Distribution Overview of BSD Systems at BoxyBSD (2024-05-05):
In the vast landscape of operating systems, BSD-based systems stand out for their stability, security, and robustness. BoxyBSD, my free and non-profit BSD-focused VM hosting, provides a unique window into the distribution preferences within this niche. Let's delve into the latest distribution usage statistics at BoxyBSD and explore what they reveal about the popularity of different BSD flavors.

BoxyBSD Distribution Overview

FreeBSD Dominance (83%):
With a commanding 83% share, FreeBSD emerges as the undisputed leader among BSD-based systems at BoxyBSD. Renowned for its scalability, performance, and extensive documentation, FreeBSD enjoys widespread adoption across various industries, from web servers to embedded systems.

OpenBSD (7%):
OpenBSD, with its strong focus on security and clean, well-documented code, holds a respectable 7% share at BoxyBSD. Despite its smaller user base compared to FreeBSD, OpenBSD's emphasis on security has earned it a dedicated following, particularly among security-conscious users and organizations.

OpenIndiana (7%):
OpenIndiana (which is still in Beta at BoxyBSD), a descendant of the once-popular OpenSolaris operating system, also commands a 7% share at BoxyBSD. Leveraging the strengths of Solaris, OpenIndiana appeals to users seeking a Unix-like environment with features like ZFS and DTrace, making it a compelling choice for data-intensive workloads.

NetBSD (3%):
Rounding out the list is NetBSD, with a modest 3% share. Known for its portability across diverse hardware architectures, NetBSD is favored in embedded systems, research projects, and environments requiring broad platform support. Despite its smaller market share, NetBSD's flexibility and adherence to standards make it a valuable addition to the BSD ecosystem.

Understanding the distribution usage at BoxyBSD provides valuable insights into the preferences and priorities of BSD enthusiasts. While FreeBSD maintains its dominance as the go-to choice for many users, OpenBSD, OpenIndiana, and NetBSD each carve out their niches, catering to specific needs and preferences within the BSD community.

As the BSD ecosystem continues to evolve, fueled by the passion and dedication of its community members, it's clear that diversity in distributions enriches the landscape, fostering innovation and pushing the boundaries of what BSD-based systems can achieve. Whether you're a seasoned BSD user or new to the ecosystem, exploring the various distributions available at BoxyBSD offers a glimpse into the vibrant world of BSD operating systems. You can find out more about BoxyBSD in my blog post or at