is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #android

Pierre, aka Ra-Mon »

💡 Les versions 6.9 (pour et , donc) de sont sorties ce matin, avec des améliorations sympathiques👏 :

Bonnes mises à jour 👍

Stefano Marinelli »

Android 15 Released To The Android Open-Source Project

AT69 boosted

AT69 »

-Apps, die ich von -Droid benutze

- Für 2-Schritt-Verifizierungscodes
oder +

- Passwortmanager



- Für die Fotogalerie (mit Videoplayer)

- Sowohl Echtzeit-Währungsumtausch als auch Kalkulator

- Alternativer E-Mail-Client

- Mastodon / Sharkey /

- Dateimanager (plus die Plugins)

Maps - Besser als Apple oder Google Maps, wenn es um Wanderwege, Pfade und unbefestigte Straßen geht.

- Für Bot-Stimme für Text to Voice (gut mit Transctibro)

- Voice to speech

Mail 2/SE - Junk cleaning tool

Weather - werbefreie Wetter-App

- Spielt alles ab

- Das VPN, das so privat ist, dass sie Bargeld als Zahlung akzeptieren, und es läuft auf allem, einschließlich unveränderlicher Distros.

- Ein guter Sharkey / Misskey-Client


DANKE an @Linux

Nextcloud 📱☁️💻 »

We're hiring! 🚀

👩🏽‍💻 From developer positions in and , to Partner Marketing and PR - our team is growing faster than ever!

🌏 Come join Nextcloud's globally distributed team of deeply passionate individuals!

Ricardus »

I'm looking for a decent CHEAP Android tablet. Are the Amazon Fire tablets decent? I know that Fire OS is a fork of Android, but is it just full of Amazon ads and stuff?

Basically I'd like ot find a 10 inch tablet with somewhere around HD resolution for around $100.

Any suggestions?

Shawn Webb »

Is still the go-to choice for on ?

Now that I've reinstalled my phone, I would be interested in trying different Mastodon clients.

Larvitz boosted

Mehrad »

I'm really enjoying app on my phone. It have been the smoothest SMTP/IMAP experience I've had on any operating system. Even Thunderbird is not as smooth and as customizable. I've been actively using it for some months now, and frankly, I'm impressed. The UI design takes few hours to get used to, but after that and with some personalization, it would look as trivial as an email client can get.

It is (GPLv3) btw:

Fitheach »

I've just been given a new work 'phone. It is a Samsung A05s. Seems to be OK.

I've spent most of my setup time de-Googling the device. Actually very time consuming.

I haven't decided yet whether I should also de-Samsung the 'phone.

I wish I could use LineageOS, but, that isn't possible

Stock product photo of Samsung a05s 'phone.

Alt...Stock product photo of Samsung a05s 'phone.

ClaudioM »

One day, I will actually install on my . It's the backup I have to make that's holding me back.

Felix Urbasik »

The Echo Show 8 is a "smart display" which can show photos you took. Neat, huh?

Except, it doesn't. Not anymore. After an update, it just shows ads now. People paid money to have an ad display in their homes.

Who guarantees the same isn't going to happen to , , , , or litterally any other proprietary software? Nobody.

This is why I use . Control. It's my device. It does what I say. And if it doesn't, I can change that.

raspbeguy »

Pour bloquer systématiquement les appels de #démarchage sur #Android, on peut utiliser SpamBlocker, dispo sur fdroid, avec une petite regex correspondant aux numéros dédiés aux démarchage (source

La regex en question :


Bon j'imagine que plein de malandrins ne respectent pas les règles et utilisent un numéro quelconque, mais ça fait un premier filtrage.

SpamBlocker :

Stefano Marinelli »

After the "original" BlackBerrys (pre-Android), which I greatly miss for their physical keyboards and battery life, I’ve been searching for a device that’s ideal for using a terminal on the go. I’m intrigued by foldable phones but fear they might disappoint (besides being extremely expensive and often having questionable cameras).

Does anyone have experience with them and know if it’s feasible to use a terminal app (like Termux) comfortably on these devices?

Norbert Tretkowski »

Nachdem es im GitHub Repo von @threemaapp keinen Issue Tracker gibt, frage ich mal hier... crashed Threema Libre sonst noch bei irgendwem seit Monaten regelmäßig?

