is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #debian

Koen de Jonge - SynQ »

Next time when someone asks me which #Linux do I use my answer will be

@darth but where is all the fun in that?

Why not a more elaborate answer like:
I started out with
Than I switched to (now ) for the sole reason it had the right drivers for my cd-rw drive.
I looked at a few times and still use that in a lot of places when I want a system that I can keep sort of up to date but especially stable.
I have used and but found them lacking as a server operating system.
I have used some and and and and the likes but those always seem to be failing in places I don’t expect them too and I don’t really like their package manager systems.
I have dabbled in and now and then, but back in the day I was often put off by unexpected parts of German language interface that distracted me.
I did use and and but by now their user friendliness seems to hold me back rather than help me...

R. L. Dane »

Update: nope. Rebooted, and it took 30 seconds for firefox to open on this 6th gen i5.

Update 2: 4 seconds after the first time it runs. I dunno now. :P


I seem to have figured out the problem that was making firefox take a long time to load on my machines.

I added the following line at the beginning of my config:

exec dbus-update-activation-environment

...things seem snappy again.

I'm on plain , just in case someone's curious.

cc: @amin

Krištof »

Cinnamon 6.2 doesn't seem so many changes for me, I'll just wait to reach unstable

Krištof boosted

nixCraft 🐧 »

The minimal version of Debian Linux 12/11 does not install sudo. When performing a network installation for Debian, the usual approach is to use the minimum version, which only installs the essential packages. Most Linux container images based upon Debian also skip sudo, and if your project needs sudo, then read on how to install and configure sudo and grant access to a user on a Debian Linux version 12/11.

This image shows the Debian logo in the Linux terminal with various commands.

stibbons »


Take a look at Thomas Krenn.

You can select FreeBSD as operating system in the first drop down menu, after selecting a server model. This way you get only compatible hardware listed in the configurator.

I'm quite sure they deliver to the UK too.

Hope this helps you out.

Edit1: fixed typos

Alan K. Martinez »

Legit question... for the people more experienced than I am.

How do you know if/when you're ready to move away from ? I've been using Ubuntu for the past 2 years as my main OS and I'm feeling a little more comfortable around it and the CLI but there are still some things I don't know how to do like check logs for errors or problems, how to grep things effectively, how to search repositories for anything specific that I may need. Even when I Google things I sometimes have to Google things more than once because I didn't remember how to do a task.

I'm thinking about maybe moving to because there are still some issues with Ubuntu 24.02 LTS that I'm not sure I'll have the patience with having to report the problems and waiting for resolutions. I'd also like to experiment and learn more by doing but I also don't want to bite off more than I can chew. So I'm doing some asking around and research on this...

How many of you guys started with Ubuntu and switched out and what did you switch out to?

Paul Wilde »

Right #Fediverse #Linux and #BSD folk
Where are you buying your server hardware from?
(Ideally in the UK or Europe that ship to the UK, but I'll accept worldwide answers too)

Specifically I'm in the need for a couple of 2U rack mount servers that are compatible or at least tested with #FreeBSD, but I could run #Debian too

Will be for a corporate business so I need the whole "corporate vanity" of having a brand new out of the box server for them (don't worry, I buy second hand ones for my own use).

#RunBSD #RunLinux

mergerg »

Does anyone have any suggestions for software in ? I'm on so would prefer an apt package or a .deb, but as long as it's open source and has a Linux build I'll probably be able to use it.

Note: I've already tried KDENlive, and that's what I'll use if I can't find something better, but I'm looking to see if there's anything with better performance out there, or something that can edit variable framerates without having to transcode the video first.
That being said, it's entirely possible that the performance is much better than I thought and it was a problem with my former OS or accidentally not using the GPU 🤦‍♂️

Paul boosted

dusoft »

My Raspberry Pi (and Linux) monitoring tool now comes (v2) with option to do remote configuration updates via dashboard:

Not only you can monitor your or Linux devices, but you can change what they report back using remote updates. How great is that?

