is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for tag #ios

Pierre, aka Ra-Mon »

💡 Les versions 6.9 (pour et , donc) de sont sorties ce matin, avec des améliorations sympathiques👏 :

Bonnes mises à jour 👍

Scrivolical »

Mail “helpfully” tells me it was “Updated Yesterday” (for when it last retrieved mail).

Yesterday? YESTERDAY? Could you be a *little* more specific, iOS?

11am? 3pm? 7pm? 11pm? Something else? I'm supposed to guess?

Why would Apple think that such a generic way of referring to a specific date & time would be acceptable to display to the user?

Scrivolical »

I set my alarm too early this morning. After reflexively stopping it, I decided to reset it for an hour later. iOS decided that was the moment it wanted me to type in a long complex password instead of opening quickly from a face unlock. Which would have made it impossible to get back to sleep. I'm drinking coffee and blaming iOS for being groggy.

🩷 eva 🩷 »

**Sequence of Modern Events**

1) Preparing to have a scheduled phone call after the lunch hour.
2) This is a rarity now, even with the prevelance and wide-ranging cell coverage.
3) Considering the negatives if I miss the call, so don't want to do that.
4) Validate "Silent Mode" hardware setting is not engaged.
5) Validate "Silent Mode" software setting is not engaged.
6) Check the double-negative state function definitions otherwise known as "Focus Mode"
7) Check message and phone settings for "Silence Unknown Callers", bc I don't know the caller's number so I can't add it to my contacts list and avoid the "unknown" state
8) Check settings somewhere for "Call Forwarding" status to ensure it's not re-routing the caller to ... somewhere else.
9) Check "Voicemail Auto-Responder" settings for lords-knows-what... I've never used it but that doesn't mean it won't be capable of screwing up my contact methods.
10) Impatience sets in as I realize that iOS simply cannot be trusted to ring my phone when a caller calls, even when all of those settings are validated. Why? Because Apple adds new "features" often enough and resets existing settings sometimes/maybe-always during version updates and security patches.

What is the point of a cell phone anymore? I'm not joking when I throw an iPhone 15 (even the super cute pink one) across the room towards a group of fluffy soft pillows.. I'd love to smash it up but it's still a critical piece of expensive equipment which is supposed to fulfill a role and provide a service.

My phone should not need a system admin to make sense of it. I don't want to have to audit my phone, ever. It just needs to ring when there's a call and that's it. No games, no apps, just one function, reliably. Not whatever this monstrosity has become.

Felix Urbasik »

The Echo Show 8 is a "smart display" which can show photos you took. Neat, huh?

Except, it doesn't. Not anymore. After an update, it just shows ads now. People paid money to have an ad display in their homes.

Who guarantees the same isn't going to happen to , , , , or litterally any other proprietary software? Nobody.

This is why I use . Control. It's my device. It does what I say. And if it doesn't, I can change that.

Scrivolical »

Mail displays a datetime of when it last checked for mail, but it's completely misleading. It displays the last checked date/time for only one of the accounts at random, and doesn’t indicate which account that datetime is valid for.

You can literally watch it show that it checked and there's no new mail and it checks a subsequent account and does revisionist history hey look let's badge some mail.

Why would anyone have more than 1 email account anyway, right? That would be an edge case.

Gero Stein »

As much as I'm happy about on and use it, it's sometimes annoying to use. It regularly crashes when viewing PDF documents. The URL/menu bar disappears temporarily on websites and PDF documents and you can tap around wildly and still not see the menu again - the only thing that helps is closing Firefox. I'm always on the verge of using Safari again.

Scrivolical »

Thanks 17.6.1, for making my scheduled alarm ring completely silently. That’s a great improvement over the inconvenient noise the alarms I've scheduled usually make.

Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

Über einen Zeitraum von 12 Wochen werde ich ein iPhone 15 im Alltag nutzen und es in verschiedenen Bereichen mit einem Google Pixel 8, das mit GrapheneOS läuft, vergleichen. Der Fokus liegt dabei nicht auf Geräteaspekten wie Akkulaufzeit oder Displayqualität, sondern auf Datenschutz und Sicherheit. Wird spannend - versprochen! 🍿 👇

Mike Kuketz 🛡 »

Aktuell macht die Recherche »Databroker Files« [2] die Runde. Wer es bislang nicht mitbekommen hat: Anbei ein Kurzbeitrag [1], wie man sich unter und effektiv vor Datenhändlern bzw. solchen Datenskandalen schützen kann. 👇



nathan »

I am looking for a new contract as freelance developer (in Germany, 🇪🇺 is a must)

Since 2016 I've been working on iOS-apps in both and , I prefer UIKit over SwiftUI, I value good craftsmanship and simple, yet elegant solutions to problems. In 2022 I went freelance, you might know me as the author of the release notes for Mastodon for iOS.

In case someone is looking for an iOS contractor now or in the near future, let's have a chat!

As always: Thanks for sharing <3

adingbatponder »

I cannot copy text content from messages in Android 14. This means I have to use a desktop app to use WhatsApp content by copying and pasting things. What is the matter here? Does the app also operate so terribly ?

stux⚡ »

It feels like these darn settings are getting turned back on every update..

No thanks , I don’t want to share more data than ‘necessary’

iPhone analysis, traffic and improving maps settings on iOS

Alt...iPhone analysis, traffic and improving maps settings on iOS

Mika »

I just discovered that , that neat service built into for many years now, its mobile app is not available on the App Store in Malaysia, though it used to be. I reckon it's a mistake though since 1) I don't see why Pocket would/should be unavailable here (esp when it was), and 2) It's still available on here. What happened?

I still have the app and I’m able to download it just fine even when the app has been offloaded, but I couldn’t find it on the App Store and I couldn’t download it for my partner because she never had it. Trying to reach its page (on the App Store) through a direct link (i.e. acquired through ) or even from my list of installed apps would either kick me out from the page or return an error saying Pocket isn't available in my country or region.

Can anyone at clarify why this is the case? If Pocket is built right into Firefox in all countries (as far as I'm aware), shouldn't its mobile companion be available too so beloved Firefox users would not miss out on it when they're on mobile?

adingbatponder »

sets up for people to swap messages on. A channel can be private to a group who have the channel key, that is a URL or QR code. This can be shared to set up a private channel. In the app you can view activity in all channels you have access to. Problem is that to share the channel details one needs to have the code or URL for just that one channel. The app does not let you create a QR code / URL for only one channel of the many you are using. app does. 1/2

Stefano Marinelli »

I'm demonstrating Headscale (server on FreeBSD) and its clients (on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Linux, Android, iOS) on desktop and mobile devices to a customer.

They are impressed. I think this will go in production soon.

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

Finally found a native & client that works with ( server instances - "tooot" and is free in the Apple AppStore.

When using such clients make sure to have the following proxy pass locations set on your reverse proxy:
