
Released Plutono 7.5.30 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.15 - A Grafana Fork (2024-05-16):
The Plutono project (by credativ GmbH ) just released the new version of Plutono 7.5.30 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.15 which comes with some changes. Plutono is an interactive visualization web application that provides graphs, charts and also alerts. It is based on a Grafana 7.5 fork, maintained by the credativ GmbH (NetApp GmbH), under the Apache 2.0 license which is limited to maintenance and security updates. Changelog: * Plutono: Fix roleAttributionPath for GitHub Social Authentication * Plutono: Fix null pointer references when accessing /public/ context * Plutono: Security - Update Go to 1.22.3 * Plutono: Security - Update crewjam/saml to 0.4.14 * Vali: Update Go to 1.22.4 The artifacts are shipped as container images which are also mirrored on my IPv6 capable container registry. Resources: * Plutono v7.5.30   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub * Vali v2.2.15   Container Image :   Container .... [read more]

Released Plutono 7.5.29 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.14 - A Grafana Fork (2024-02-06):
The Plutono project (by credativ GmbH ) just released the new version of Plutono 7.5.29 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.14 which comes with some changes. Plutono is an interactive visualization web application that provides graphs, charts and also alerts. It is based on a Grafana 7.5 fork, maintained by the credativ GmbH (NetApp GmbH), under the Apache 2.0 license which is limited to maintenance and security updates. Changelog: * Plutono: Update Go to 1.21.6 * Vali: Update Go to 1.21.6 The artifacts are shipped as container images which are also mirrored on my IPv6 capable container registry. Resources: * Plutono v7.5.29   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub * Vali v2.2.14   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub * Valitail v2.2.1   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub All images within the Container .... [read more]

Released manpageblog V1.3 - A small and lightweight blog engine (2024-01-09):
manpageblog just got released in version 1.3. manpageblog is a small, lightweight blog engine written in Python and offers several advantages in a look of a man page (Unix like manual page). Changelog Added: * Add meta keyword support * Add tag support * Add robot support * Add blue/grey theme Fixed: * Fixed rendering issue manpageblog is free to use and fully open-source. You can have a preview on , download the sources from GitHub or use the Docker/Podman compatible container image. Resources: Download: v1.3 Container Image: Source: GitHub Project: .... [read more]

Released Plutono 7.5.28 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.13 - A Grafana Fork (2024-01-08):
The Plutono project (by credativ GmbH ) just released the new version of Plutono 7.5.28 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.13 which comes with some changes. Plutono is an interactive visualization web application that provides graphs, charts and also alerts. It is based on a Grafana 7.5 fork, maintained by the credativ GmbH (NetApp GmbH), under the Apache 2.0 license which is limited to maintenance and security updates. Changelog: * Plutono: Base Image upgraded to Alpine 3.19 * Plutono: go-sqlite3 upgraded to v1.14.19 * Vali: Base Image upgraded to Alpine 3.19 * Valitail: Base Image updated The artifacts are shipped as container images which are also mirrored on my IPv6 capable container registry. Resources: * Plutono v7.5.28   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub * Vali v2.2.1   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub * Valitail v2.2.1   Container Image : .... [read more]

Released Plutono 7.5.27 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.12 - A Grafana Fork (2023-12-08):
The Plutono project (by credativ GmbH ) just released the new version of Plutono 7.5.27 and Vali/Valitail 2.2.12 which comes with some changes. Plutono is an interactive visualization web application that provides graphs, charts and also alerts. It is based on a Grafana 7.5 fork, maintained by the credativ GmbH (NetApp GmbH), under the Apache 2.0 license which is limited to maintenance and security updates. Changelog: * Upgrade to Go 1.21.5 * logcli binary included * Goconst hotfixes The artifacts are shipped as container images which are also mirrored on my IPv6 capable container registry. Resources: * Plutono v7.5.27   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub * Vali v2.2.1   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub * Valitail v2.2.1   Container Image :   Container Mirror: (IPv6 support)   Source: GitHub .... [read more]

