is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #wordpress

Marcel Waldvogel »

Sorry, das ist Quatsch.
1️⃣ Wer eine Webseite betreibt, die unter ein paar hundert Anfragen pro Minute(!) nach HTML-Seite und Hauptbild zusammenbricht, macht etwas falsch.
Das sind zusammen maximal 10 Requests pro Sekunde und wenige Megabit/s(!!!).
2️⃣ Auch ich hatte eine solche -Seite, die dann unter 40k Requests/Stunde von HN zusammenbrach. Das Limit war Wordpress, nicht CPU, RAM oder DSL-Uplink!
Siehe auch diesen Thread und den darin verlinkten.

javi »

offf, this story about how Google made google search into a pile of seagull shit hits me hard:

Around the time of this story, I was living through a similar situation in my work life (on a much smaller scope, of course, first, Tumblr later).

Back in 2019, working on WordPress, I started finding myself, almost weekly, arguing against people who wanted to take the product we were working at and made it worse if that mean they could squeeze 0.1% more revenue from it

The 0.1% figure is not even a random number: I remember this speciffic A/B test on that was declared a success and shipped to 100% of the users because it increased the free-to-paid conversion by 0.1%. Soon after it was released, I found out that as a side effect, it increased the churn of free users by 20 something %,so I called for an urgent rollback and removal of the change. So I was promptly explained that we didn't care about free-users churn, because finance had calculated the average long-term value of the free users to be something like $2 per year, and the increase in conversion was bigger than what we could get from them.

Everything became about growth hacking. Everything became thinly-veiled dark patterns. In our private dev slack channels, we joked that since it was impossible to make it smaller or less conspicuous, the next thing the growth team was going to ask us to do was to make the 'free plan' button flee away from the mouse pointer when the user tried to click it. We kept making our product worse, we kept consciously crippling the cheaper versions so we could force people to move to the more expensive options.

Back then I was the lead of one of the two dev divisions working on, so my job was mainly to discuss what we were going to be doing, when and how. And I was getting drained by a constant state of fight against a constant wave of shit they wanted us to build. So much than by the end of 2020, the CEO quietly told me to follow the growth team plans and shut up or step down.

So I requested to move to tumblr, because I thought the pastures were greener over there. But it was all the same: Adding login walls to what we were pretending to be "the last bastion of the free internet", cramping in embarrasingly obvious money-making schemes disguised as features, and making them silently opt-out instead of opt-in so the less people the possible would deactivate them, having to fend off the pressure from the CEO to make everything algorithmic timelines because, you know, tiktok makes a lot of money and why aren't we, etc etc.

I found myself in a place where building something good that people enjoy using was no longer a priority, but tricking people into generating more money for the company was. And when I looked around me, I could see that happening everywhere else, not only in my company. Experiencing the start of the enshittification years from inside wasn't easy.

And, as in the article, the people who decided to turn the shit-metter up to 200%, have a name, in every case. And these people, no matter if they are called Sundar and Prabhakar or Matt and Mark, are destroying the internet. These people are milllionaires, or billionaries, and are destroying our shared, common spaces to squeeze some extra cash from us.

That's why the fediverse and its principles are important. Because that's how we take back internet from their dirty hands. That's how we make internet resilient against them. That's how we build the commons.

Robert Kingett, blind »

Those on the self hosted should opt out of the enhanced distribution found in the Jetpack settings if you have the plugin installed. I just boosted a post, someone linked it, but I include it below.

If you want a blogging platform with no Spicy autocomplete, I keep a list of fully managed services at

I love because it provides a fantastic balance to self hosting and managed hosting, but anyway, here's how to disable the Jetpack firehose.

Joel »

So, (.com) is evil now, but is there anything stopping AI scraping of the ?

Wasn't going to federate? I am all for just blocking them now that these things are happening, but what's stopping others? Couldn't there be servers out there just silently taking away all of this?

We also have feeds for every user profile and hashtag, a feature I love, but a double edged sword.

I really want us to remain open and such, but they make it really hard...

Robert Kingett, blind »

Short PSA to do not, do not, enable overlays! I was just on a website where the AccessiBe toolbar actually made text completely disappear and turn plain text paragraphs into a DIV, somehow, and a hidden element. I'm telling you, seek out an accessibility ready theme instead. has hundreds, and Shopify has them now too. You. Are. Wasting. Your. Money. On these toolbars.

Julian Lam »

@BeAware being a php-scripted software benefits from some segregation of logic, so if a bad update occurs, parts of the site break, but the site as a whole is unlikely to become unresponsive.

runs on and a bad update could literally bring down the forum, so early on a decision was made to have upgrades via cli, which is also a light form of gatekeeping.

But it's pretty easy... `./nodebb upgrade` and grab a coffee 😄

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gyptazy »

After using and mostly having updates on a daily base, it made me invent ( The more complex things get, the more dangerous they get. Keep it simple…

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gyptazy »

you could use a static site/blog generator like or and stick to GitHub pages or similar, but I can also offer you some space on my systems where you can also run a or similar for personal usage (tech blogging etc.) if you like. Just ping me in Matrix...