Lovis IX ♿ »

Lovis IX ♿ »

matuzalem boosted

Stefano Marinelli »

Email received a few days ago: "We need to know which version of SSH is installed on the server, as we want to ensure it is not vulnerable to external attacks." My response: "Don’t worry, SSH is accessible ONLY via VPN, and I am the only one with access to that VPN—activated only when needed—so there is no way for there to be any issues, regardless of the version used."

Email received this morning: "We’re not interested; you must provide the SSH version installed and, if it's not the latest, ensure us of the update date."
My response: "Sorry, could you explain the rationale? SSH is not exposed, it’s not listening on any public IP."
Their reply: "Provide the version."
My response: "OpenSSH_9.7, LibreSSL 3.9.0, on OpenBSD."
Their reply: "This is not considered secure. It must be OpenSSH_9.2p1 Debian-2+deb12u3."
My response: "It’s not Debian; it’s OpenBSD."
Their reply: "So the systems are insecure."

And they claim to be a cybersecurity company...

Merula Passeri »

Yesterday I tried to replace systemd by on a freshly installed testing. This was surprisingly easy and quick. But when I tried to install a desktop like KDE, LXQt, Mate or XFCE, apt always wanted to uninstall OpenRC again and revert to systemd. I couldn't even really figure out which dependency requires systemd. Is there anyone running a Debian system without systemd but with a desktop environment like the ones mentioned above?

vermaden boosted

jhx »

Sunday rant:

I've stopped using any bleeding edge/rolling distro. Not because I dislike them, not at all, because I'm not much invested anymore in running the newest software/kernel/etc.

I am happy with the stable distros I run - which provide all I need. 😎

Thanks to for all the fish and skills it has thaught me.

I've go my / and a tiny bit of
That is all I need.

Consider me retired from rolling distros 🙂

Karl Voit »

I hereby declare our household -free (again) after investing 1½ days setting up on a of my wife. 🤓

is not there yet for being set up by a non-IT-professional person but the end result is somewhat OK for now (still a few annoying things to fix like loss of WiFi after hibernate/resume, black screen after lid opening, wrong external screen resolution, ...).

However, this might have saved us from buying a new notebook for university. 🤑

Kasiandra Richmond »

Behind my Back Door there is the next version growing in the wild.

A field where a sign stands with the Text "Debian"

Paul »

@flaki I really liked but 12 is something special.

Debian 12 is a great distro - really good work by the community behind it.

jhx »



mawk 1.3.4 20200120
Copyright 2008-2019,2020, Thomas E. Dickey
Copyright 1991-1996,2014, Michael D. Brennan

random-funcs: srandom/random
regex-funcs: internal
compiled limits:
sprintf buffer 8192
maximum-integer 2147483647

jhx »

's awk does not support that option "--field-separator"


[lumina ~] $ sudo tune2fs -l /dev/nvme0n1p2 | awk --field-separator ': +' '/^Filesystem created/ {print $2}'
awk: not an option: --field-separator

Jonathan Lamothe »

Has anyone else been having troubles getting updates from @torproject's repository? The signing key seems to be expired.

jhx »

Small hint

If you want to see the changelog for a packge you can simply leverage apt with the changelog switch 😎

$ apt changelog openssh-server

ricardo »

of my 2011 Latitude E6420 prosumer laptop running 12 (Bookworm). 🐧

13 years and counting, still sees daily use. 💪

#neofetch of my 2011 Latitude E6420 prosumer laptop running #Debian #Linux 12 (Bookworm).

jhx »

Deploying two mini PC systems in the coming week for family members - both will run

I've set up a older laptop years ago with for one of them...
no complaints or problems whatsoever. Keep in mind: Both are not computer savvy at all!
(And yes, the system still runs and is in use daily)

It just shows that can be driven by anyone! 😎

jhx »

I've said that I went back to my Ryzen PC...

-> Not quite.

The challenge is on! 😎

Using my mini PC here for all the tasks at hand.
At least for a week I will evulate the system and my workflow on it.

