is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Search results for #education


We now have our own Mastodon environment for Dutch and .

💡 But how do you get started?

Check the tutorials for registering, logging in and creating a group account, among other things:

AfricaUnion »

Benin Republic turns to to spur growth

The Republic of , which is making its debut appearance at the Venice Biennale this year, is turning to as part of a to spur# economic growth. Its government is four new in a range of locations and a quarter in the largest city, , in addition to boosting in .


French www-theartnewspaper-com.transl

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Just grab your stickers together with your free , or VM! You will probably find them on the next conferences :)

Jen Sorensen »

A bill in Louisiana, HB 777, would make it a crime for librarians to use public funds to join the American Librarian Association or attend an ALA conference, punishable with prison time and hard labor for up to two years.

A series of Western-style wanted posters

“Broken Spine Barb” checked out Judy Blume and Toni Morrison titles to a 16-year-old

“Due Date” Donny placed art history book containing nudity where an 8th grader might glimpse it

“Reference Desk Annie” Notorious information dealer and fact smuggler

Sergio “The Circulator” Attended gathering of American Library Association militants


The KStars project releases version 3.7.0 of the app for education and astronomy aficionados🪐🌠.

Apart from it's inbuilt planetarium, KStars 3.7.0 helps you improve the focus of your astrophotography, adds features that match the simulated view and what you see through your telescope, improves comparing multiple images, and makes scheduling your observations easier.

KStars in planetarium mode shows what you can see in the night sky from your location.KStars helps you plan your observations by letting you choose what is visible from your location at any given time.Screenshot showing the location of Saturn in the night sky over a period of several hours.

dada »

Après avoir misé sur le numérique à l’école, les pays scandinaves font machine arrière -

> On est allé trop loin dans l’utilisation des tablettes, ordinateurs et smartphones dans les classes, estiment les autorités suédoises, danoises et norvégiennes. En témoignent les résultats insatisfaisants des élèves scandinaves dans les classements internationaux. L’heure est au retour au papier.

Auschwitz Memorial »

19 March 1920 | A Pole, Bolesław Baran, was born in Będzin.

In Auschwitz from 5 January 1943.
No. 85452
He perished in the camp on 10 April 1943.

A mugshot registration photograph from Auschwitz. A man with a shaved head wearing a striped uniform photographed in three positions (profile and front with bare head and a photo with a slightly turned head with a hat on). The prisoner number is visible on a marking board on the left.

Rachel Wil Singh ~ Moos-a-dee »

Anyway I spent probably 8 solid hours coding this faux Amazon like codebase, adding comments -> Doxygen docs, creating tickets, building a schema diagram, setting up the build pipeline, documenting how to go thru the software workflow and do code review, etc.

But at least now I have a starter template for a semester project I can use and build on top of for future semesters.

In the future I want to add / have students make unit tests as well. 🤔

Rachel Wil Singh ~ Moos-a-dee »

Me, sighing: Damnit now I have to tell students that "just because the text is green doesn't mean all your tests passed". -_-

A screenshot of unit tests running, with green text for passing. However, a test passed, and then the next one crashed with a "terminate called after throwing an instance of an exception", "Aborted (core dumped)", which is also written in green because the text color didn't get reset before the crash occurred.