Released manpageblog V1.2 - A small and lightweight blog engine (2023-11-22):
manpageblog just got released in version 1.2. manpageblog is a small, lightweight blog engine written in Python and offers several advantages in a look of a man page (Unix like manual page). Changelog Added: * Add Twitter Card support * Add grey scaled CSS theme * Add possibility to add different favicons * Allow external sources for favicons Fixed: * Fixed missing language type in html element manpageblog is free to use and fully open-source. You can have a preview on , download the sources from GitHub or use the Docker/Podman compatible container image. Resources: Download: v1.2 Container Image: Source: GitHub Project: .... [read more]

Released manpageblog V1.1 - A small and lightweight blog engine (2023-11-15):
manpageblog just got released in version 1.1. manpageblog is a small, lightweight blog engine written in Python and offers several advantages in a look of a man page (Unix like manual page). Changelog Added: * Add logo (site_image) support for RSS feed * Add Open Graph support for social media platforms Fixed: * Fix dynamic word wrap limit of words * Validate function for passed options manpageblog is fully open-source. You can download manpageblog and the code on manpageblog @github . A preview is available on . Resources: Download: v1.1 Container Image: Source: GitHub Project: .... [read more]

Released manpageblog V1.0 - A small and lightweight blog engine (2023-11-11):
manpageblog just got released in version 1.0. manpageblog is a small, lightweight blog engine written in Python and offers several advantages in a look of a man page (Unix like manual page). Features: * Small and leightweight * SEO optimized * RSS support * Opt. dark mode (theme support) * Multi blog support * Pure HTML output (no JS, no PHP) * Fully written in Python manpageblog is fully open-source. You can download manpageblog and the code on manpageblog @github . A preview is available on . Resources: Download: 1.0 Container Image: Source: GitHub Project: .... [read more]

Released Changelog Fragments Creator V1.2 (2023-09-15):
Changelog Fragments Creator just got released in V1.2. Changelog Fragments Creator (a changelog generator in Python) may be used in development setups where working on a single file might result in ongoing merge conflicts due to too many changes on the same file. This is where Changelog Fragments Creator steps in to solve this by creating YAML based files for each PR according to its planned release version. The output format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. This changelog creator is written for minimal setups to be usable across almost all systems (platforms and distributions). Therefore, some dirty stunts were needed to avoid templating (jinja2), etc. to drop some imports that would require additional dependencies. Changelog Fragments Creator is fully open-source. You can find the sources and download it: changelog-fragments-creator V1.2 @github . .... [read more]

Released Changelog Fragments Creator V1.1 (2023-09-10):
Changelog Fragments Creator just got released in V1.1. Changelog Fragments Creator (a changelog generator in Python) may be used in development setups where working on a single file might result in ongoing merge conflicts due to too many changes on the same file. This is where Changelog Fragments Creator steps in to solve this by creating YAML based files for each PR according to its planned release version. The output format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. This changelog creator is written for minimal setups to be usable across almost all systems (platforms and distributions). Therefore, some dirty stunts were needed to avoid templating (jinja2), etc. to drop some imports that would require additional dependencies. Changelog Fragments Creator is fully open-source. You can find the sources and download it: changelog-fragments-creator V1.1 @github . .... [read more]

Released Changelog Fragments Creator V1.0 (2023-07-28):
Changelog Fragments Creator just got released in V1.0. Changelog Fragments Creator (a changelog generator in Python) may be used in development setups where working on a single file might result in ongoing merge conflicts due to too many changes on the same file. This is where Changelog Fragments Creator steps in to solve this by creating YAML based files for each PR according to its planned release version. The output format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning. This changelog creator is written for minimal setups to be usable across almost all systems (platforms and distributions). Therefore, some dirty stunts were needed to avoid templating (jinja2), etc. to drop some imports that would require additional dependencies. Changelog Fragments Creator is fully open-source. You can find the sources and download it: changelog-fragments-creator V1.0 @github . .... [read more]