For gaming: I can simply boot my PC when needed. Besides, many games I have already run totally well on the mini PC.

So: Challenge accepted! 😎

@kzimmermann That is pretty much the conclusion so far 😉

It runs and so far there have been no worries - as expected.

R. L. Dane »


I love Fuzzel.

I'm still using X11 because life is *way* better in on X11, at least in Stable.
I think very recent versions of KDE are fixing most, if not all of the pain points I was experiencing.

I guess I'll find out next year, lol

unixviking »

My currently very calming desktop under KDE Plasma

No description

Juno »

Introducing tori, a tool to track your system's configuration and replicate it.

I've been simultaneously using and developing it personally for the past 5 months, and now I would like to teach it to fly so it can break out from our nest.

This version still has very few of the features I enjoy in my personally-hardcoded version. If it sounds interesting, just stay tuned.

I wrote a blog post with a more in-depth description of what it is, how it works and why I built it:

Kyle Taylor »

Didn't do it. The 3.11 runtime helped. But Python's latency with -learn is still at-least twice as high on as it is on . The reasons for this are not immediately clear to me. This doesn't bode well for my argument that BSD is a good alternative to Linux for data science workflows. 😅. I guess because I've always used Bhyve + Docker + Debian for DS, I never noticed the speed issues before. I'll send a note to the FreeBSD Python mailing list. Maybe they'll know.

No description

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom »

about ( and calling with the option "-ti vt340" to be able to display inline images inside an xterm—thanks to lsix having just arrived in :

These inline images (or the backend used to display them) seem to be called graphics. And they're said to work transparently through SSH. Maybe better than or .

on the terminal! 😉

A screenshot of an xterm running zsh showing 10 thumbnails of photographs from Jardins de Kerdalo including their file names inside the terminal and then the output of the command "echo $TERM": "xterm-256color".

R. L. Dane »

@dillo @nixCraft

Oh, just the default version:
Dillo version 3.0.5

ploum »

For more than 20 years, I’ve downloaded files using wget because I could never remember curl options.

It turns out that I was not alone.

@samueloph created a simple wrapper around curl called "wcurl". This is brilliant! And, yes, the name is very intuitive. Best of all, it is already in Debian (and on my system) but it should really be part of the official curl distribution (ping @bagder )

jbz »

left the building, good time to advocate for and for your server.

R. L. Dane »

scli ( cli client) for !!!! WHAT!!!

Woo hoo! Gotta try this!

(Will it have support, tho????)
>> No. 😔
>>> Aaaaand I've already given up. Their repo isn't signed. Nope.
to the rescue!!! XD

cc: @amin

Maurizio Carnago »

, data stellare -298503.5. Tema: "Dì che sei appassionato di Star Trek senza dire che ti piace Star Trek usando solo e ."


Un computer portatile azzurro che riporta i comandi principali di i3wm nello sfondo presentati nello stile grafico LCARS usato in Star Trek. Il delta della Flotta Stellare riporta al suo interno il logo di Debian.

R. L. Dane »

@debacle @nixCraft @amin

Thanks for contributing to !!! :D <3

R. L. Dane »

@fbievan @nixCraft @amin

I'm still on KDE 5.27 on my work machine (and X11) and am happy with it.

I do use bemenu, wofi, and fuzzel a lot on my Sway machines. Sway is the only compositor I use right now, because it handles transparency a lot better than picom on i3.

I'd give wayland another shot whenever upgrades to Plasma 6.x, but probably not, because there's *still* no Disable-While-Typing (disable mouse cursor, that is), which I find essential.

