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Search results for #nixos

Michael Dexter »

Love ?

I would love for you to join a Jails/Zones or bhyve Production User call to explain its approach and to answer questions!


Elias Probst boosted

Areskill »

In you can enable unfree software usage by package name and with regex now.

allow-unfree = [

with the nixos-tidy flake.

Andrew Zah »

Hi and folks/consultants, I currently have a problem. I want to use 3.x with the module in a distroless docker container, built by . I have an example nix repo at

OpenSSL compiles with the enable-fips flag, but when I run the container, the fips provider does not appear. I'm not sure if it's the root cause, but with strace I see it wants to load glibc-hwcaps?

I've documented this in and

adingbatponder »

I have a device. Someone updates the software or part of it without asking me first or giving me a warning nor offering to delay? Sorry. Don't get it. If someone came and changed a tire / tyre of my car without asking, is that not criminal damage? (My machine seems never to do this and my mac asks me first always).

adingbatponder »

@nobodyinperson Is there a link or further info onthis project. I would like to run via on a

adingbatponder »

@thelinuxcast @koen@pr I worship BECAUSE is protects me from trying to do things I could never undo nor repeat

Koen de Jonge - SynQ »

xakan plus ou moins »

J'ai fait mon choix, ce sera !

Installation de l'OS en cours sur le ThinkPad.

brokenix »

moduleWithSystem is not the only way to pass the flake’s package to a module. Other alternatives include:

Declaring an overlay (btw flake parts makes it easy) and asking that the developer of the consumer flake to include that overlay in their instance of pkgs.

Then, just use pkgs in the module as usual.

<h1>The module code in nixosModules/default.nix is not technically a module, it’s a function of perSystem argument that produces a module.</h1>

The flake’s self reference can be passed same way and then the self.packages.${pkgs.system} can be extracted from it in the module code.

This was my pattern of choice, but I will try switching to moduleWithSystem moving forward.

Louis »

It breaks my heart 💔 to see the way the Fediverse is discussing the issues arising from some FOSS projects like , , and now the project. The divisiveness and lack of empathy in these discussions is truly sickening.

Our enemies are not individuals who spend their entire free time to contribute to FOSS and make mistakes along the way, but corporations and unhinged capitalism that take away our freedoms.

Let's resist the urge to condemn entire projects based on the actions or decisions of individual contributors. It's counterproductive. The beauty of this space is that we have the opportunity to engage in factual, nuanced, and compassionate discussions about these challenges. There's room for diverse perspectives and healthy debate here.

Isn't that what should set us apart from the toxicity and polarization found on platforms like X/Twitter? We're better than that.

The world is not binary. Just because someone isn't pro-something doesn't mean they're anti-something. And not being interested in a particular topic, how important it might be, doesn't make someone subject to be "purged". Life is complex and multifaceted, and we all have our own priorities and experiences that shape our views.

"Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her." (John 8:7) This verse serves as a guiding principle for me, and I believe it should be a cornerstone of any progressive community.

Matthias Schmidt »

I just spent some time playing around with for the first time, installed in vmm.

I quite like the idea of nix-shell to create an ephemeral environment.

I am not yet sure how I feel about the declarative configuration. It seems nice, however, after I learned that you can even configure vim plugins in it, I get the feeling that it moves users in the same direction as docker did. Yes, stuff works as expected and it's easy to configure, however, it hides the details from the admin...

HCL-dritch horrors »

Now there's something you don't see every day.

30-month contract in the French alps doing development of tooling to use Nix on supercomputers.

adingbatponder »

My app is suggesting something odd ... perhaps it has noticed that is the next

Message at the bottom of my whatsapp app in nixos suggests "get WhatApp for Mac"

adingbatponder »

Sonny »

Interested in tooling for development and QA on immutable / image based Linux?

