you?

I'm using tools like syft/grype for the security element, but any other best practices?

Nils »

C'est reparti pour la suite de notre (re)découverte de ! À tout de suite sur

Nils »

Exceptionnellement aujourd'hui on démarre plus tôt notre (re)découverte de ! À tout de suite sur

Stefano Marinelli »

I haven't many details, yet, but I just received an interesting phone call. A client had a series of services on AWS and GCP, managed (independently) via Kubernetes.

Some time ago, they asked me for a development server, and I set up a dedicated server costing less than 100 euros monthly on FreeBSD. Inside, I put a Linux VM for Docker and a series of jails with PHP, nginx, various databases, etc., There are backups via zfs-autobackup and, on another slightly less powerful host, a clone of the data, ready to start at any time (replication every 5 minutes of all ZFS datasets for jails and VMs via zfs-send and zfs-receive).

After some training on its use, I hadn't heard any news.

They just informed me that for over a month, they've moved all workloads previously on various Kubernetes clusters into the jails I had set up and kept the VM running only for some dev.

With a cost of almost 1/10 compared to before, they're seeing equivalent or, in some cases, better performance.

There's no single tool valid for everyone, and you don't always need to over-engineer your workload.

I'll try to ask for more details in the coming days.

Stefano Marinelli »

Question to friends: In recent years, many developers seem to find necessary - a heavyweight both in terms of resource usage and data processed.
Within days, up to hundreds of GBs of data accumulate, contrasting their CMSes that are small, fast, and efficient, only a few GBs in size.

The question is: Do you think it's truly beneficial, or is it one of those things everyone does just because "everyone else does"?

HCL-dritch horrors »

`make build && make deploy`

goose meme.
"we saved you from all this complexity"
The goose, chasing DevOps honking "who introduced it motherfucker"

Anders Eknert »

OPA v0.66.0 is out! Lots of nice things here, but I'm particularly excited about the new output format for the "opa test" command, which will now provide a detailed view of expectations vs. reality, including the values that each expression evaluated to. Huge quality of life improvement if you're doing a lot of work with OPA, as you should.

See the full changelog, and downloads, here:

No description

Nils »

cela faisait longtemps : le sujet du jour peut se deviner avec la photo. Pour avoir la réponse, va sur

Un Rubik's Cube, mélangé.

Alex »

Question to the and crowd: What is your recommendation for a log DB (something like , ) for a small team that needs to install and maintain it themselves?

ben »

After going through , puppet, and then a hand-built shellscript I’m back to ansible as the least-bad option for my personal infrastructure. Still not a fan of yaml, though.

Next task is , though I can’t tell yet whether it’s going to be impractical for a server that’s intentionally closer to a pet than cattle.

HCL-dritch horrors »

Anyone know a F/OSS Kubernetes-native process orchestration engine?

We're looking at coordinating a chain of events and batch processes that have been strung together using Lambdas, bucket notifications, and step functions.
It'd be nice to convert these to jobs and some kind of flow logic.

It's not really a case for event-driven architecture as each process has pretty much precisely one follow-on process, we're looking for retry logic and something a bit better than just cron schedules.

Zeebe came to mind but it's not very open and is business-process focussed.

Nils »

Aujourd'hui un nouvel épisode as code, on continue de déployer des Debian en masse pour de futurs épisodes ! À tout de suite sur

Laurent Cheylus »

Monitoring de vos équipements réseau et serveurs avec LibreNMS - Un bon article d'introduction par Denis Gourmel dans « Linux Pratique » (janvier 2023) : installation, configuration, gestion des alertes

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

EuroBSDCon 2024 submissions deadline is tomorrow, June 15!

Dublin, Ireland September 19-22, 2024

Call for Papers runs until June 15, 2024

Submit at

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

If you have already submitted what you want to 2024, just skip on to whatever is next.

Otherwise, please go to the submissions site and give your proposal a go!

The runs until June 15.

Check other Important dates at, the conference itself is September 19-22, 2024 in ,

Nils »

Aujourd'hui un nouvel épisode as code, on continue de déployer des Debian en masse pour de futurs épisodes ! À tout de suite sur

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

The "Dive into DevOps" Humble Bundle by No Starch Press

- which includes "Absolute OpenBSD" and "Absolute FreeBSD" by @mwl and "The Book of PF" by @pitrh -

runs until June 10th, and now that I am in Europe again I see we have made more than EUR 26,000 for the charity!

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Friends, we're heading into the final 12 hours of the Dive into DevOps bundle featuring 22 titles including "Absolute OpenBSD" and "Absolute FreeBSD" by @mwl as well as "The Book of PF" by @pitrh - ends June 10th!

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Friends, the "Dive into DevOps" bundle just rolled past 10,000 bundles sold, with more than EUR 23,000 for the charity and it still has 3 d 19h + to go!

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Less than four days to go: The Dive into DevOps bundle with "Absolute OpenBSD", "Absolute FreeBSD", "The Book of PF" and 19 other /#sysadmin titles runs until June 10th, 2024

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

For another 5 days, the "Dive into DevOps" bundle with 22 @nostarch titles including "Absolute FreeBSD" and "Absolute OpenBSD" by @mwl and "The Book of PF" by yours truly is available at basically steal prices - get yours now! (ends June 10, 2024)

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

The "Dive into DevOps" bundle from No Starch Press featuring "Absolute OpenBSD", "Absolute FreeBSD", "The Book of PF" and numerous other excellent titles has now gone past 8500 bundles sold and more than EUR 20,000 made for charity.

