is a Fediverse instance that uses the ActivityPub protocol. In other words, users at this host can communicate with people that use software like Mastodon, Pleroma, Friendica, etc. all around the world.

This server runs the snac software and there is no automatic sign-up process.

Admin email
Admin account

Search results for #internet

FiveSeventeen »

Moving my Deutsche Telekom router from the hallway into my main room. That's a distance of roughly thirty centimetres.

The difference is that there is a wall between the router and where my laptop is, and this router is clearly such a feeble thing, it cannot handle sending / receiving a signal through a normal wall.

ClaudioM boosted

Joe Ortiz »

So is officially a AI browser now.

Remember what John Herrman said back in January that their "help me write" feature is going to mark the end of the human side of the and a place where most words of the are going to be written by bots instead of people.

This is ever closer to a sad reality.

ClaudioM boosted

Joe Ortiz »

The is about to get even worse folks.

"Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers: The tech giant is rolling out AI-generated answers that displace links to human-written websites"

I wholly expect others to follow Gahoogle's lead if not already happening.

teutat3s boosted

penworks »

You are Offline
Dont panic
Look around
Interact with reality

artist unknown

Wall art of a dinosaur in a pixel game scene of desert and tiny clouds, with the slogan You are Offline, Dont panic, Look around, Interact with reality

Felix Palmen »

One of my "dream projects" (maybe after retirement 🙈😁) would be to create yet another OS. One that works on a vanilla unextended machine.

There are quite a few around of course. To make something meaningful, you have to think about what could give enthusiasts an excuse to use their breadbin once in a while 😏

I think it should just support very basic service clients, like Email, IRC, BBS (via TCP), ... of course this means to require *one* hardware extension (apart from your obligatory floppy drive): Some (or wifi) hardware. There are a few around, so "drivers" for those would be needed.

This sets the baseline of features required. Multitasking will probably be unavoidable (clients need to be able to do stuff "in the background", like e.g. respond to IRC PING messages). There's already a LOT of complexity attached to that requirement. You'll need an executable format with relocation info, and a program loader doing the relocation on startup of a new process. You'll need a concept how to deal with the tiny hardware stack (partition it, relying on apps not to overflow? copy it around on each context switch?). You'll need a concept how to dynamically allocate memory (probably just page-wise). And so on.

A windowing system IMHO makes no sense at all on that machine. The UI should focus on text (maybe a set of virtual consoles?). Support for GUI apps might be possible, but then only "full-screen". 🤔

Well, just some thoughts, dreaming along 😄

KubikPixel™ »

Please Don’t Share Our Links on Mastodon: Here’s Why!

We need to talk about this problem. Should Mastodon step up?
So, Mastodon is a nice escape from the big tech social media platforms. […]


Peter N. M. Hansteen »

Does TLS sound like an ominous hiss to you? @mwl's TLS Tutorial on May 30th 2024 in will enlighten you to core tech and hint strongly at what could come back to bite you.

Ricardo Martín »

1993, CERN announced that the World Wide Web protocols will be free.

Joe Ortiz »

Some good news at least to report and it comes from my home state of New York:

There was an anti-municipal language being put into the state's budget that would have been a significant blow to the state's municipal/community broadband push that was announced a few months back thanks to huge Big Telecom lobbying (Charter Spectrum mostly)

Thankfully lawmakers came to their senses and removed it before the budget's passage yesterday.

OSNews » 🤖

They’re looting the internet

This is the state of the modern internet — ultra-profitable platforms outright abdicating any responsibility toward the customer, offering not a "service" or a "portal," but cramming as many ways to interrupt the user and push them into doing things that make the company money. The greatest lie in tech is that Facebook and Instagram are for "catching up with your friends," bec

Graham Perrin »

@SiteRelEnby @mia

I have no problem with Chromium and Firefox ported to FreeBSD.

This goodness is largely thanks to me being a billionaire, and spending swathes of money on secret miniaturisation of orphaned elks. You know, like in Fantastic Voyage in the 1960s, except these elks of mine become much, much smaller, small enough to fit in the Internet. My army of Internet elks fends off the Mozilla spies that fly over Wi-Fi into Firefox on other platforms.

Do I get thanked? Never.

Graham Downs »

ISPs in have been hard at work, frantically rerouting traffic to mitigate the effect of the undersea cable breaks.

If it weren't for that, our situation could've been a LOT worse. But the knock-on effect in some of the countries they're routing traffic through can be quite bad. :(

Donald Hobern »

I'd encourage anyone with even a passing interest in , , , , the itself, or the hope for a fairer more progressive world, to read this piece by @jonny.

For 20+ years, I've helped build public-funded platforms for data. is always on hand, employing good people and trying to look virtuous but never delivering lasting value. This shows what they actually get out of these partnerships.

Graham Downs »

Stefan Bohacek »

With various services being down today, use this as an opportunity to explore more of the and the :

And if you have the time and resources, consider running your own service!