R. L. Dane »


My workflow on :

1) Is it in apt?
2) Is on flatpak?
3) Is it on pipx?
4) Can I 'go build' it?
5) (shudder) can I 'cargo install it'?
6) Is the git repo pretty straightforward and work well with just a single make/cmake/meson/ninja command (or just a few), and do they have deiban dependencies listed in the README?
7) Nah, I don't need it. lol

cc: @amin

9to5Linux »

12.6 “Bookworm” Officially Released with 162 Miscellaneous Bug Fixes and 84 Security Updates

Debian 12 logo

Richard "RichiH" Hartmann »

Random wishlist item for : give me a way to add a comment when installing a package. Otherwise, future me will not remember what past me needed that one random library for and if it's still useful

Kyle Taylor »

Howdy Data Folks - Benchmarking R/Python workflows on 14.1 and Stable (12.5) on an 8-core Intel machine. Performance in R is comparable (R is faster on FreeBSD, but it isn't statistically significant). But latency for Python 3.9.18 on FreeBSD is terrible compared to Debian. It gets worse the more CPU cores you use. This was unexpected (for me). Is this a known issue with Python 3.9 on FreeBSD?

No description

Shawn Webb »

It seems that installing with root on is still a rather involved process:

Anyone have any hints to make the process easier?

edit[0]: I'm researching this for laptop use. Full-disk encryption is a must.

Krištof »

Now that I saw that amarok is available on unstable repos

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom »

Just noticed that my / Sid (aka ) installation had its 10th anniversary in April this year via

The installation is older than the X250 as I initially bought an X240: It finally had a usable resolution compared to the X230—but the awkward touchpad without hardware buttons for the thumbstick. So the next year I bought an X250 and moved over the installation. And my father got an X240 for his birthday. 😇

R. L. Dane »


#Debian's always /home 🙃

R. L. Dane »

Welp, I had to sadly cancel my experimentation with #NetBSD.
Couldn't wrap my head around the storage system to set up disk encryption, and when my #PinebookPro developed a structural fault that prevented me from daily-driving it, I had to adapt the next-best machine I had available to that use.

So, I just nuked and paved this X260 and installed #Debian on it so I could use it on the go tomorrow without having to worry about my personal documents being exposed for want of disk encryption.

Pity, I was liking NetBSD. hopefully I'll have more patience to go through the documentation later on and learn it properly.

R. L. Dane »


* weeps uncontrollably in Arch-based distros NUKED my grub setup, twice. Two different updates, two different distros, same problem: LUKS-encrypted disk get b0rked because of a grub update. Nothing I could find online helped, had to nuke and pave both times.

If anyone needs me, I'll be over here holding onto like a security blanket. XD

R. L. Dane »

@DesRoin @thinkpadmuseum

BTW, have you messed with disk encryption yet? I just want to encrypt /home, but I'm so unfamiliar with how storage works on BSD. Well... and on linux as well, tbh, as I've been super spoiled with the installer. XD

R. L. Dane »

@DesRoin @thinkpadmuseum

BTW, have you messed with disk encryption yet? I just want to encrypt /home, but I'm so unfamiliar with how storage works on BSD. Well... and on linux as well, tbh, as I've been super spoiled with the installer. XD

R. L. Dane »


Have you tried ?

It really eliminates 99% of the pain points with for me

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

John Shaft »

Don't see why a command deleting /home is a problem.

You have backups, right ?

Right ??

R. L. Dane »



Oh, for the LIFE of me, I've never been able to get working in . Python is friendlier than some languages, but if it isn't pre-packaged in as an "app," just forget about it. It's going to be a pain if you're not a python programmer already.

The Python programs I *do* use that are available via pipx, though. Just beautiful.

Krištof »

Patience for plasma 6 to arrive here, falkon updated to 24.05 on experimental

jhx »

New to the thing?

Try GNU/Linux 😎

R. L. Dane »

@tripplehelix @whynothugo


Yes, attempting the cargo install on now. (Not very hopeful, cargo really wants you to do the rustup dance for most things to install correctly, and I might just prefer to deal with the older package in the repo, but I'm giving it the old college try ;)

DesRoin »

So installed a new active cooler on my ... the "original" one was horrible to begin with and broke after two weeks. The new one called Armor Lite v5 seems to be much better, the passive cooling is already good enough for idle use and the fan when it runs is very silent and doesn't have to spin up to 5k rpm under load to keep the thing cool

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Are you already using on your hardware?

