
Believer in the power of open-source & community-driven innovation.

Former AS20621 NetOp that loves FreeBSD & illumos. Currently mostly in DevOps & developing (Python, Rust). Contributes to & . Evaluating and production usage of hardware/software.

* - A free VM hosting service to provide some value back to the community.
* - A static blog generator in manpage design.
* QualvoSec - A security patch management tool.
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gyptazy » the resources and capacity isn’t an issue right now. But you’re right, I want to have a clean service with less abusements. When starting this, this was especially the point. Linux is much more common with default tools and script to abuse the service, while it might not be worse to take the time and efforts to adapt it to BSD based systems. Currently, I’m really happy about the usage. It turned out that this niche is even more used by BSD enthusiasts and professionals than expected and targeted but as long as it provides a value and helps the people and the community and brings somehow a value - why not. I think brining more people into BSD is a lot more difficult than initially expected. Maybe there will be some more adjustments to BoxyBSD to target professionals by creating more complex dev labs with more resources (in parallel). I really want to provide the opportunity for beginners to have a place to start, test and learn.