Peter N. M. Hansteen »

I am of course delighted to see people finding my piece, but I think the good people at did an excellent job editing the thing into three more easily digestible chunks starting with

KubikPixel™ »

Back then it was also 3D but only the hardware and people didn't know about the Internet yet 🤓


WebXR demo with old PC in interactive 3D on web

KubikPixel™ »

Why am I not surprised by this and why is IT & Internet security still not really taken seriously?

«Brussels spyware bombshell: Surveillance software found on officials’ phones. EU Parliament defense committee was the target of phone hacking, internal email says.»
– by @politico


KubikPixel™ »

Die ursprünglichen 'e im gelten schon länger als und die scheinbare alternative Lösung hat nun integriert und schnuppern die aus. Die wahre finden wir wieder im Fediverse und sind ua / so wie . Ja das ist viel mehr als nur und Co und kommuniziert nicht nur auf einem Server, sondern in der (ihr kennt es evt schon)


KubikPixel™ »

»Was ist , und wie verwendet man es?«

Ich persönlich empfinde es als mysteriös, dass es bei Bluesky so lange dauert, bis es "fertig" ist. Für mich bleibt das offene Fediverse, das viel größer als nur Mastodon ist, die einzige öffentliche Kommunikation Lösung. Das erst bereit sein für angemeldete FrühuserInnen ist plumpes Marketing, da anscheinend nur Priviligierte Zugang erhalten.


KubikPixel™ »

«Reddits -Partner ist Google»

Mögt ihr auch die im ? Wenn ja, dann nutzt kein und mehr. Wem sag ich das? Sicherlich nicht euch, ihr seid ja schon hier im ;)


KubikPixel™ »

«Apple Is Trying to Kill the Open
– by @techlore

Yes is an defiant idiot company. Sorry I can't help it, because it's money and opinion rich people who cheat standards like :


Ricardo Martín »

Enter a new world, read an IETF's RFC 😅

A comic strip in four parts:
- Three children in a library are looking at a poster that says 'Enter a new world, read a book,' showing a child sliding down a rainbow surrounded by stars into a book.
- The children choose a book from a bookshelf with a sinister cover showing a skull surrounded by snakes.
- (Upon opening the book) the three children are shown sliding into the book, exactly as depicted in the library poster.
- In the conclusion, the children are covered in a sea of snakes up to their necks, where the skull from the book cover is also visible.

KubikPixel™ »

I'm not so familiar with and security on the that I really have a . That's another reason why articles like this are very good for informing me and explaining it to customers. is more than just and .

«Post Quantum Cryptography: Why We Need Resistant Encryption NOW.
Quantum-resistant or post-quantum is our best bet against attacks from upcoming quantum computers to increase and


KubikPixel™ »

«Perform password based in the with zero dependencies»

What is your opinion on the article, does it make , e.g. secure transmission of 's for logging on to the ? I'm asking so bluntly because I'm unsure about this and every person gives me a different answer.


KubikPixel™ »

🧵 …mensch sollte mMn so oder so nicht von sich abhängig machen. Mensch kann zB auch nutzen um "Archive" im festzuhalten und zu teilen. Sich bloß auf einen im Internet zu verlassen ist unflexiebel. Auch bei der , siehe ganz oben im warum, was und weshalb 👆

«Google: Eine der ältesten Funktionen in der Suche wird abgeschafft»


KubikPixel™ »

«Datendiebstahl Nur wenig Hilfe bei digitaler :
"Doxing" heißt die perfide Masche, andere im bloßzustellen: durch die Veröffentlichung privater und gefakter Informationen. Oft trifft es . Polizei und Strafverfolgung sind überfordert, zeigen Recherchen des Y-Kollektiv.»

Warum das vom trennen, weshalb wird dies schon längst als eins im Leben und angesehen auch wird es mMn immer noch zu betrachtet.


KubikPixel™ »

🧵 …ein weiterer Beitrag zu den oben erwähnten Links. Im Artikel ist es ein Promi aber betroffen sind so gut wie alle nicht Heteros im . Dir kommerziellen 's verdienen daran sehr gut.

»Betroffene wie Taylor Swift - -Pornos: Ein manipuliertes Video kann ein Leben ruinieren.
Jetzt traf es , aber es könnte alle treffen: Deepfake-'s, die sich im Netz verbreiten. Welche Spuren hinterlässt es bei Betroffenen?«


KubikPixel™ »

Ich gehe mal davon aus, das einige hier im Fediverse die Anwendung für kennen:

Mit lässt es sich sein purer oder darauf im teilen. Das schöne ist, dass dessen 's auf mehreren Anbietern erzeugt werden kann und mensch nicht nur an einem Hoster diesbezüglich abhängig ist. Es gibt noch einige Funktionen, wie , und das setzen, wenn gewünscht, ein ect.


