
Believer in the power of open-source & community-driven innovation.

Former AS20621 NetOp that loves FreeBSD & illumos. Currently mostly in DevOps & developing (Python, Rust). Contributes to & . Evaluating and production usage of hardware/software.

* - A free VM hosting service to provide some value back to the community.
* - A static blog generator in manpage design.
* QualvoSec - A security patch management tool.
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gyptazy » Honestly, it's pretty simple. It's a simple ssh server implementation which just orchestrates APIs and binaries. User management can be mostly done (depends on the hypervisor which is used on desired system) by an API. For creating the status output it calls some binaries on the system and wraps the output. So, it sounds more fancy than it it.

1. Write SSH server implementation without any usage (just accepting user auth on pw and pub-key)
2. Add API communication
3. Wrap some cli tools

My first implementation was done in around 30 minutes in Python but then I decided it would be cool to write it in Rust for more practice. That took me honestly hours...

If it's done I will provide the sources on GitHub. But we can also talk about the details in matrix, just ping me...