Checkout by @tchx84

Feedback welcome ! This is a collaboration between @gnome @codethink and @sovtechfund ❤️

Raven »

NixOS 24.05 has been released with GNOME 46, Plasma 6.0, MATE 1.28, Kernel 6.6

adingbatponder »

@quentinsf Yes, one needs a brain & time. I compensate for the lack of the former with the latter. But the reason I am responding is that I think that is a like a virus: it spreads because one can share its DNA so easily via configuration files. This makes it a rampant collaborative tool & I am totally smitten by it. I do not change my configuration.nix often (I do not use other fancy stuff yet) but I honestly vastly prefer my with 2nd hand to our horrid gummed up

adingbatponder »

@akhil Thanks but must confess I did not understand that. In nixos all dependencies should be there when installed via configuration.nix. Looks like neovide is a wrongly packaged package in the repo, from a nixos point of view: unless I have failed to understand. I would expect nvim to start automatically when running neovide ? .

Steven Rosenberg »

I'm as intrigued by as I was by , but ultimately I'm not sure the complexity is worth it for me.

Even has a ratio of complexity vs. benefits that fits well with my work (and play) flow.

, and all hide enough of the nitty gritty behind the scenes — updates happen without me needing to know it.

And traditional is so familiar and reliable, it's hard not to tap it for just about any use case.

adingbatponder »

@kravemir @davisrichard437 Apparent comments in a tech project are so destructive to the harmony that it is something that could be part of the armoury of a very effective cyber attack by a state or corporate actor seeking to jam up FOSS. Agree that is so good it threatens corporations like Apple long-term. But I think that the problems are due to people so loving & their investment in it & being unable to put aside differences in value systems while collaborating.

adingbatponder »

@nat418 @crft The situation is sad & Orwellian. A large open-source project cannot control who benefits & who contributes. People who contribute to chats using their true ID can be mobbed & blocked by often anonymous others who do not like who the identified person works for, something about them, or their views derived from irrelevant places outside of the chat. This is wrong & the fallacy of . So all stay away & the discussion is likely 95% unrepresentative.

Craft »

This is an engineering opportunity for . On an information sharing/messaging platform, moderators and individual users should be able to silence/mute individual messages and users. Users should still be able to view silenced/muted messages if they choose. If there are blatant repeated offenders there should be the option for account suspensions and bans. All messages of suspended/banned accounts should still be available to all users, if they choose to still see them.

Unix Weekly » 🤖

adingbatponder »

@whydoesnothingwork Thanks 🙏 Really good clear useful video of how modules are needed / used in with the to set ( etc. ) parameters using and for an application / providing a .

adingbatponder »

@CliftonR I only use Windows on a corporate machine that is fantastically set up by an army of IT support folks. My family use macOS which I "maintain" and I use experimentally but cannot stop... it just grabs you and won't let go. I think it must be a virus or a drug or parasite. Should come with a health warning about addiction. Wonderful tech. Just wonderful. (But I do not use peripherals on it....just web/LAN based stuff.)

adingbatponder »

Anyone manage to get a ( for# 4G) on or working under especially ? (so you can insert a in the SIM slot and use the network directly for mobile internet without using WiFi nor your smartphone as a hot-spot). Thinking of one... but want to know if there is any point under Linux. Thanks!

adingbatponder »

@koalalorenzo The warnings & explanations are super. Amazing tool. Noob question: can one interact with a desktop, running on a distant server, via a local machine? What nixos packages might one use for such a ? (Use case: Host a website on the cloud server & use nixos gnome desktop on the cloud machine/server to create & maintain it.... rather than just upload the web files, created on local machine, from my local machine to cloud server for serving...)

adingbatponder »

@nebucatnetzer @cnxsoft good question... I think it would be neat to have a test lab type service with a website where they take tech and answers that one question on request if enough funding comes in for that question. I would gladly pay a small fee to such a site to test for me and others who have chipped in. Testing can be done with a standard configuration.nix so the results should be fast and easy to share and replicate. nixos has so so many crowd sharing foss advantages.

adingbatponder »

@cnxsoft Anyone have a project or use case to share for this product combo 5 x ? Anyone using on this ? Cheers.