KubikPixel™ »

📄 Flat File CMS Systems
A list of strictly flat-file cms systems

I know this isn't new, but in my opinion I haven't realized it enough yet. Apart from that, a look at alternatives is, in my opinion, implicit for future decisions. I also realize that they can't be used for everything, but more than many people think.


Robert Kingett, blind »

Short PSA to do not, do not, enable overlays! I was just on a website where the AccessiBe toolbar actually made text completely disappear and turn plain text paragraphs into a DIV, somehow, and a hidden element. I'm telling you, seek out an accessibility ready theme instead. has hundreds, and Shopify has them now too. You. Are. Wasting. Your. Money. On these toolbars.

Stefano Marinelli »

KubikPixel™ »

🧵 …zusammengefasst was ich außerdem zum als nutze hatte ich mal hier im Link. Dies ist sicherlich ergänzend zu den Argumente in den Toots oberhalb. Dies hilf "sicherer" ohne zu viel absaugen der helfen. im zu serven is wiederum ein anderes Thema und nicht immer optimal.

🔗 [ENG]

KubikPixel™ »

Thank you @kr1sp1n for your list of the awesome tools & offers among others to move and inform yourself on the alternative :


KubikPixel™ »

Kennt wer von euch vom @freebliss und nutzt es auch als Alternative zu oder gar (beides Künstler-Ausnutzer) oder eher @funkwhale oder/und @Castopod um seine im zu teilen? Wie siehst du es als faire Möglichkeit um alternative zu pushen oder sollte mensch was anderes nutzen?

[Links ENG]

DeFrisselle ☑️ »

KubikPixel™ »

🧵 …eine um den Browser mit einiges an zu nutzen, sprich einrichten, hatte ich schon mal vor einiger Zeit hier gepostet ;)
Oder wie mensch das täglich nutzt ohne zu viel von sich zu verraten ohne gleich @torproject (langsm) zu nutzen.

KubikPixel™ »

Weil ich es eben gesehen habe:

Die alternative / Ansicht, das Kettenposts auf einer Website öffentlich zur verfügung stellt, ist zB . Die 's in meinem Browser @ublockorigin, @noscript & @privacybadger zeigen mir aber ihren Datenhunger 😡

Es wäre doch politisch "korrekter" & privater wenn mensch das bevorzugen würde. Hier ja nach auch langer Text und alle können es sehen ohne Account. Im im zeigen diese mir dazu folgendes an 😬

NoScript: 5 externe Domsins gesperrtuBlock origin: 2 URLs gesperrtPrivacy Badger: 3 Tracker gesperrt

Jake in the desert »

Cryptographers are getting closer to enabling fully private Internet searches 🔗

KubikPixel™ »

🧵 …OK zugegeben, mensch kann über diese auch von machen. Ich pers. empfinde dies fast schon lustig, trotz allem sehr doof und beklemmend:

«100 Millionen kursieren im Netz: So überprüfen Sie, ob Sie betroffen sind:
Im sind Passwörter und von Millionen Nutzern veröffentlicht wurden. Wie Sie checken, ob Sie betroffen sind, zeigen wir hier.»

👉 [Boulevard]

Comic-Kopf schaut geschockt auf Handy mit einem Achtungdchild auf Bildschirm.

KubikPixel™ »

Thank you @tekkie for the reference to this article on AI. It's not actually new and I've often used it for "test accounts" and the like. If this is not also used for website by fake people on the commercial to appear popular?

«Test Yourself: Which Faces Were Made by AI?
Tools powered by artificial intelligence can create lifelike of people who do not exist. See if you can which of these images are real people and which are -generated.»


heise online »

Nach 14 Jahren: Micropayment-Dienst Flattr ist Geschichte

Flattr sollte die Art und Weise verändern, wie für Internetinhalte bezahlt wird und eine Alternative zur Werbung sein. Nun ist es damit endgültig vorbei.

KubikPixel™ »

In addition to using an firewall on & , I have protected my activities. What is your opinion?

My on Fennec (a clone on @fdroidorg) ar help me for more on browser:
🗑️ @clearurls
🤚 @ublockorigin
🚫 @noscript
🦨 @privacybadger
🚧 @libredirect

My 's I use on the internet whitout 'ing:
🔎 @MetaGer
🔎 @Mojeek
🔎 @monocles

0 ★ 0 ↺

gyptazy »

David Mills has passed away. Rest in peace!

David Mills was heavily involved in (network time protocol) and initially crafted the infrastructure.


KubikPixel™ »

Nowadays, the following solutions are considered safe to use online services. However, some services still do not use it, i.e. have not yet implemented it. As always, security is a combination of technology. Are there any other current solutions for this? 🔏


🧵 2/3

KubikPixel™ »

Am I wrong or is that really the case?

Apart from the big internet password security access providers being hacked, some publike WebApp's are also affected. They were developed at some point and then almost never updated afterwards. Is this really the case and still relatively extensive? 🤔

🧵 1/3

Man from steal statue head