I created some ready-to-use container images for :
* Trixie
* Jammy (22.04)
* Ubuntu Mantic (23.10)
* Ubuntu Noble (24.04)
* 39

R. L. Dane »

Wow, Bookworm is a year old today!

This is usually the point where I'd switch over to Testing, but xz scared me and I'm not going to do that. XD

Steven Rosenberg »

offers an RT kernel as well

Real-time and Core editions of Ubuntu arrive • The Register

Steven Rosenberg »

I'm running a Samba server on my Raspberry Pi, and I'm able to log in and use it without trouble on my Debian 12 system. But on Fedora Silverblue 40, I can create, delete and read files but cannot write to them.

Any Silverblue users have a tip on what I can do to fix this?

Could it be something related to UID?

#RaspberryPi #samba #debian #fedora #silverblue #atomicfedora

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom »

@popey: Sounds familiar. Did that with some years ago as performance at the because I wanted to install the most recent version of Debian possible on a vintage 760XD: Pentium MMX w/166MHz + 48 MB RAM

The big issue was that the Thinkpad did support a CD-ROM drive, but couldn't boot from it. So I had to start with the last Debian release which still supported installing from floppies: Debian 3.0 Woody

I then upgraded until Debian 8 Jessie—the last release running on a P1.

S31bz »

I see you have a machine with an interesting processor there......will it ?

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

R. L. Dane »

Installed the stable-backported linux kernel in the clutch today:

$ uname -srm
Linux 6.7.12+bpo-amd64 x86_64

My laptop (2022 LG Gram 17) started acting flaky again, just like it did when I first got it (lots of random pauses, likely GPU/driver issues)

It's FOSS »

Debian 13 “Trixie” to feature different /tmp behavior.

Aaron Toponce ⚛️ »

R. L. Dane »


Oh really? What's going on with KDE6?

doesn't have it yet, either. Not even Sid. ;)

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom »

, Day 65: After work from home I rode to the meetup at the restaurant in Zurich. Several times the chat during and after dinner even included bicycle topics. (And I wasn't always the one who started these topic. 😇) But we also spoke about packaging and especially about library transitions ( 😉) and how binNMUs work.

7.9km at warm 18℃ to 22℃

Venty 🇨🇭🫕 »

Heute abend gibt's wieder feine Pizza oder Pasta in im Restaurant DaPizi, so ab 18:30 Uhr. Warum? Naja, es ist -Treff, wie jeden ersten Dienstag im Monat!

R. L. Dane »

oh, and cc: @amin for ;)

R. L. Dane »

Compiling the latest release of less so I can get that sweet, sweet wordwrap feature.

Umm... can someone who has the spoons handy log an issue that their latest release (non-beta) tarball is double-gzipped? (

-- I'm doing fine, but dealing with github REALLY DOES cost a couple extra spoons even when you're having a good day, lol. Stop using that MSFTy GPL-violating crap, my peeps! :P~

Jonathan Lamothe »

Okay, mysqlbrowser (from the repositories) is actually a pretty decent tool. It provides a nice point-and-click interface that makes working with databases a little bit nicer. Knowledge of how to write an query is still a requirement, but it makes creating/editing tables more convenient. Maybe it's well known, but I just discovered it yesterday.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

A small How To! How to monitor SSL certificates for their expiration date in with and the exporter. It's easy to do in , and .

Felix Palmen »

@jhx Makes sense to me 😉 I guess I couldn't really fall for that because I started exploring "alternative" x86-PC operating systems in a time before internet at home was a common thing, let alone with a speed suitable for downloading larger software distributions 😁 (plus getting some "Linux distribution" to work correctly on your machine was a lot more work, e.g. no way to do this without manually editing a monolithic config file for if you wanted a GUI). So you were thinking twice before "starting over" 😅

I started with some old , because that came bundled on a 💿(!) with some magazine. Soon I wasn't happy how its "yast" tool fought over changing all sorts of config files etc ...

