Ansible Module Contributions

Ansible modules are reusable scripts that perform various tasks on remote systems. They are the building blocks of Ansible playbooks and provide a standardized way to manage infrastructure. Modules are reusable, concise, efficient, extensible, and can be categorized into action, information and facts modules. They are used in Ansible playbooks by importing, defining tasks and executing the playbook. The benefits of using Ansible modules include increased consistency, reduced maintenance overhead, simplified troubleshooting, enhanced maintainability and safety. Below, you can find my developed and contributed modules which may also be present in Ansible upstream:

* yum_versionlock
  Installs, upgrade, downgrades, removes, and lists packages and groups with the
  yum package manager.
  Resources: [source] | [docs]

* java_cert
  Uses keytool to import/remove key(s) from java keystore (cacerts). Often needed
  for mutal authentication setups.
  Resources: [source] | [PR#61750]

* freshclam
  This module updates ClamAV signatures by invoking freschlam and returning the current status.
  Resources: [source]

* cran
  (Un)installs packages for Microsoft R Open (CRAN).
  Resources: [source]

* pf
  Manage BSD Packet Filter (pf).
  Resources: [source]

* audit
  Log Ansible meta information to a CSV file. This includes the the username of the invoker,
  date, playbook, exit status, performed tasks etc.
  Resources: [source]

* msteams
  Send Ansible meta information to Microsoft Teams channel.
  Resources: [source]

* ipcalc
  This filter checks if an IP address is included in a given subnet and returns a bool.
  Example: set_fact: check_network="{{ '' | ipcalc('') }}"
  Resources: [source]