is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

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Search results for #gemini

Benjamin Kwiecień 🇵🇸 »

@ramin_hal9001 @louis I wonder then if a #Gemini front end would be feasible

Inhabitant of Carcosa »

I'm finally ready to unveil my new weird software project that I've been working on: , a to gateway. I've got a public instance running at gopher:// Screenshots below in TurboGopher on System 7.5, and in in (since I can't take a real screenshot on my VT420).

Useful (?) for : if your old computer will run a Gopher client, but doesn't have the oomph to do the TLS a Gemini client needs, point it at Cosmarmot and explore Geminispace.

Made with secret alien technology (), source at

A screenshot of a Mac System 7.5 desktop. It is running TurboGopher, showing in a window, with links to several Gemini sites.A screenshot of Bombadillo running in Cool-Retro-Term. The terminal screen is black with glowing amber characters in the distinctive DEC terminal font. It is showing the main index, with links to several Gemini sites.

Udo B. »

@chimay Yes! is too restricted, would be great.

That's why "Hello world" was everything I made...: gemini://gemini.udoburghardt.d

❄️ freezr ❄️ »


For me WWW today is the acronym of "World Wild Web".

The good news is that we already fixed the internet, "we" created an amatorial protocol called that does very little in a secure and privacy-focused manner, featuring a smooth learning curve that allows anybody to grasp the concept and quickly use it.

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gyptazy »

Why did I shut down my Gemini Capsule?

After initially embracing the concept of Gemini, I ultimately decided to quit due to the minimal adaptation and benefits observed. While I was initially drawn to the platform's promising ideas, the lack of tangible advantages and slow adoption prompted me to seek alternative solutions that better aligned with my preferences and needs.

In all the time I had three (3!) uniq visitors on my Cpasule.

However, if you like to see more about , you can still grab my lightning here:

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gyptazy »

Why did I shut down my Gemini Capsule?

After initially embracing the concept of Gemini, I ultimately decided to quit due to the minimal adaptation and benefits observed. While I was initially drawn to the platform's promising ideas, the lack of tangible advantages and slow adoption prompted me to seek alternative solutions that better aligned with my preferences and needs.

In all the time I had three (3!) uniq visitors on my Cpasule.

However, if you like to see more about , you can still grab my lightning here:

hyperreal ⓥ »

Does anybody in Gemini space know if there is a org-mode publish plugin for Gemtext? E.g., like org-html-publish-html and org-ascii-publish-ascii but for Gemtext documents?

If there isn't, I might endeavor to create one.

ploum »

Wow, to browse and the web on a handheld device, by @kelbot



A Blackberry-like device, with 3D printed case, blackberry keyboard and LCD screen. On the screen, a text and a menu showing Notes, Calendar, Offpunk, Units Converter, Weather and Hotsync.

ploum »

Yep, it took me a post to eventually understand the arcane art of derailleur indexing.


Sure, there’s no content on

That’s the point:

KubikPixel™ »

Thank you @kr1sp1n for your list of the awesome tools & offers among others to move and inform yourself on the alternative :


Mark-Andrew »

@gyptazy A big thank you for the suggestion about Gemini! It was new to me at least.

I'm currently installing agate as a Gemini server, but I'm struggling a bit with the interaction with HAproxy.

I look forward to receiving more valuable content from you!

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gyptazy »

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gyptazy »

Currently thinking about integrating a compatible output in . I like to support the and to boost more but I don't want to "fancy stuff" to bloat the software for a feature that probably only a few ones will use.

Maybe an external converter or an add-on / plugin is the better was to go?

Do you remember Gopher? There's a modern version of it and I'm late!

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gyptazy »

Do you remember Gopher? There's a modern version of it and I'm late!

Ok, is now also available on the

You can just visit my capsule at:
gemini:// on the Gemini protocol