Also found first on some magazine disc (2.1 "slink") and managed to install this as a server offering a few services. For the desktop, I tried for a while, back then it was one of the few with largely working and sane auto-configurations... but as just felt better (simple and powerful management tools you could understand, so they didn't interfer with your manual configurations), I finally got that on the desktop as well. Stayed with that for a *long* time until it grew in complexity and I had hard to solve issues (also related to when it was first introduced in Debian), so looking for alternative, I figured it was time to say goodbye to Linux. Tried and this worked awesome for me! For some software, you need Linux, and when I do, Debian is still my choice...

In general, I developed a habit of never changing stuff "just for the sake of it", only when I can name things I'm unhappy with. So for example, I use neomutt instead of mutt now (lots of added features I like that were only available as unofficial patches for mutt), but when people tell my I should try neovim, I just ask myself, why? After all, I'm perfectly happy with vim.

So I also never tried so far, because I see no need for my usecase, as works perfectly fine for me. Currently even experimenting with programming "directly" (using ) instead of using some UI toolkit. 🙈 Of course, in C only -- there's little you *can't* do in that veteran language 😎

Maurizio Carnago »

, data stellare 298601.4. Dopo una piccola crisi di identità, dovuta forse all'adolescenza, il macinino azzurro è tornato sui propri passi e ha capito che è meglio ottimizzare quello che gli permettono i suoi limitati 2GB di RAM e processorino dual core. Ora si segue la linea del minimo indispensabile: stabile (edizione PF) e XFCE per i rari casi in cui servirà un ambiente desktop. Tra poco andrà su i3 e mi divertirò moltissimo a configurarlo.

Un computerino azzurro che mostra il desktop XFCE con lo sfondo di Debian.

jhx »

A little rant about why I stopped distro hopping

jhx »

I can for sure live with that power usage. 😎

Currently running:
- NAS ( - mirror)
- Srv ()
- TP Link Omada
- Protectli ()
- TP Link Switch (Managed)

No description

jhx »

The recent versions of are quite good - used it on a while ago for some time.
is alright for me.

is by far, for me, the gold standart. It just works.

Indeed, it fits any role quite nice. To be frank, I drive the default look since it fits the bill for me - no theming at all.
I'm more focused on the things I do with it than how it looks.

The functionality is top. And as you said, the stability of is amazing!

jhx »

I like others as well to 😉
Xfce for me is best - it does it's job so well I can't really live withouth it 😂
Always happy when coming home to my workstation 😀

Not switching anymore, Xfce is the way for me. Feel you there a 100%

Alessandro »

"Freesh is a sub-project that contains .debs of Linux-libre compiled for general purpose use on 64-bit ARM, 32-bit ARMv7 with hardware FPU, 32- and 64-bit x86, 64-bit RISC-V, the Motorola 68000 series (68020 or later; an MMU is required), Loongson 2F MIPS-compatible processors [...]"

Questo non lo sapevo! Magari può interessare a qualcunə che usa Debian o derivate...

jhx »

Selection of emulators available on

tulpa »

So I guess with isn't totally perfect for me. I had to replace light-locker to fix a problem. And then I decided to install and remove a few other things, and reconfigure some others.

Really, it's the same level of quality as the other good choices I have. The only alternatives that are more turnkey are those where I just can't fix the things that bug me and so I write them off.

Marcus »

I heard some comments from YouTubers lately that building packages was hard, so here's my take.

1) Create a directory laid out how you want the installed files to look. This structure will get mirrored to the system upon install.
2) In the staging folder create a DEBIAN folder with, at minimum, a "control" file in it with fields like app version and such.
3) Run "dpkg-deb --build FOO" where FOO is the name of your staging folder.

Done. Screenshots with captions attached.