Pratham Patel »

Pratham Patel »

@matthartley rip again

didn’t contribute to docs (yet) or discourse but did to some packages in nixpkgs and moderately active in the -on-arm matrix chat

adingbatponder »

Anyone have a use case and configuration.nix example for on ?

adingbatponder »

@makemake Nixos was what persuaded me not to move to apple, & stay foss. It was a revelation & I am sure that it will form the basis of foss OS ecosystem that will become very popular. Its popularity may even cause pressure on the foss governance concept as we have seen. I would not want the situation shown in the image. A single tool maintained to the highest level seems best. is simply superb. A big thanks to all involved.

nixos written in forks arranged to spell nixos

adingbatponder »

Have had to set my filters to exclude swearing & political tropes from timeline & blocked people who post & reply in a yuky manner here & elsewhere. I have tried using too & found less aggression for just 'having a point of view'. Reddit is not everyone's cup of tea, but I do recommend at least having a look to see what aspects might be different there if things get too yuky here for you here on certain topics. (Official fora are too scary for me for now.)

Karl Voit »


I'm so glad that I got rid of (actually ) and .

Now, I need to get rid of as well, despite having invested (too) much effort. 😞

is my true and only safe heaven, as it seems.

adingbatponder »

Harris for President »

Wow I was checking out and what it can do for dev environments. Its so simple but so helpful.

I need to dive in more.

Thanks to @solene for mentioning to me.

musicmatze »

I do have an opinion on the drama, although a not very much developed one.

But do I have to have an opinion on the idea of a fork?

adingbatponder »

Solene % bot » 🤖

What is going on in Nix community?

In this article, you will find a summary and links about the current crisis that the Nix community is going through



chfkch »

Hello bubble.
I am searching for a tablet which preferrably runs mainline so or are supported.
Must have:
- a sort of display via cable (USB-C, DP, HDMI)
- bluetooth for mouse and keyboard
- WiFi

Do any of you know of such a device? I guess is not it?

adingbatponder »

Just got threatend with being blocked - seemingly even suggesting blocking on fosstodon by copying in some sort of fosstodon tag "@-fosstodon-" in the threat - for replying to a very important post about . I would recommend extreme care folks. It seems there are networks at work. How can someone from a different server chaos who posts publicly here effectively ask my instance to block me? This is absolutely unacceptable.

adingbatponder »

@rain If someone contributes openly to open source using their actual true identity, should that be discouraged by frightening off those whose employment or backgrounds or posts do not suit our world view? How is that going to work? We need to know who it really is working on the tools. It is not going to make it easier to spot nefarious planted backdoor committers if we force everyone to go anonymous. Can we let the code do the talking and keep the witch hunts for he history books?

adingbatponder »

I don´t care what you do so long as it is legal, including making weapons (not found a European society that survived without them), making profits (not found someone who can live making a loss); & I don´t really care if it is FOSS or not: but what I do care about is that it WORKS. Beautiful, reliable, evolving engineering is so beautiful that it transcends all politics & religion & social conflicts & language & culture. It unites & inspires. No-one should fight except to get it working.

adingbatponder »

How are contributors/maintainers geographically distributed? Wondering if many are in the US, esp. some who are unhappy with weapons / military / defense sponsors of, or involvement in, nixos? Perhaps folks in Europe, who have a land border with/near horrible regimes that invade neighbours, & whose own governments are running out of ammo, are really happy to have defense companies give us the means of defense & deterrent? Does the US have it so good that some have forgotten/no fear?

adingbatponder »

Umm how would a fork work - isn´t the whole point to have a massive package database and all that work goes to making it fab and complete and one thing? A fork of the packages database / sources would cause chaos, right? Is it not a particularly un-forkable OS ? Or can one fork the OS and share the package database as it is public... as you can see I am worried ... probably down to my ignorance.

Aral Balkan »

@delroth “Now ‘everything is political’.”

… Says the smoked gammon working for the defense contractor at the heart of the controversy.

Oh, quelle surprise!

adingbatponder »

Anyone manage to get bluetooth working on running app under (on thinkpad)...

Bluetooth icon in waydroid session ... not connecting just going wibble wibble dots left right

adingbatponder »

adingbatponder »

@bluelinden @ivan @sparrows cheers- it is the former..

ls /nix/store/*-xz-*

in my case it shows immediately that the affected versions are not there unless the backdoor has been used and someone changed the names of the files on disk ha ha ha ha ha

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