Can we push it past 10,000 bundles and WOW money for charity?

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Friends, is the fact that the Humble bundle that has my "The Book of PF" along with a number of other good titles, the "Dive into DevOps" bundle has sold more than 8,000 bundles and made more than CAD27,000 for the charity a cause for celebration or should I hold off until we see rounder numbers?

Anyway the bundle runs until June 10th 2024, so get your clicks and cards ready!

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

In case you missed it earlier, the "Dive into DevOps" Humble Bundle by No Starch Press, with titles such as "Absolute OpenBSD" and "Absolute FreeBSD" by @mwl and "The Book of PF" by yours truly is still on, until June 10th, 2024.

Nils »

Aujourd'hui un nouvel épisode as code, j'ai besoin de déployer des Debian en masse pour de futurs épisodes ! À tout de suite sur

Stefano Marinelli »

Here’s one of the many reasons why I stick to simple, replicable, and quickly restorable setups. When you don't have control over your data or rely solely on a specific service, everything could go wrong in an instant.

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

I'm happy to note that the No Starch "Dive into DevOps" Humble bundle (which includes titles by @mwl and yours truly) has now made more than EUR 10,000 for the charity.

The bundle is available until June 10th, 2024.

Stefano Marinelli »

Key message of the day. A client, a few months back, whom I convinced to try FreeBSD on one of their servers.
They have a new project to launch and just messaged me: "The Dev has been working with Docker. Help him migrate out of Docker and set everything up on FreeBSD jails for production."
Moments of fulfillment.

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Available until June 10, 2024: The No Starch Press "Dive into DevOps" Humble Bundle

22 titles, including "The Book of PF", "Absolute OpenBSD", "Absolute FreeBSD"

readbeanicecream »

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

BSDCan - North America's Largest BSD Conference - is in less than two weeks!

Go to, check out the schedule and register at

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

New No Starch Press Humble Bundle "Dive into DevOps" has several books in it, including "The Book of PF", "Absolute OpenBSD" and "Absolute FreeBSD" - runs until June 10, 2024.

Nils »

Pourquoi se limiter à un seul ? Ce soir, pour ce qui devrait être le dernier épisode sur la répartition de charge, tentons d'en mettre 2 en haute-disponibilité ! À tout de suite sur

Tara Stella 🌷 »

I sense that has messed up with the authentication system of their docker registry today 🙄 (and I am aware of the new token expiration). Oh, well .... 👩‍💻

Nils »

Après et comme répartiteurs de charge, partons à la découverte de , non sans avoir raconté mes aventures de la semaine. À tout de suite sur

Stefano Marinelli »

🚀 Exciting News from BSD Cafe! 🚀

We're thrilled to announce a new service:!

Now live, this tool is your go-to resource for checking your public IP address via Telnet, SSH, and HTTP—also perfect for times when you're on a command-line interface without browser access.

Explore more and contribute on our Brew page:

Whether you're an IT professional or a tech enthusiast, this service is built to make your digital life a bit easier. Set up your own instance or use our public service.
Full instructions available on our Brew repository!

Spread the word and let's make network troubleshooting easier for everyone!

Nils »

Vous avez aimé voir un répartiteur de charge avec ? Alors continuons à explorer ce sujet avec ! C'est tout de suite sur (sans photo devinette ce soir, pas d'inspiration)

Nils »

Amusons-nous encore : le sujet du jour peut se deviner avec la photo. Pour avoir la réponse, va sur

4 chiots malamut s'amusant sur deux petites balançoires de sport. Ils sont équitablement répartis sur chaque balançoire, chaque chiot sur un pied.

Laurent Cheylus »

Comment installer Netdata, une plateforme de monitoring très puissante pour vos serveurs Linux et BSD

Unix Weekly » 🤖

Till »

Stefano Marinelli »

Nils »

On s'est bien amusés avec 1 alors aujourd'hui on va tenter d'en avoir plusieurs ! Rendez-vous sur pour la suite de mes aventures

scovl »

Here's another lengthy and useful article about for developers. In this one, I explain about the backbone of FreeBSD, which is the rc.conf, about manipulating shells, and the practical use of pkg:

Laurent Cheylus »

Comment auto-héberger ses applications Web : VPS Linux, installation de Docker et Portainer, Reverse Proxy et Manager avec Nginx - Un bon article d'introduction par Téotime Pacreau @teotimepacreau

Nils »

Comme la semaine passée : le sujet du jour peut se deviner avec la photo. Pour avoir la réponse, va sur ou

Vue de l'intérieur du cockpit du Millenium Falcon, le vaisseau spatial iconique de la saga Star  Wars.
0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Just added 24.04 Beta Noble Numbat boxes for to the Vagrant Cloud Box Collection. It's available as Desktop and Server box.

You can find all & boxes right here:

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

I guess 24.04 is going really hot!

Ubuntu 24.04 Beta shows an incredible value of high CPU temperature.

Nils »

Quel est le rapport entre la photo et le sujet du jour ? Pour le savoir, directiion ou

Portrait de l'acteur Hugo Weaving, posant avec un masque de Guy Fawkes, probablement pour la promotion du film "V for Vendetta".

Nils »

Hé mais c'est l'heure du as code ! Vite ! Direction pour voir la suite de mes aventures :-)

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blog »

0 ★ 0 ↺

blog »

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Whooop! I know it’s snowing outside but what kind of drift was that?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Looking for alternatives? You might want to give a try. This provides the basic installation instructions as well as a ready to use for .