A screenshot of my file browser pointed to a subfolder named "deb".  This folder is where I build the directory structure that will become my deb file.  The "DEBIAN" folder is where the control, postinst and other things live that are used to tell apt/dpkg how to install the file.  This folder does not get "installed".  All other directories and files in this folder will end up installed to the system exactly how they are laid out here, from the perspective of the / working directory.  So files in the "opt" folder here will end up in /opt when the package is installed.The directory/file layout of my deb build folder; produced by running "ls -R" inside the build folder.The "DEBIAN/control" file for one of my personal projects that I build as a .deb .  This shows some of the available fields that are read by apt/dpkg to tell it things like the package name, version, other packages it depends on, etc.A "build script" that I use to automate the process of building a Debian package out of my personal projects.  All I do is make sure the updated project files get copied into the build folder, update the version number in the DEBIAN/control file, then run this script and it produces my .deb file for me.

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom »

Orphaned two of my packages today:

* : (Upstream halfdead but has a bunch of new commits I haven't looked at. Upstream was changing a few times in the past years. 3 port incomplete/buggy. Depends on GTK2 → already only in Debian Experimental)

* : (Requested an adopter more than 11 years ago. No more use it for ca. 12 years as I switched to mssh which copes much better with tiling window managers like Awesome and i3.)

Michel Recondo »

Using to create a container. So far, so good :)

9to5Linux »

Endless OS 6 Is Here Based on GNU/Linux 12 “Bookworm”, Here's What's New

Screenshot of Endless OS 6 showing the main desktop and the GNOME Settings app.

Steven Rosenberg »

I'm as intrigued by as I was by , but ultimately I'm not sure the complexity is worth it for me.

Even has a ratio of complexity vs. benefits that fits well with my work (and play) flow.

, and all hide enough of the nitty gritty behind the scenes — updates happen without me needing to know it.

And traditional is so familiar and reliable, it's hard not to tap it for just about any use case.

Axel ⌨🐧🐪🚴😷 | R.I.P Natenom »

: A running 12 Bookworm or may crash xenconsoled or xenstored upon boot if the Dom0 initially has too much RAM:

kernel BUG at arch/x86/xen/p2m.c:542!

In my case it happened with 's kernel 6.1.0-21-amd64 and in the case of (via it was Gentoo's 6.1.67-gentoo-x86_64, both with 64 GB.


/etc/default/grub += GRUB_CMDLINE_XEN_DEFAULT="dom0_mem=1024M,max:1024M"

/etc/xen/xl.conf += autoballoon=0

nixCraft 🐧 »

How to enable 12 Backports repository Learn how to enable, install, and search for packages from the Debian Linux 12 "bookworm" Backports repository in this quick tutorial.

Stefano Marinelli »

25 years ago today, Google was founded.
On the same day, I wiped Windows 98 off my computer, believing that Debian Linux (which I had been using for a while but still kept Windows on another partition) could do everything I had been doing with Windows until then.

Since that day, many installations of Linux, *BSD, MacOS have graced my computers, but Windows has remained, on a few occasions, only an occasional (unwelcome) guest.

In the spirit of a typical support group phrase, I can joyfully say:
'Hello, I'm Stefano, and I haven't been using Windows as my primary operating system for 25 years.'

Please boost and share your experience!

Kyle Taylor »

I follow it with interest. I tend to think of as the the spirit of brought over to Linux. But Chimera has literally brought over BSD components and clang/llvm tooling. And ZFS support by default. Not production ready yet, so it's unlikely to unseat when I need to spin up Linux in Bhyve. But it would be fun to do some benchmarking with phoronix to compare performance against the usual suspects.


Juno »

Setting up DNSCrypt was easier than anticipated on my Debian machine without systemd-resolved. I really like the binary distribution, which is available as a self-contained directory with the binary and sample configuration. You can run the whole thing from that portable directory and move it around or specify locations on the command line if you wanna spread it.

Also, the gradual and modular approach to the generic Linux installation was a delight to follow, always being reminded to take small and verifiable steps along the way.

For anyone interested, this is it:

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