Stefano Marinelli »

This morning I’m experimenting with setting up an IPv6-only network using NAT64, leveraging the DNS from

I’ve configured the Mikrotik router to distribute DNS via SLAAC, and everything works smoothly on both Mac and iPad - devices pick up their IPv6 addresses, DNS, and can browse without issues, reaching both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The plan is to eventually set up my own NAT64 and move the main home LANs to IPv6-only.

However, Android devices are failing. They don't "see" the IPv4 coming through DHCP and report "no connection" - tested on both a Google Pixel 7 with GrapheneOS and a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.

I’ll try some manual configurations, but in theory, this should work out-of-the-box.

Berkubernetus »

Can anyone recommend a drawing program that works on Android tablets? Ideally one that supports SVG output, would prefer OSS.

hobbsc »

dear : how can i automatically send calls to voicemail if they aren't in my contacts on ? (specifically @GrapheneOS )

boosts appreciated!

Cegorach »

Warum gibt's eigentlich keinen "simplen" Navi/Browser für auf der auch nur annähernd so gut und fluffig funktioniert wie ?

(also Karte nutzen, nicht abändern - aber in vergleichbar gut)

adingbatponder »

Over-the-air bluetooth update of nodes using android works apparently:
( BTW anyone know of a bluetooth repeater? )

andyger »

wird bei Google den Support für das plug-in u-block origin einstellen bzw dieses Plugin verbieten in ihrem Browser! Dies hat Google schon letztes Jahr angekündigt.

Der Grund: dieses ermöglicht am Computer und am mit Firefox, Youtube komplett zu genießen, ohne dafür monatlich zu bezahlen!

Wechselt zu und ihr seid auf der sicheren Seite ...

GrapheneOS »

GrapheneOS Camera app version 73 released:

See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.

Forum discussion thread:

Stefano Marinelli »

I've been experiencing some unusual battery drain on my Samsung S24 Ultra lately. After checking, I found that the Facebook app had been active in the background for nearly two hours (out of 10 hours since unplugging the charger). I had already set all the restrictions to prevent this app from running in the background, yet it still managed to stay active for almost two hours before I uninstalled it. I'm curious to see how the battery performs today. How did it manage to run in the background despite these settings?

Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

Über einen Zeitraum von 12 Wochen werde ich ein iPhone 15 im Alltag nutzen und es in verschiedenen Bereichen mit einem Google Pixel 8, das mit GrapheneOS läuft, vergleichen. Der Fokus liegt dabei nicht auf Geräteaspekten wie Akkulaufzeit oder Displayqualität, sondern auf Datenschutz und Sicherheit. Wird spannend - versprochen! 🍿 👇

Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

Aktuell macht die Recherche »Databroker Files« [2] die Runde. Wer es bislang nicht mitbekommen hat: Anbei ein Kurzbeitrag [1], wie man sich unter und effektiv vor Datenhändlern bzw. solchen Datenskandalen schützen kann. 👇



Lars Engels »

Use Firefox they said. On my phone it es the battery hog number one. Although I don't even use it it sucks my phone's battery dry in the background.
Fare thee well, my former friend (admittedly we parted ways about a decade ago).

Android's battery consumption summary showing Firefox in the first place with 28% consumption with a screen usage of eine minute.

Alt...Android's battery consumption summary showing Firefox in the first place with 28% consumption with a screen usage of eine minute.

Radio Azureus »


programmers are working on a fix which should be up in a few days

Follow the

Radio Azureus »

@dynode @jonsnow
I did not look close enough on the GitHub page

I verified v0.27.1 works here too

Thank you


Radio Azureus »

@totoroot @fedops

I fetched from & tested it immediately. On this side of Tubular faces similar issues as NewPipe so nothing plays here. Your luck may run out soon

Radio Azureus »


I shall not succumb to advertisements I will patiently wait until new pipe has been fixed to work around this silly issues created by a greedy company

R. L. Dane »

Man, for is so great...

I just wish i could get two rows of icons on the bottom or something. It's like 95% perfect, and that's really saying something.

cc: @sotolf @joel

R. L. Dane »

I learned that ( terminal/shell) has its own , and it's freaking perfrect.

Solène »

@ivpn tested on , , , and a remote device

R. L. Dane »

Hey ,

I'm looking for a program that merges duplicate contacts in vcf or csv format.

