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Search results for #landscape

Ð's©🇮🇸 »

Et là, vous allez me demander : "mais il fait toujours moche sur ton caillou volcanique ?". Curieusement, les plus beaux jours eurent lieu durant mars et avril. Aussi bien cette année que l'an dernier. On peut rajouter un bonus pour une partie de février giga magique (ce qui n'était pas du tout le cas en 2023).

Conclusion ? C'est pas une science exacte mais il existe de grandes chances d'avoir une météo formidable entre février et avril.

"On veut des preuves !"

No problemo

Randonnée hivernale autour du mont Helgafell le 4 février dernier. Marcher dans plus de 50cm de neige fraîche et dans un silence absolue (0 vent), c'est l'extase !Une autre randonnée dans le système volcanique de Krysuvik le 10 mars dernier.Le Snæfellsjökull totalement enneigé vu depuis le site de Laugarbrekka où naquit la viking Guðríður Þorbjarnardóttir (980-1050) le 28 mars dernier. La sculpture de dos montre Guðríður avec son enfant (Snorri Þorfinnsson) qu'elle a eu avec Thorfinn Karlsefni Thórdarson. 
Si vous lisez la fabuleuse série "Vinland Saga" de Makoto Yukimura, le personnage de Guðríð s'inspire directement de cette figure historique. Idem pour le protagoniste de ce manga (Thorfinn).Panorama du secteur de Fagradalsfjall (cratères de Geldingadalir, Meradalir et Litli Hrutur) depuis le sommet du mont Keilir le 1er avril dernier.


And the wonderful alpenglow that follows dawn. 🤗

Just after dawn, the first deep warm rays of sunlight hit the mountain tops first making bright red highlights on their peaks referred to as alpenglow Just after dawn, the first deep warm rays of sunlight hit the mountain tops first making bright red highlights on their peaks referred to as alpenglowJust after dawn, the first deep warm rays of sunlight hit the mountain tops first making bright red highlights on their peaks referred to as alpenglowJust after dawn, the first deep warm rays of sunlight hit the mountain tops first making bright red highlights on their peaks referred to as alpenglow
dch boosted

Kris »

Tulip Fields at Sassenheim
By Claude Monet (1840-1926)

Painting of a very colourful field, covered with grass and flowers in the colours green, purple, blue, red, yellow and white. On the horzizon is a large brown house, and there are some leaveless trees. The sky is light blue, with several white clouds.

Carsten Karstensen 📷 »

@FotoVorschlag ‚Detailaufnahme (kein Makro)‘

Ich hätte zu dem Thema Hunderte Kandidaten.

Dann nehmen wir mal diese kleine, einsame Kämpferin. Immer wieder erstaunlich, unter welchen Umständen diese Pflanzen wachsen und gedeihen.

In den Ruinen der Baracken befinden sich auch Sanitärräume. In einigen hängen noch Urinale an der Wand. Dort hat sich eine kleine Blume tapfer empor gekämpft.

Anton Gorlin »

Here we go, it is , so it is time for the . I don't have lots tbh but I got some nice ones I think :)
This one is called 'Sun Worship'. I had to wait for almost a year to do this shot because the Sun is in right position for not long.

vertical waterfall photo. Ferns in the foreground, the sun is behind the waterfall shining through the water. Sunrise, warm tones, sunstar.

Kris »

By Steven Sandner ©

Creative colourful painting of a tree on a blue hill. There are creative flowers in all sorts of colours on the blue hill. The tree itself is also full with creative flowers in all sorts of colours. In thebackground is an orange field with more colorful flowers. The sky is coloured in various shades of bright yellow.

Joan Carroll »

Sunrise in the Patagonia area of Argentina brings a burst of color on the snow-capped mountain peaks. Within minutes, the dark brown/maroon-colored rocks become orange and red while the clouds above the rugged peaks glow pink. See more here:

Sunrise in the Patagonia area of Argentina brings a burst of color on the snow-capped mountain peaks. Within minutes, the dark brown/maroon-colored rocks become orange and red while the clouds above the rugged peaks glow pink.

Anton Gorlin »

It is time for ! This shot 'Contemplation' is from Milford Sound in . A rare opportunity when all elements aligned - the sun rays, the clouds and an observing person. In reality, I wanted to do just the same - stay in awe and just watch.

sunset shot of Milford Sound with the sunrays shining from behind the mountains onto the closer mountains and a little person watching in awe.

Ð's©🇮🇸 »

Le avant la grande cacophonie jusqu'au 7 juillet prochain : un splendide bosquet de silènes acaule sur le bord de la piste F 428 avec au fond une partie du système volcanique de Krysuvik.

Une boule de mousse verte sur laquelle poussent des centaines de petites fleurs roses. Cette boule est perdue au milieu d'un paysage rocailleux. Au fond, on aperçoit un ancien cratère recouvert de mousse vert pâle.

Ulrich Berens »

Cab T. Hanks »

Ludovic :Firefox: :FreeBSD: »

Ð's©🇮🇸 »

n°157 : Seul sur la route 32 au nord de Hvolsvöllur le 14 janvier 2023.

Une route qui file tout au fond sous un ciel parfaitement dégagé.

Antoinne Sterk »

David Allan »

The season of spring has been with us for a month now, although where I live in North East England, for most of the time, it hasn't really felt like it.
A fleeting appearance here of sunshine on the banks of the River Wear, near Finchale Priory, not too far from Durham, where it shouldn't be too long before the air is heavy with the scent of wild garlic (Ramsons).

Spring sunshine through the trees across the the River Wear near Durham in North East England.

Ð's©🇮🇸 »

n°110 : Une partie du cimetière de Siglufjörður le 18 décembre dernier vers 20h30, soit deux heures avant la première éruption du Sundhnúksgígaröð 500 km plus au sud.

Une immense croix trône au milieu d'un cimetière où se trouve des pierres tombales et de croix lumineuses. Le sol est recouvert de neige. Au loin, un panorama d'une partie de la ville. La nuit est si noire qu'elle empêche de voir les montagnes environnantes.

Kris »

Lavender Field
By Ivailo Nikolov ©

Bright coloured painting of a purple lavender field with touches of pink, green, yellow, orange and red in it. On the horizon is a large lone dark blue tree. The sky is coloured in bright shades of yellow, purple, pink, white and blue.

Cliff »

Good morning and happy Sunday

It's the last day of the weekend, so let's all talk about what we have on the agenda for the day today.

I'll be mowing at least 3 out of the 4 lawns we normally mow, and very possibly all 4 of them depending on my one neighbor.

After that, it'll just be resting and relaxing as it's also going to be about 82F here today.

An image that says Happy Sunday where each letter is a different color with a different pattern inside the letter. There is a smiley face fun and some other characters around the words.

Kris »

Zion National Park Autumn
By Leland Howard

Photo of a valley with various large green and yellow trees and a little creek in the middle, with high brown rocks left and right, partly covered with colouful foliage. The sky is light blue with a brownish pink cloud above.

Kris »

Where Nature's God Hath Wrought
By William Wendt (1865 - 1946)

Painting of a large light grey rocky mountain with blue foliage on it, and hilly green fields with green and brown foliage in the foreground. The sky is light blue with white clouds.
0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

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Unlike bloated solutions like or , this framework of QualvoSec is characterized by its minimalistic design, ensuring simplicity and ease of use. It operates entirely in Python, utilizing only a handful of imports to streamline the user experience.