I found vcf_contacts_merger, but it has weird python requirements that I just couldn't manage to satisfy.

Ideally either a downloadable linux app or a FOSS app (or at least a non-foss Android app that I can run with networking privileges revoked).

It can't be a google app or rely on uploading my contacts to "the cloud."


hobbsc »

Recommendations for a client for that will allow me to specify the language of my content and add alt text to images?

Mike »

Ok.. well since getting apps running on my linux box is such a nightmare.. i am curious .. is there a way to simply mirror and control my android throuhg some app?

Like plug it in, but then use it from my computer?

R. L. Dane »

@paul @peterderslowake @tripplehelix

Heliboard thinks that "DON'T" is a word that "don't" needs to be autocorrected to, *sigh*.

Also, **fundamentally** thinks that this-is-a-new-word, and that drives me up the wall, lol


raspbeguy »

For @matrix users on #android, what client are you using as daily driver? If #ElementX, can you tell me if you encounter problems like slowness or instability?


Element X:1


Charadon »

I'm *this* close to going back to a feature phone. So tired of , and I want nothing to do with 's walled garden.

Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

So sieht das 7-Tage-Protokoll für die Tagesschau-App unter aus. Die Abhängigkeit von Google ist für ein Medium, das sich aus Rundfunkbeiträgen von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern sowie Unternehmen, Institutionen und Einrichtungen des Gemeinwohls finanziert, einfach nicht tragbar.

The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus »

Is there a way of getting Google Play to just stop trying to manage apps that I install from other sources?

I use FFUpdater to get Firefox and other browsers. I use F-Droid for a good number of apps. I use ReVanced for ad-free versions of YouTube and Duolingo. I absolutely DO NOT WANT Google touching those apps.

Even at this point, yeah, why the hell am I using Google Play? But until I either switch phones or finally back this phone up and start over again, I'm stuck with it. But even so, I can pass this knowledge to others.

So how can it be done? How I can tell Google Play to piss off and stop trying to manage every app I have installed?

R. L. Dane »

FINE. Let's see who you blame now,

R. L. Dane »

Umm, Firefox has been forcibly killed and not opened once this *entire* day.

, do you even know what you're doing anymore???

Android battery usage screen showing Firefox using the most battery, even though it was forcibly killed yesterday, never opened today, AND has background battery and notifications OFF.

Alt...Android battery usage screen showing Firefox using the most battery, even though it was forcibly killed yesterday, never opened today, AND has background battery and notifications OFF.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

My blog engine looks also quite good in the browser running on (for smartphones).

R. L. Dane »

Finally found an up-to-date client for !

You need to add their repo to your f-droid/droid-ify client, but its definitely FOSS.

Not as pretty as Deedum or Buran, but those started acting flaky and haven't been updated in a few years. :/

R. L. Dane »

Finally found a that supports saving to a self-hosted service or a local file:

Many thanks to @youronlyone for pointing me in the right direction. Added their f-droid repo to Droid-ify, and bob's your uncle!

Now I've exported my thanks to, and I can delete my account. XD

cc: @amin

adingbatponder »

sets up for people to swap messages on. A channel can be private to a group who have the channel key, that is a URL or QR code. This can be shared to set up a private channel. In the app you can view activity in all channels you have access to. Problem is that to share the channel details one needs to have the code or URL for just that one channel. The app does not let you create a QR code / URL for only one channel of the many you are using. app does. 1/2

Juno »

I'm in awe of the design and breadth of customization of this Android RSS reader with support for FreshRSS. Really superb work.

Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

Meine Beobachtungen zeigen, dass Certificate-Pinning bei Apps nicht immer als Schutzmechanismus eingesetzt wird, sondern häufig dazu dient, rechtlich fragwürdige Praktiken und (kalkulierte) Datenschutzverstöße zu verschleiern. Auszug aus dem demnächst erscheinenden Artikel »In den Datenstrom eintauchen: Ein Werkzeugkasten für Tester von Android-Apps«.

Stefano Marinelli »

I'm demonstrating Headscale (server on FreeBSD) and its clients (on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, Android, iOS) on desktop and mobile devices to a customer.

They are impressed. I think this will go in production soon.

Rob Carlson »

What's the cheapest reliable used phone or device I can buy to start doing mapping during road trips?